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yoshi_64 Blog

Downloaded Pokemon Puzzle League...

So I downloaded Pokemon Puzzle League off the Wii Shopt channel today. I must say... It was worth it. While I personally would prefer Yoshi's... err Tetris Attack (Or Panel De Pon) from the SNES because A. It would be cheaper and B. Yoshi Theme>>>>Pokemon theme.

I have wanted TA or PPL since forever. I never did own them, but I played the hell out of these games. Now, I must say... it takes some time getting used to the controls a bit now. The pace in Pokemon Puzzle League is a bit different compared to Plant Puzzle League that was released on the DS a while back. Touch screen controls make this game much faster and easier to pull of combos. I've gotten so used to this new method of playing one of my favorite puzzle games ever, that now I feel like I took a small step back a bit. lol Plus Planet Puzzle League does have online play, but... no one seems to play that anymore. :(

Also the pieces seem to fall a bit slower, especially in the 3D mode. However, you also have a slower method of input so it's not like the game is any easier I suppose... however I did realize I'm just too good. :D I beat Line Clear mode in 53 mins and like 22 seconds or something. Giovanni was so easy to take down... I remember having some trouble the last time, but a simple 13x chain cleared his level in no time. Then I went to challenge Hard mode on the SP stadium. I beat that mode very quickly too and have the Very Hard mode unlocked. I'll breeze through it too probably... because Hard mode was a pushover. I beat every single leader and opponent up to Gary Oak (final round) in less than 30 seconds. Everyone was mostly 21 seconds flat, but some were a little over and near the 30 second mark. It was a huge spike in challenge though, and it threw me off. That Oak sure is sneaky.

Well one more thing I want to mention for this game is... It's an N64 game yes... but the sprite and art resolution were stretched a smidge because Wii's VC gives games some 16:9 akin ratio and also 480p scan. Sure the 480p is nice, but the game stretches to a quasi-widescreen mode that really just stretches the image a bit making some of the art pixelated on your HD sets if you have it. I'm using component cables for my Wii by the way. However, it's nothing detrimental and you get over it pretty quickly or I did at least.

Now... that is all. Nothing new to report on my end. :D

Scratch the last Blog: Update!

This oral surgeon seems to have a weird schedule. :? So now... my wisdom teeth pulling has been moved to May 13th. Let's hope it remains that way please...

So yeah, can't really say. something family he said and thus we had to remove the surgery today. (It was also the reason my April 30th one didn't fall throuhg.) Well... I'm safe for now! :D

Thy Wisdom shall be removed!

Oh joy! Today will be fun! :|

I just want to let you all know, today I'm having some Wisdom teeth removed. So... don't try to outwit me too much. :P

Yeah, I'm gettting some wisdom teeth removed as one of the final things necessary for my mission preparation. Don't worry, I have other pearly whites underneath those teeth. :D These are baby Wisdoms, so... the adult ones will be out sometime afterwards. :D (Then I'll be much smarter!) :P

So carry on, and I'll be back with a report on how it went afterwards. :D Odds are, it will be tomorrow...

Man, I hope I can feel better tonight to go to the movies... I want to watch Iron Man. >.> :cry:

This is how... the world ends...

With You. :o

If that wasn't clear enough... I will let you all know right now about what I'm talking about.

I purchased "The World Ends with You" today. :D I've been playing for about a couple of hours. I'm in the third day already (out of 7, though I don't know if this will actually be the whole length of the game or not...) and I must say.

Wow... :o

I never really followed the game, never really gave it my strongest interest, nor did I ever really back away from the idea that SE was making a new IP that wasn't just totally off beat and original, but actually innovative.

