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yoshi_64 Blog

How Tragic?

Lately I've had a strong urge to write a story...

See the thing is, I've had some ideas for quite a few years actually, that I'd love to try and implement into a story. I have nothing down, but I do have some characters and ideas I've fiddled with in my mind, sadly I never really wrote all of the things I thought of down, but I also haven't NOT writtens omething down. I'd say about a good... 40%? haha...

Well anyways, one thing I really want to write is a story with a tragic ending. Forget the happy go lucky endings... XD I really want to write something that will make their heartstrings tug and just feel a little sad at least... XD

Maybe I want an ironic tragic ending? I'm not sure yet what way I want it to be frank.

I haven't decided yet either HOW I want the ending to be.

Some ideas I had would be

1. Kill the protagonist

2. Kill someone close to the protagonist

3. Ultimately the protagonist fails his goal

4. The protagonist goes against his own moral or wishes to get what he wants but fails as himself? (Yet that is hard to say, a friend just mentioned it as "Have him/her succeed in something but fail to the eyes of others." and that's what I'm trying to say but in my own words... XD I do appreciate her help though. :P )

5. Kill every single person off just cause! XD

Umm but really, I just don't know yet. I don't think this would be a very deep story either, yet I have decided if I wrote the book..

I want it perhaps in a real world setting. I think maybe a modern timeline or something actually a little back in time to the older and more simpler days. Yet, I do also want to introduce a bit of some fantasy elements or a fantasy like character with inhuman abilities? (If anything this character would be "human" just they have some gift or mystery about them that isn't normal...)

A good comparison and likely the inspiration of this is Twilight. A book set in a modern time, yet there is a fantasy element (the vampires) in the book and yet they do away with the typical expectations of "vampires" and Stephanie Meyer's creations are realistic yet so unreal at the same time... If that makes sense. (I implore you all to read the book, because the movie of the first in the serie's "Twilight" comes out this year... :D )

So, there'd be a person or some group that maybe exists in the story that isn't natural per se.

What do you think? Have any of you people ever felt compelled to write something? XD Also another thing I want to add is of course a love interest element or make some kind of sad romance I guess. Like, what I mean is... I'd like to put some romance in there basically, but because I do plan to have a tragic ending... I guess it won't be happily ever after, right? XD And I think I'm pretty good with creating romantic scenarios and dreams and ideas, because... not to toot my own horn... but I kind of am the romantic/dreamer type I think... XD

The world will end...

with you!

:D I'm happy to report that I had beaten the World Ends with You last night. And I must say... I LOVED it! :D

I'll be writing a review sometime soon, but I just had to say... definitely hands down one of the best JRPGs IMO this generation.

With that said... I'm not done with the game yet either. There's something neat they did at the end to keep you replaying the game and I'm aiming to complete it 100% :)

So, be on the lookout I'll be posting a review soon. :D

Also if you missed I leveled up finally to level 43!! I don't know what game this reference is too though....

Almost level 43! (Maybe I will be by the time you read this!)

Yes, umm.. now that I have your attention.

Jeez... 43? I don't knoww what to say... XD I'm just not sure if I should be proud of that ya know?

Anyways... hey all! What's up? Yoshi hear... just counting down the days till MGS 4 for my PS3. Finally, it will get some loving it deserves. XD If you don't know already, I have just one game for, Motorstorm. It's an ok game, but for me... it's not just my cup of tea.

I don't also like trading in games really, but also... I've just dabbled and rented games/blu-rays for my PS3 mostly. Now I'llf inally have a game to buy and will no doubt continue playing for a long time if the MGO Beta is any indication of a good and hopefully solid online experience. (Should they learn their mistakes from the aweful Beta beginning... )

I actually have been told to try doing something different and random with my blogs so....

Maybe next time! XD

Edit: Actually I found a program that I can use to make videos from my computer like that Brawl video I have... I think I'm going to give it a shot and see how it works. If so I'll be uploading more Brawl footage! XD Oh and other game related things maybe... I wish I had a webcam... I feel like doing a video blog XD

Just one of those "Need to Blog" moments

Yeah, I am sure there are those who count down the clocks to see what exciting and wonderous things are happening in Yoshi's life, right? So much in fact that the past... week or so of no blogging has left your lives in ruins, hasn't it? Worried, curious... bored? XD

Well there's not much for me to write about this week I guess. I haven't exactly felt anything blog worthy has happened.

No new interesting Dreams.

No New Games to report on buying. Waiting for MGS 4.

Any interesting ideas? or certain "fads" or topics that pique my interest? I guess not... or if they do I just don't feel compelled to bring it to light.

