@sladakrobot: Here comes damage control yet again.
Yes, they may have given them money, then it became exclusive. Errr this is how all exclusives are done!!!! So what was your point? You can spin it as much as you want. But when M$ handed the money over both sides knew what it was paying for. Exclusivity. Also, this would have been done a month if not years before Philly boys bit of spin about how he doesn't like exclusives. Which you all swallow.
SPIN SPIN SUGAR. SPIN SPIN SUGAR!!!! Is what I think of you :-)
@TheMoil: LOL ahhh didums..... See you're bit about click bait? Thats what you'll say to any website I send you a link to. So I can not be bothered to go find the links. It's not as if I store them.
When have I ever said I believe in god or that crap???? As I said there's plenty of evidence to show that gods not real neither is organised religion. Yet still, people believe. You jumped to the wrong conclusion that I believe in god, so wonder what other conclusions you've jumped to wrongly??
You see I use evidence of what I see, you jumped to the wrong conclusions about me beinf religeous, so I question your comprehesiona etc.
Now there are plenty of sites, showing that M$ are only releasing a very small number of Xbox over the pre-orders. Common sense says if the pre-orders had been high, then Xbox would cover all those who missed out.
Such a shame thou that Philly boy goes back on his words (surprise surprise, bit of M$ media turns out to be spin and lies) as now Xbox has got this as an excluseive for bit loger. Even though Phily boy doesnt like like timed excusives!!! Hmmm I wonder who signs the contracts when a exclusive offer is started..I'm gona going out on a limb here and say Philly boy....liar liar pants on fire.
@TheMoil Dude there are plenty of sourses of infomation stating the limited numbers on the net. Anything I show you you'll just spin.
I could say same to you, go find me evidence that prove gods real!!!!!! As there's acres of evidence proving that all forms of organised religeon are lies and miss infomation. To keep people in their place, and to take money from them, Fllecing money of it's congregation..sound familar???
But still plenty of people go to church. As they're blind to facts because of their beliefs.
@rodoxthedarkI am a proud brit, proud that majority here don't want the Xbox. Which is why it's only being released in limited numbers. Why you Xbox zealots have such a problem processing this. Limited numbers due to limit demand!!!!
Xbox will just be an OS for gamng on PC soon, so don't see why PC wouild feel threatened.
Jealous!!! Xbox did so badly with the X and M4 lost so many players, they had to go back to drawing board and come up with this. Which is only going to wanted by very small amount
xrizz1066's comments