Some people are bashing this, but I can't see why. It was only made to substitute for the games that REQUIRE KB/M. As long as the game has controller support, I'd imagine that you could use whatever controller you want. I have a PS2 controller with a PS2-to-USB port that works on any game with legitimate controller support.
Unless it requires an Xbox 360 controller, then you need a program like 'x360ce'.
@Xristophoros Well, it sounds like the Steam Machine will have USB support for third-party controllers, as long as the game supports controllers. This is just for games that lack controller support, by taking PC bindings and laying them out on a controller.
So if you wanted to use a PS2 controller, for example, you'd probably be able to as long as the game allows it. No different than PC.
@Xristophoros I understand what you're saying.. Valve's banking on this console being successful based on the trust they've received. People will defend Valve regardless of what they do, that is more or less a fact.
But at the same time, I've never had a reason to dislike them. The fact that they're trying something different to emulate PC controls is a step in the right direction, and them getting into the console market by essentially porting all of your Steam games onto a new device for your TV can only bring good things.
As someone who enjoys PC gaming, but lacks the money to build a really expensive rig, I'm really excited for this. Steam might come along and revolutionize the console market like they did PC.
Not to mention, I really like the idea of being able to share unique controller figuration's through Steam. This is something you can do with third-party programs like 'x360ce', which emulates any old controller into an Xbox 360 controller, which is something a lot of PC games require if you want to use a controller. So that's awesome.
Whether or not this is going to work, Valve has definitely been listening to their fans for input on this one.
We'll never get rid of trolls.. they're a part of the internet culture. But having a popular webshow on your website that encourages childlike behavior is only going to make the problem worse, no matter how you paint it. As long as Feedbackula is around, as long as the opinions of trolls are glorified, we will never move in the correct direction that's needed in order to alleviate the problem.
Is this man kidding himself? The public's perception of Activision has never been worse. We are all very aware that this article is nothing but fluff to make Activision look good.. oh, and wouldn't you know it, a new CoD game will be releasing soon.
@RobDev @Tangsta03 This is the point that I've been trying to make for months now, it seems like people are just now starting to realize it. Feedbackula has degraded the community into nothing but trolls looking for a rise out of those of us who strive for intelligent discussions.
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