So what has happened? I mean surely I've not just sat in front of the computer everyday, doing absoulutely NOTHING and that my life could be possibly more entertaining than this right? XD

Well a few things I guess..

1. My sister's graduation is in two weeks. She'll be graduating from UCLA and umm... I don't remember what it is under. :P

2. I haven't really been keeping up with my gaming habits I guess. I think I'm on a bit of a down slump, but the only thing I DO turn on is TWEWY and I enjoy it so much. XD I still haven't beaten it though, but I'm just taking my sweet time with this game... I'm almost done. I think these next three/two days are my last and man does this game just keep on bringing the goods. XD Great storyline, great character development, suspense and twists around the bend and it's just awesome. Definitely hands down one of the best JRPGs released this generation. I can't ever remember the last time a JRPG made me feel this way and nailed so many things right.

3. Trauma Center New Blood has been on hold for too long, I want to pick it up again... but the game is hard where I'm at... Having a buddy help would be nice, but my brother has never played these games and where I'm at it will just overwhelm the player I guess... XD Ah well I enjoy the single challenge anyways.... but I've been tempted to put it on "Easy" XD

4. Umm... nothing else new I guess. Today I got In-N-Out and that satisfied me. XD I also ummm... got Darkrai today at Toys R Us. (I'm such a nerd, I know XD ) so that's cool. 279 Pokemon in Diamond and counting... but sheesh... this is just too much I think. :P

5. I want a PC game, preferably the Orange Box. Great deal, and I LOVED TF 2 when they had the free weekend play for it. :x I just was doing so well with the sniper... *sniff*

If it weren't for some people... I'd be gone by now...

If it weren't for some people here... I honestly would be gone from these forums.

I don't know about you, but I'm just really getting done visiting GS everyday. I mean, I like to come and have some intelligent conversations, debates, and talk with friends here on GS. Don't get me wrong, but lately... my interest in the site has really waned.

What exactly am I bored of, and who are these people?

Well firstly, it's just the site in general. Nothing specific I feel. I need a new internet "hang out" I guess. Some place where I spend my time and enjoy it. News for games also slows down usually around the summer. Sure there's E3, but after the few days of such an event... there's little else news flowing till around the holiday shopping time. So that makes this site pretty irrelevant most of the time.

I'm not going to go on about "Oh GS is doomed! They lost all the great staff members like Greg, Jeff (well.. I didn't care much for him frankly..) Alex (Loved the guy) and more.

Right now... I just need a new fix I guess. I come on here at nights, look for something to post in and really find... almost nothing worth the effort or time I guess. I suppose with 20k+ posts... you get tired of it afterwards? :P

Now as for who are these people? Well, mostly it's my friends in GUFU. A great union I must say. Also some others in my other union Warp Pipe, and those who make comments on my blogs too. (Thanks all.)

I'm not sure if I'll be leaving to be honest, at least... not right now... but I do think it's an inevitable cause for the future... soon. Just a bit of heads up. Who knows, maybe I'll come back, or maybe I won't. I really can't say, but maybe I may just need time off? I don't get how that would make sense though really... :P

Well, that's all.. anyone feel the same?

The world ends with you, my friends. (Slight spoiler warning for TWEWY)

Wow. What can I say? I'm completely blown away by the World ends with You (TWEWY) right now.

I can't believe this game, it's just utterly amazing. It was so well taken care of, so well concieved and given much care and attention, this little baby has to be one of my newest favorite games ever.

I'm not done yet, I just defeated the Game Master on Day 7 with Joshua and now have started another week it seems. That's all I'll say though for anyone who's still playing this game or hasn't.

But yes, what I love about this game is... it has to be one of the freshest JRPGs I've ever played in a LOOOOOOONG time.

Quite frankly, this generation has been lacking very sorely on the JRPG front. Most of them are appearing on the handhelds, and while quite good. There hasn't been any console games to move JRPG one step up from last gen or two even. Everything is mostly the same deja vu. You have the happy go lucky boy/girl hero or angsty teenage hero who mostly just stays the same throughout. They hardly evolve, hardly stand out, and are hardly believeable. They are just fictional characters that are not really relatable, just someone you feel "cool" playing as... or you hope so at least.

Grant I've yet to play LO and BD. Two games that are perhaps the only noteworth JRPG games right now? Or so I hear... but only one I'm interested in the slight is LO to be honest. I didn't like BD's demo. LO sadly is just too behind the times compared to BD as well with random encounters and standard turn based affairs almost. I'm sure there's some really nice and gratutious skill tree, or leveling system or whatnot, but frankly... it's just all the same affair mostly, right? Run through dungeons, slay baddies, level and grind, and repeat.

