xrizz1066's comments

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Edited By xrizz1066

@sealionact WOW I'm famous and I didn't know. Must be all you Xbox zealots talking about me on Xbox sites.....must be hitting a nerve if you all talking about me...thanks.:

There's name calling, then there's name calling, calling a white nationalist trump supporter who does nothing but shout obscenities, is an ars*hole. People who try and disrupt those playing games buy swearing, screaming and berating players ARE ars*holes!!

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@graffitiheart Thanks for showing you don't read or understand my posts, just jump to conclusions.

I said you were "like a trumpy supporter" I didn't say you voted for him.

Fine obviouly you have an issue with comprehension, which is why you defend M$.


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@graffitiheartNO NO NO...not all big business are the same. Jesh for some who thinks they're liberal you think very 2 dimensional. Just like in between males and females, there is a huge grey area now. Same with business.

I'm going to go out a limb here, as I've been treading the boards for donkeys and I have met so many hypocritical bandwagon jumping "rights ons" which you sounds very much like. Guessing you spend a lot of time with "unemployed" or "right on" actors etc. The type of actors who turned blind eyes to the Spacys and Weinsteins and all the other sex pests I could go on. Whist decrying evil capitalism...sorry but capitalism inst evil, its how its implemented.

Luckily we're in a capitalist society, which has give us longer life expectancy world wide, better living conditions on average world wide. I could go on to list all the advantages of capitalism over any other system tried and failed.

There are plenty of companies that don't rape the earth, but you don't care or really understand that. To you all business are bad, so while with your acting buddies and right on friends you're a card carrying socialist. But still suckle up to one of the worst corporations in history, cuz you want to play computer games. And you're a member of the green party too...surprise surprise.

Now I have work to do, so go bore someone else.

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So I call rage quitters and name callers "ars*holes" you use this as an example of me name calling.

I think rage quitters are ars*holes, they ruin games, same with the childish name calling.

You obviously have no issue with these types of people, I'm gona go out on a limb and assume you're one of 'em

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@graffitiheart WOW OK 1 last time.

M$ have long history of anti consumerism, a lot worse than most companies. They've played every dirty capitalistic trick, broken laws and snubbed it's own government list is endless.

You say you're a liberal, yet ignore all of M$ history. Which is why I bring up Trumpy, Trumpy has long history of dirty tricks, broken laws etc. But many ignore these facts as at the moment he's doing saying what they want to hear. Same with you, M$ PR spin all sorts of misinformation which you swallow, you don't care about anyone or anything before you. You're a "populist" liberal jumping on the right bandwagons. While doing the opposite inprivate.

It all comes down to different philosophies of business, rather than just reading company reports educate yourself. Take a look at the broadband speeds of S Korea fastest in the world, why? Because as a corporation the internet companies see it as their responsibilities to help all. Now compare that to the anti internet neutrality that US companies want.

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So everyone is going to 100% happy with their Xbox X....shut up!!!!

Yes all very pretty, but nothing new. There are no games, designed to use all the max grunt, just shiner versions of games he's all ready completed. :

You're obviously so brainwashed by M$ and Phillys PR, you seem unable to believe that someone could be anything but perfectly happy with a purchase.

So off you go bigbouy!!!

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@graffitiheart YES YES YES

Everything you say is 100% true, while everything I say is 100% incorrect.

Listening to you defend M$ is like those defending Trump. In the past Trump happily said how he'd "grab a woman by the pussy" has anything happened to him???

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@bigbox Hey I played one last night, its good. Games do look prettier but and it's a big but, as my mate pointed out, he'd all-ready play Gears, so got a bit bored.

He already said he'd probably go back to his PC in the short term as there's no real killer games for it.

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A spelling and grammar nazi, cuz you've got nothing else.:

This is a comments section, not a thesis. I'm typing fast, while still doing a bit of work. I'm not re-reading and re-reading to make sure all is correct. I'm not some weird anorak, who reads companies financial reports. Which I really find very hard to believe.

Do love the way you "destroyed me"....sorry what are you on about? Thats gota be one of the most childish comment. So I'll leave you there.

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@l33th4lsh0t As the comment says below, you know what my mates said??

this is why I think all Xbox owners are delusional and so glad we don't have cross platform. Xbox multiplayer, is just full of your rage quiting, name calling childish ars*holes.