For those who don't know the World Ends with You is SE's latest and greatest game. Not only that, it's on very addictive title I find. I still can't say how (rating wise) I feel about the game, but it's been one of the best DS purchases so far. I could write up so much of what I'm feeling for this game, from the awesome blend of techno/Electronica and J-pop (translated for the most part actually) Pop and chaotic yet engaging Battle system that has you controlling two characters on screen at once. It's been a blast, and this is not only SE's finest work on the DS, but just in general... one of those games that makes you say "Damn... this is WHY I bought a DS." Ok I could be over enthused, and melodramatic, but seriously... this game has impressed me with some of it's very smart use of the DS's features. First and foremost the implementation of BOTH screens used at the same time... something hardly anyone did well, even Nintendo.

I won't go on more, and will have a official review coming up shortly, but so far. I'm going to end the world 8) Take care and enjoy your lives before you face erasure. :twisted:

Small News:

Well I kind of forgot my weekly update, which I try to post every monday or Sunday... around there. SO... before it's too late on my time zone... :P

1. I'm in a union tournament for Smash Bros. Brawl. I will be representing my union the Warp Pipe. Wish me luck guys. :D I won't let you down, I promise.

2. MGO Beta decides to be moved to the 25th? Bummer... well I really just want the game, this online Beta was just something to tease me I guess. Oh well, I still want to play it soon!

3. I've applied for a job to UPS, I'm hoping to make some kind of money while I wait to leave on my mission.

4. I will have my wisdom (three to be exact) pulled ou on April 30th. Afterwards, all is set, and I can finally turn my papers for my mission. In about two-three months, I will know where I'm going. Woot! :D

5. I hope I go to Japan or Italy. :oops:

6. I'm playing Brawl usually around 9-12 p.m. Pacific and sometimes at nights when I can so if you ever are up for a challenge look for me. :P

7. I'll stop here for luck. :D

Thanks for taking the time. FYI I past the 20 k post mark too, woot! Thanks MoldonHold for notifying me and brining it to my attention. :P

Newest Review: Using my new scale.

Alright, so I think you may remember that I posted a while back about a new scale of reviewing I'm going to do with games. From now on, I won't bother with .5 increments on games and will give it a solid base score. I'm sorry to any fan that wants to see me review a game .5 higher than GS or whatever the reason may be, but I will refrain from doing so and try this new method.

If you don't remember here is a link

Now, here it is, my latest review on the latest game I completed in some time.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

Score: 8.0

Now, now... don't go grabbing your pitchfork FE fans and coming after me like a mob of angry wyveryn riding warriors. Please take the time to read the review.

So now... what do you think of this latest review? Quite long I bet? Any comments people? Would you think it was as confusing and a little disoriented like my AW: DoR review? I believe some criticism on it was that it was a little hard to follow, but otherwise well written albeit a little unorganized I think.

So now... comment, criticize, or whatever. I'm all ears! :D ... or ... rather Eyes. :P

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: Complete!

Woot! I finally beat this game! I got it as a Christmas gift, and it's taken me this long to beat it... Yes I know I'm slow.

I got almost 60 hours saved on that game... if you are wondering "Why?" it's partly because I've left the game on countless times while I left it on for like 10mins to pick up my brother at school, but also because I'm one who is so indecisive at times on some battles... :P

Well I finally beat the game... and a little few notes I'd like to share... are

- Ena was "severly injured" in the last battle. Not sure how or Why, but Ashera kept attacking her and finally "severly injured" her.

- I killed Gareth (I think was his name) on Endgame Part 3. I got Nasir, but the other guy I killed... boo. :(

- I had 10 level 20s in the game and 3 40 Laguz. Woot!

- *spoiler warning!*




.. I killed Ashera Three times! I didn't realize what I needed to do until the third time... :lol:






End SPoiler.

So yes... that's it. Now I'm on to play some more Smash!! Woot! I've neglected it because of Fire Emblem.. (so if you had played me at all during the past three weeks and wondered why I lost a few? It's cause of that. Don't worry, I'll be bringing back my ace game soon. ;)

Now for my next game to beat (hopefully): Final Fantasy VI advance. I'm currently in the Dragon's Den. Woot! :)

Short Entry: For Real!

