This sounds good to me, it's a 3DS minus the gimmicky 3D feature, at a much lower cost. It's nothing but beneficial, and makes me take more consideration into Nintendo's mobile offerings.
@jyml8582 Square Enix has been really reaching for those 'unique terms' in FF games lately, most of them being awful. While I enjoyed FFXIII, the stupid names for everything drove me insane. 'fal'Cie', 'l'Cie', ugh.
@berserker66666 All of my this. Trust me guys, there's a reason that the X1 works without Kinect, but they're still requiring that you buy it as part of the consoles package. Whether it's at launch, or 6 months down the line, or whatever.
@SurlyPotato It's far from a smart move. I understand that they want to make sure their fanbase has one so that they can develop games for it, but forcing it on the majority of users who don't want it and will ultimately not use it isn't a good idea. You're asking people to pay for a $100 peripheral that they don't want.
Besides, as someone else said, when Microsoft decided the Kinect wouldn't be needed after all, they destroyed Kinect's future. The only hope of it being successful was IF it was forced down everyone's throats. Now, we'll only see crappy shovelware and casual titles made for soccer moms to spend on their children.
@outlawoftorn Exactly. When we ask what is so great about Kinect, or some proper demo's that will actually excite and enthuse gamers, all we get are buzzwords that Microsoft's PR department made up to get people excited.
I guarantee you there was a group of 12 guys sitting around a table, thinking of catchy things to say, and one of them came up with 'Xbox One IS Kinect!', and the whole room flipped out. My God, entire universes collapsed due to how amazing a slogan they had on their hands.
@ElJefeDeMedios @northArrow @yearssomuch My point was privacy invasion, so my comment was a little on the sarcastic side. Of course game consoles are meant for games, just not when Microsoft's at the helm of development.
Quite frankly, it's a miracle that they made the Kinect something that isn't required to make the console work.. but they'll never release a version without it. It would ruin the entire purpose of their console.
That purpose being privacy invasion. Come on people, it's not that complicated.
yearssomuch's comments