Now, I digress. I should really play those games more, but what is it about TWEWY that I love so much? Well. really there's almost NOTHING I don't.

The first thing is, this game's battle system isn't only smart and well tailored to the DS's design. (Seriously folks they thought of EVERYTHING here. ) But the battle system has depth and is fun. Not to mention the core gameplay is as challenging as YOU want it to be. Before your light bulb in that head of yours turns on and think of "Oblivion!" or some other games with a scaling system.

The game actually REWARDS you unlike Oblivion where you can explore a dungeon with like 50 mages/summoners or warriors and the like, but get some meaningless and hardly worthy equipment. TWEWY gives you rarer items, more drops, more experience and the essentials that makes playing at a risky state worth it.

Since you can choose how hard and how low/high a level you want, this game can be completed by everyone, but completionist and hardcore gamers will like that the game can put up a challenge. (damn I'm almost writing a review here...)

Anyways, what I love is also the most lacking part in JRPGs today. The story and character development. Seriously, not only does TWEWY's storyline keep me on the edge and hooked, it's so original and well plotted that I just can't help but say "One more day." or go "just a little more" into the game to find out what's next in line.

Also the characters in the game are very, VERY well made. Sure, Neku starts the first hour or so as your typical angsty teen, but he grows a lot in the first week. He keeps learning, his attitude actually CHANGES unlike other heroes in JRPGs. You really feel attached to the people you meet, and you really begin to understand Neku and those he partners with as well. Everyone's so different, always changing, that the game just feels fresh. Neku hardly goes the "I hate people" route after like the third day of the game (like 4-6 hours depending on how slow you are :P ) and he really changes up.

Now with that said, are there any flaws I have with it? Perhaps, but I must admit I'ms o blown away with this game any shortcoming is just nit picky.


Sim or not sim? (One of two irks ) I don't get this logic!

Alright folks, I'm just here casually browing the web. You know, the routine GS stuff here and well if you don't know I like to spend time at System Wars as well.

However, lately I've been seeing something unusual from SW. I mean, granted SW is usually full of rhetoritcs, shenanigans, and some otherwise poor debates that would make for an amusing elementary grade level debate club.

Yet, not all is bad. There are those who really put up good debates and like, give good reasons, yet when a group of fanboys, fanatics, "cows" or whatever you wish to call them, seems to defend a game so much for it's obvious flaw... you have something missing.

What am I talking about? Well here's one link.

What is this about you say? Well for those who don't know, in this thread the Sony fanboys or... perhaps just Gran Turismo fanboys, state that "damage" in a DRIVING SIMULATOR (that's what they call it for defense) is utterly unreal, and totally far from the term. "Driving simulation."

Oh hold on, I get the fact that the game will have the drive mechanics down. Breaking into turns, accelerating out, and of course slipstreaming behind your opponents and so forth. However, how do you state

GT is a DRIVING simulator, not crashing simulator, not damage simulator

Grid is NONE of the above.


One fanboy here seems to imply that crashing, a consequence should two or more cars collid, or even should a car hit terrain, lose control, etc whatever the case may be and end up damaged in the process, is not part of driving. :|

Now, there are more who believe this statement, and I utterly cannot for the life of me fathom WHY?

Last I checked, there are consequences to driving. If anyone remembers, Nascar races aren't filled with invincible cars that would take a 180 spin at 100+ MPH and then get knocked around and still be ok to race. Clipping a car at those speeds doesn't result in a "slow-down" usually and the end result is... depending where you get clipped, you'll either

1. Peel out

2. Lose control

3. Spin and possibly crash

Other notorious things in Gran Turismo is the ever popular "bumper car" mechanics. When your opponent heads into a turn, just ram him off the turn, he'll lose control and you will just lose some speed.

Now tell me, what world are these people driving in?

It makes no sense how people can really go this far and claim that damage to cars be it accidental, or collisions, are part of driving. They aren't the best part of driving, not the most fun either, and typically are the scariest things to happen, but guess what? They happen! So how do you defend a "Driving simulator" from this obvious absences? This is a fundamental to driving, as it rewards you with consequences to real situations. If you crash a car at 100 MPH let me tell you... that car won't be in any shape to run again. Should you peel out from being clipped, shoved off the road a la bumper car like, or hit a part of the terrain. You will be damaging the fender, the alignment may become misaligned, the car's aerodynamics will change because you have a door piece falling off or your bumper or heck a TIRE even.