Ok, so this is REALLY a short entry, unlike the last one...

I just want to announce that I'm ALMOST DONE with Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn on Wii. Yes, I've spent almost... 55 hours? I think... on this game, and it's finally another game I can chalk up on my list of "completed" titles.

I'm at "Endgame: Rebirth (3)" which I would safely assume is the last battle before the final battle.

So wish me luck! Because I never have played this game as much as I did the GC one. I love it, but the reason I haven't is because I played at most two battles a day... but mostly it has just been one battle everyday, and I dropped the game off a few times to play other titles than recently picked it up again just two weeks ago and now am finally almost done! :D

So yes... please don't summon any meteors to crash land on my Wii or send me any malicious files hidden in text name as "bikinicladbabe.jpg" or "secrets_of_women.pdf" and so on... :|

FYI: If you have the game I've taken these characters

  • Sothe
  • Ike
  • Micaiah (sp?)
  • Tibarn
  • Sanaki
  • Caignehis
  • Shinon (Marksman)
  • Haar (Dragonlord)
  • Reyson
  • Bastian (Arch Sage)
  • Elincia
  • Soren (Arch Sage)
  • Ena
  • Kurthnaga
  • Renning
  • Mist (Valkeryie)
  • Boyd (Reaver)

My Early Return....

Well hello all!

Yes, if you are as shocked to see me as umm.. I am, well surprise!!

Yes, I believe I said I'd be absent all week, but instead I had an early return. No real reason why, other than... we were having lots of fun and money was a little miscalculated... :lol:

So we returned home, also because there was some things that had to be done. I'll explain later, but point is... I'm home early, even though I would probably have been in Vegas right now... :lol: but I am so sore from my trip I wanted to come home early.

So yes, I've returned early, partly because me and my brothers were exhausted, my parents were a little dry on the moola, and also because we were in Las Vegas last night, we decided we'd take the extra four hours to go home, yet today this morning I was thinking of returning back and enjoying the rest of the vacation, but... I changed my mind. :D

I don't know if this sounds clear or makes sense, but don't think too much about it... even I don't understand it myself... :P

So yes... did I miss anything? :P

Last post of the Wekk untill... one week from now!

Well just a little update. I'm currently packing up stuff for the trip and for those who don't know I'm going to Utah.

I'll be going to visit family up in Salt Lake City, but before we do, I believe tonight we leave to Las Vegas, NV. We'll be heading to my mother's cousin's house (My 2nd cousin I call her) house for the night. Afterwards we'll head up to Utah and spend a week there. I don't know my return date, but I assume I'll be home around Friday Night or Saturday.

Also some news today. I unlocked Zero Two (It really is O^2 like the scientific writing for Oxygen.) in Brawl. To do so one can use a Hammer or actually obtain the 5K coins total. I actually did do the latter method, because I don't want to use any hammers. I plan to tackle all "challenges" without it. But I must say, this song is awesome! Definitely one of my favorites in Brawl, and the remix of this compared to the N64 Kirby title, this one is better IMO. I loved the battle with Zero Two and the song was great, but this newly defined rock battle mix is great too. XD

Also as for the trip, i'm pretty much all prepared. Clothes just needs to be put IN the suitcase really, it's all laying there on my bed... I'll do that soon. Toothbrushes, cellphones, etc are here. My DS is charged up with AW hot in the slot. :D I'll also be taking Pokemon Diamond and FF VI Advance for the trip, and PPL/Tetris too. I was thinking of buying Professor Layton and the Curious Village, but... I'll get it when I come back. :P

Lastly, there is not much else to report. I've got sweaters, and the like to keep me warm for the winter nights and days. I've got everything ready and packed for the trip, and so far... all I need to do now is wait... :D I think we will leave around 6 p.m. pacific time... or we are hoping too.

That's all folks! See everyone in one week from now. :D