@mickpunx: Good for you, but not everyone is. More and more issues coming to light, epecial with the way M$ have messed about with UHD drive, so issue with picture quality of movies.
M$ have long issues with not doing proper Q&A before releasing products. Also history of anti consumerism.
I'm also commenting in a comment section, what wrong with that??Glad yours is working well, not everyone has been so lucky. Have you gone out and spent and 100 on a harddrive yet? As it seems as if the one they gave you with the X is too small...hows that for customer 1st!!!
@cyrribrae: Yes and we all know how big yank corporations tell the truth when it comes to tax and profits. No big American company has ever hidden stuff off shore to cook the books!?!
You're really really stupid for that comment.
What was the banking crisis, if not companies hiding negative investments etc.
Not surprised idiot like you defending m$. Bet you defend trump and are happy with all he does.
Couldn't even sell out in home territory. I've only seen one Xbox box in UK stores,guess this is why m$ only released limited stock here.
And now m$ are "suggesting" you spend more of your money on hard drive as the one they've given you is too small.
That extra £100 means building a PC equivalent is even easier.
And after playing on one, the one thing everyone whoes played it has said "where are the games" and not year old games with added gloss. New games which max out the x.
xrizz1066's comments