So I downloaded Pokemon Puzzle League off the Wii Shopt channel today. I must say... It was worth it. While I personally would prefer Yoshi's... err Tetris Attack (Or Panel De Pon) from the SNES because A. It would be cheaper and B. Yoshi Theme>>>>Pokemon theme.
I have wanted TA or PPL since forever. I never did own them, but I played the hell out of these games. Now, I must say... it takes some time getting used to the controls a bit now. The pace in Pokemon Puzzle League is a bit different compared to Plant Puzzle League that was released on the DS a while back. Touch screen controls make this game much faster and easier to pull of combos. I've gotten so used to this new method of playing one of my favorite puzzle games ever, that now I feel like I took a small step back a bit. lol Plus Planet Puzzle League does have online play, but... no one seems to play that anymore. :(
Also the pieces seem to fall a bit slower, especially in the 3D mode. However, you also have a slower method of input so it's not like the game is any easier I suppose... however I did realize I'm just too good. :D I beat Line Clear mode in 53 mins and like 22 seconds or something. Giovanni was so easy to take down... I remember having some trouble the last time, but a simple 13x chain cleared his level in no time. Then I went to challenge Hard mode on the SP stadium. I beat that mode very quickly too and have the Very Hard mode unlocked. I'll breeze through it too probably... because Hard mode was a pushover. I beat every single leader and opponent up to Gary Oak (final round) in less than 30 seconds. Everyone was mostly 21 seconds flat, but some were a little over and near the 30 second mark. It was a huge spike in challenge though, and it threw me off. That Oak sure is sneaky.
Well one more thing I want to mention for this game is... It's an N64 game yes... but the sprite and art resolution were stretched a smidge because Wii's VC gives games some 16:9 akin ratio and also 480p scan. Sure the 480p is nice, but the game stretches to a quasi-widescreen mode that really just stretches the image a bit making some of the art pixelated on your HD sets if you have it. I'm using component cables for my Wii by the way. However, it's nothing detrimental and you get over it pretty quickly or I did at least.
Now... that is all. Nothing new to report on my end. :D
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