Just to add to my point, if human beings as a species weren't affected by the media we see, then you wouldn't have people running around trying to be like the movie stars they see on TV. You wouldn't have people constantly repeating the same, tired jokes they hear from YouTube videos, or lame comedy movies. You wouldn't have people constantly quoting the lyrics from the music they listen to. People are constantly referencing the media that has inspired their lives, even the most trivial of inspirations. As such, ALL of us are influenced by the media we experience. Always keep that in mind.
@rolla020980 @yearssomuch This is true, but once again, we live in a day and age where brainwashing via media is very commonplace. Think about it, most of us have more connections and relations to characters from video games, books, movies, and whatever form of media you can think of more so than we do with the people we've known throughout our lives. Based on this, we all draw various forms of inspiration from these imaginary characters and manifest them into applicable thoughts and ideas within our real lives.
I know that studies tend to show that most people are unaffected by the media they see, but I also somewhat disagree. As I said before, ALL of us take in ALL of the media we see, and as such it has the potential to drive and motivate our lives in ways we couldn't imagine. Maybe it's subtle, maybe it's not. But the point is, it's there.
Although I do absolutely agree with you that the majority of those who will act out with such violent behavior are those who have deep-seeded psychological issues that need to be worked through. No form of media will cause you to act out violently unless there's something else going on inside your own head.
@pal_080 @yearssomuch I'm not concerned with the 'studies' you managed to find on Google, and even if I were, that has nothing to do with my point.
Once again, I'm well aware that video games and violence don't necessarily go hand-in-hand, but to say that any violent media, including video games, can't and doesn't attribute to the further developing psychological issues of a disturbed individual is completely asinine.. and that's exactly what a better portion of the gaming community tries to convince themselves of whenever they get the chance.
@ArkhamCity2 This is completely open to interpretation, as none of us know you. For all we know, you could be an axe-murderer, bathing in the blood of your victims as you typed that.
In my opinion, gamers are far too quick to write off violent behaviors being associated with violent video games, simply because it conflicts with their hobby. We live in a day and age where brainwashing via media is quite common, and video games are becoming more and more detailed.
I think gamers need to become more aware of how any piece of media can affect a persons brain, video games included. However, this isn't to say I believe that video games cause violence, because they don't. But to say they can't attribute to it? You're being delusional.
@cosades2002 This. I am in agreement that yes, violent video games in the hands of violent or psychologically disturbed individuals can provide dangerous results. But the issue isn't violent media, it's the issues these people are dealing with, and as long as people are trying to put video games under the focus of being a gateway into violent activity, there will never be any progress made.
yearssomuch's comments