The only Xbox to make it in the top 10 and its the RROD box. Which if my mates are anythgn to go by, as M$ custoemr service so often told the to spin when the had issue with RROD, they all ended up having to buy 2 or more machines. Well those stupid enough to contiune you with Xbox.
Yet even screwing over its customers like that, still fools hand over their cash. For things like the "integral kinect" they say "a fool and his money is soon parted".
Finally VR is here and it's good. Comapred to how it was 20 years ago it's come forward light years. To all those whinning fools complaining. Perhaps if you millennials hadn’t been given everything you'd ever wanted. You'd be able to appreciate what you've got, rather thn wanting more more more.
VR is here and it is only going to get better. Companies like Sony will put their money and effort into bringing it to the masses, to improve our lives. Like they have so often.
You've got try thee games, n give 'em a bit of time. Then you'll see how much fun they are. Can't tell much from a video.
@mpl911Yes...and one of the things that being thrown around by loads of die hard Xbox fans is BC, BC, BC....and as I said above its something only a very few want. But M$ are desperate for numbers so they'll do anything to get them locked in.
As it stand there are very few games designed for the Xbox and its extra powre available at the moment. Most are old games respec'd
@livedreamplay As they say in article, you can build PC to match spec. Why is there such an issue with this???
There's plenty of builds on line, just leave out the un neededor unwanted UHD drive, then you have a PC which matces specs and at a later date you could upgrade.
While if you're on Xbox you stuck with anything M$ wants to do to you and we all know how the like to fleece their customers of as much money as possible "integral kinect" anyone!!!:
"You'll be hard pressed to build a comparably powerful PC for $500."
As I've been saying all along, you can build a PC and then not be locked into M$ bull sh*te
Why waste money on getting a console, which will just about manage 4k 60fps on only maginay games. If it's 4k 60 FPS you want, go for PC. If it's wide selcetion of games, then Nintendo or Sony.
But if all you want is the same old same old twitch FPS, then get the Xbox...for those with no imagination.
The adopted male bit was to expand on something you said wasnt true as you're so pathetic and can't have a debate with someone without attacking spelling mistake.
Suzuki is a huge billion dollar company run by an adopted male, just as I pointed out above. It happens across the board.
You see your laughable.......please don't waste your time replying> you obviously a liar "I spent 2 years in Japan and Asian companies" and you're not aware of this simple wide spread business practice!!!!! Yeah what else, did you fight Godzilla while you were there too.
@sealionactOh dear good....OK last time, you're boring me with your lack of education and comprehension. There is a huge philosophical and cultural difference. I'll explain just one of them, as I can't be bothered with anything else.
In Japan there is a history of the owner of a business adopting an adult male usual already high up in the company. They may even marry their daughter to them as well, but that not so much anymore. They do this as family and respect is very important to the Japanse. Which is what my point was earlier, which you failed to grasp. There are many other difference, this is just one.
I'm not here to school you in the ways of other cultures, educate yourself. It’s a big world out there and there are many different ways of doing things. Same in business.
Until you’re able to understand and comprehend this simple fact, don’t bother wasting my time with facts and figures. As I doubt you understood them the 1st time your saw them and are now just spouting meaningless nonsense.
@sealionact Mate, get out of this mindset that all corporatiosn are just intrested in big profits. Yes that is how alot of western comapnies operate, espicaly American ones. But there is a huge phlisophycal differnt between how companies operate in the east and we do in the west.
Yes correct Sony didnt wanst huge profits on BC which would only be wanted by a very small amount. Much better to spend those in improving VR or something which alot more people use. M$ are only doing ouit of desperation to keep users, I'm happy Sony not trying to match or copy M$'s desperation.
M$ just want the numbers , so they can kill off steam. Then they're start screwing PC users like they have been Xbox uses since the start. And they'll keep doing this, cuz poepllike you will defend them 100% and don't think anything from 1995 matters.
You are the prime reason for this quote "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat the mistakes."
xrizz1066's comments