Lately I've had a strong urge to write a story...
See the thing is, I've had some ideas for quite a few years actually, that I'd love to try and implement into a story. I have nothing down, but I do have some characters and ideas I've fiddled with in my mind, sadly I never really wrote all of the things I thought of down, but I also haven't NOT writtens omething down. I'd say about a good... 40%? haha...
Well anyways, one thing I really want to write is a story with a tragic ending. Forget the happy go lucky endings... XD I really want to write something that will make their heartstrings tug and just feel a little sad at least... XD
Maybe I want an ironic tragic ending? I'm not sure yet what way I want it to be frank.
I haven't decided yet either HOW I want the ending to be.
Some ideas I had would be
1. Kill the protagonist
2. Kill someone close to the protagonist
3. Ultimately the protagonist fails his goal
4. The protagonist goes against his own moral or wishes to get what he wants but fails as himself? (Yet that is hard to say, a friend just mentioned it as "Have him/her succeed in something but fail to the eyes of others." and that's what I'm trying to say but in my own words... XD I do appreciate her help though. :P )
5. Kill every single person off just cause! XD
Umm but really, I just don't know yet. I don't think this would be a very deep story either, yet I have decided if I wrote the book..
I want it perhaps in a real world setting. I think maybe a modern timeline or something actually a little back in time to the older and more simpler days. Yet, I do also want to introduce a bit of some fantasy elements or a fantasy like character with inhuman abilities? (If anything this character would be "human" just they have some gift or mystery about them that isn't normal...)
A good comparison and likely the inspiration of this is Twilight. A book set in a modern time, yet there is a fantasy element (the vampires) in the book and yet they do away with the typical expectations of "vampires" and Stephanie Meyer's creations are realistic yet so unreal at the same time... If that makes sense. (I implore you all to read the book, because the movie of the first in the serie's "Twilight" comes out this year... :D )
So, there'd be a person or some group that maybe exists in the story that isn't natural per se.
What do you think? Have any of you people ever felt compelled to write something? XD Also another thing I want to add is of course a love interest element or make some kind of sad romance I guess. Like, what I mean is... I'd like to put some romance in there basically, but because I do plan to have a tragic ending... I guess it won't be happily ever after, right? XD And I think I'm pretty good with creating romantic scenarios and dreams and ideas, because... not to toot my own horn... but I kind of am the romantic/dreamer type I think... XD
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