@livedreamplay Of course it's a selling point. It's just not a great selling point and only a very few will be bothered about it.
Limited stock in UK is for a reasons. It's not really wanted as most in UK don't get distracted be shiny shiny, we wont more substance. Xbox does not have it.
Only small number gona be sold here in uk, not that we'll ever know as M$ too scared to release sales figures. Something every other company in retail does.
Like the Elite controllers it's aimed at those with more money than sense. Yes having a Elite controller can help improve times etc, but only really matters when it comes to league gaming etc. While sat in front of TV popping crisps in ya gob. I really don’t see it anything more than a "want" item.
Friends her in UK say the same thing, If they actually buy it, they gona wait 6 months to see what tricks M$ play and also for quality games etc.
But since the disaster which was Xbox One launch majority are PC gamers now and much happier for it. M$ have lost such a huge amount of its core gamers here in UK with their nasty tricks.
M$ only releasing "limited stock" to UK as it's just not wanted by anybody, but kids who are getting their parents to buy and as I said those with more money than sense.
@lonewolf1044 Mate it's the differnt between using credit and credit using you. I have £7k+ on my new CC so did balance transfer and now have 30+ months intrest free.
Credit is easy, how esle will people be able to purchase 60inch plus 4k TV's???
@Raidendude153 Financing was the only way I could get my 4k TV, there are just so expensive they are no way near main stream or will be for along time.
@fox_fury OK so I should believe all you say and ignore all I know and have seen?!?
I belive that it is possible the build a machine, that will play same games at same spec in most cases.: I also belive that more and more higher componants will be availble over next month or so, whcih will make it easier.
Xbobx can't run any but a very few AAA games at 4k 60 FPS either. So whats the point?? 4k TVS still too expensive, I've got my 60 incher on 3 years interest free c/c otherwised I'd ever have got one.
xrizz1066's comments