With M$ it's all about the media spin and how to confuse it's consumer base. A confused consumer spends more money. How esle do you think they forced everyone to have the kinect.
@planetgloom So amazon dropped the ball, wonder how many other missed out.
Did you see many Xbox's there? I had quick look around Ipswich and really didn't see huge amount of stock. Lots of cardboard adverting but no actual stock.:
Future proof my arse...it's a slight bump up from the Xbox Slim. Spoke to mate last night who picked one up, I'll be having a go at weekend. He likes it but he doesn't think it's worth the £450 he paid. But we all know he has more moeny then sense.
By the end of last night he said he'd gone back to his PC as he'd already played Gears. Not a ringing endorsement.
@gaminsincepong: Horses for courses. New consoles generally come with new games. Pro was released about same time as VR so offered a choice for those wanting bit more for VR. I don't see a problem with that.
WOW so anybody seen any Xbox's for sale in stores???? I haven't not one.
Guess that why they limited stock in UK to only preorders, and as they were so low. They've not bothered to release stock to cover all those who couldn't get one. ie nobody!!!
Discerning connoisseurs would be either be on Switch, PS4 or PC. As they all have large selection of different games. They not goona go to lowest performing OS and console. Xbox is dead end and will be gaming OS on PC in very near future, watch this space.
xrizz1066's comments