Uhh! That's about it really. My rant is over. I just wish people would actually think for once. I dislike how people really try to protect the obvious flaws of a game. So from now on boys and girls. Rejoice! No damage in your racer makes it a full on sim. Forget those sports sims where your players can be fatigued, tired, injured, and so on. Forget the flight simulators that won't let you do barrel rolls or sharp turns with your commercial airliner. Those aren't sims. The real simulation is just having the absent of a major simulation element that involves the consequence of one's actions, unnatural cause, or whatever it may be. These variables are never to exist. Simulation games are perfect worlds where nothing bad happens. Only good.

Now with that said... I put "one of two irks" because I have another blog I want to post, but at a later time. Tell me what do you think?

The Pain Begins...

Oh how wonderful.... well I must admit. I still am doing pretty good. Yet, now it seems like the pain decides to kick it into high gear. All day my left side of the mouth has been swelling up a bit (not too bad though) and hurting. Ughh... and the worst part is... I'm out of Yogurt and have nothing soft to eat. :x I have to wait till my mom goes and buys some from Costco, but I'll buy a smoothie later when I pick up my little brother from school.

Well, here's hoping it doesn't last too long. The ice I put on it helps, and I'm making good friends with my pal Vicodin. XD (Responsibly of course) It's just I was doing much better. Oh well, I must admit, it's not terribly painful however I had really so little pain it was tolerable. This pain is just more a nagging nuissance really. It is there, it doesn't hurt muich, but it's like having a piece of rock in your shoe. It just annoys..

*puts on ice pack and opens up bottle of Vicodin* Well.. just a little update. Also to my fellow WP Union members. I'll promise to get up a schedule for the tournament soon. I'm hoping next Saturday but we'll see. I just feel I didn't give enough time for everyone, so it may be two weeks from now. I want everyone to join that's all. :D

Small Update: Feeling Fine So far...

Well, since I slept all day today for about... 9 hours today. I can't really go back to sleep right now, so I thought I'd give a little update.

Currently I'm feeling good. My mouth is sore though and very hard to open. My doctor says that I should start some mouth exercises to slowly give it strength again.. So i will make sure to do that. I've had nothing to eat all day but a Banana (which was eaten quite awkwardly I might add... but I'll save you the details :P ) and Yogurt. To douse that I had a smoothie too, but I drank that with a spoon.

My mouth is fine so far, I think I have some stitches in them, that or it could be just loose tissue I really don't know. Also it hurts to even really open my mouth to eat so it's quite painful.

I got my pain relievers so i'll be taking Vicodin! I promise to abuse rightfully so! :P I kid, I won't do that... and Pennicilin.

Other than that... I need to drink warm water with salt to clean my mouth too it said. So far, so good. Not as bad as I expected, but I must say that this went pretty fast :lol:

I don't even remember much inside the surgery. I remember getting a shot in my arm, being talked to, then WHAM! Next thing I remmeber is hearing the nurse yell my name asking me to wake up. Boy was that hard to do... She didn't want me to fall asleep, I don't know why. The surgery was over, and when I woke up I had some gauze in my mouth. She told me not to bite down, then had me sit up and wanted me to be able to sit up for some time. Everytime I kept falling asleep or putting my head down, she'd yell saying not to.

Although, she was yelling it wasn't loud really... I think I was still dazed so it was still kind of hard to hear. Also I have never walked in the fashion I did before in my life. :lol: I literally looked drugged or drunk my dad say, by how I walk.

Well I'm back, and now I await recovery! I will head to bed soon... and if I can't just play some music to calm me down to sleep. Here's to the long road to recovery!

Also thanks for all your previous wishes and messages in the last blog. :P

This week should be it...

Well This Tuesday I shall be having my teeth removed for sure. That is, if the people at the office can pick up the darn phone so I can confirm my appointment. For some reason no one is answering and I've checked this number multiple times. :x

Well I better have them removed. I need them to finally turn in my paperwork.

For those who don't know. I'm having three wisdom teeth pulled out. My dentist says they will be in danger of causing the teeth underneath them to not grow properly or something of that like if I'm not mistaken. So I said "Let's get it over with" then. Why not, right?

Well I hear it's painful first of all... and that you will have quite the diet change since you mostly have to drink everything (not through a straw though, they say it's bad but I forgot what it does...)

So once this step is done, it should be it. I also need my last shot but that can be taken while I'm gone, yet it's been about 3 months so I'm due for it anyways. I'll get this over with too, it's quick and easy compared to the teeth pulling.

Well, I also want to say this, as I may not be as active or even on for a while, in case you all are wondering.