@noandno @SirSpoon84 @abroche lol, What a stupid comment. Windows 8 is fine, only hipsters and crybabies pretend it's the bane of PC operating systems, and most of them haven't even used it.
@Gatman32 @yearssomuch @JackFlakk I was aware of this, but I read on GameSpot when this same news was posted and they mentioned that the Kinect would still be hard-wired into the box, rather misleading news. They must have edited it because I don't see it now.
@juboner @yearssomuch @JackFlakk No, you can't. Do some research, the Kinect is BUILT INTO the console, it's not like a peripheral that you can plug and unplug any time.
@Starsailor_IT It's an article talking about the features of a next-gen gaming consoles operating system. What do you mean you wouldn't expect this from an 'independent gaming site'?
Sounds like you need to get that stick out of your ass and not be so uptight.
@galactic88 That is also the opinion of only about 100,000 people, those people being fans of this website. Each console will easily sell a million quite quickly, so these opinions don't mean too much. Still, it's funny seeing X1 only have 9%.
@Mantan911 @yearssomuch Regardless of who's 360 I played on, doing something as simple as switching Gamer Profiles takes 2-3 minutes at a time due to how long it takes to verify through this trash of an operating system, not to mention how often the dashboard gets stuck for moments at a time. Maybe I'm one of the unlucky ones, but I've had 4 or 5 Xbox's due to replacements because of Red Ring, along with one of the newer models that released a few years back, and the OS on ALL of them ran like crap.
I just hope it really IS more efficient, and this isn't just ammo for the Xbox One PR machine.
yearssomuch's comments