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yoshi_64 Blog

Going to be gone for a week. Leaving Tomorrow Night

Well, don't worry this is an EXTREMELY short blog, unlike the last "small notification" one... :P

I'm just going to be away for the week. I leave tomorrow night and won't be back till Friday night again I believe. I'm going to Utah to visit some family up there. Me and my family along with my aunt and her family and my grandma. My 2nd cousin had twins, so really that's one reason I can only think of, but it should be fun...

Just hope I don't come back frozen... :lol: I hear the weather is between 20-mid 40's!!!

Small but important notification.

No April Fools here folks, just a little updates on some things and how they'll affect my time here on GS and with you people.

Ok, let's begin...

First: I'm currently in a gaming fix at the moment. I know, sorry to say, but I've been pulled back into a few games that have NEEDED to be completed for some time, and now I find myself turning the console of choice on first instead of the PC (:o) so because of that my time in GS is pretty reduced... I promise to return more often when I'm done with the games or this phase passes!!

Second: I've had WAAAAAAY to many union requests, from now on, I'm cutting back. Either the ones I've never posted in (quite a few) or ones I'm no longer active in, I'm going to resign. Also plan on not sending me union invites if you haven't already. I have to admit, I don't really make much time to be too active in many. GUFU, Warp Pipe Union, and some of Square-Enix Reunion are the ones I've participated mostly in. I'm cutting off a few others, and if you send me any Nintendo related unions, RPG unions or "Whatever" unions, I will have to decline. Sorry, but I don't want to really take up a spot and be inactive to your union. (Recently joined XNA union, but it's a group made union of my GUFU friends. GUFU is the union to rule the world!! :D Well gaming world hopefully. :P )

Third: I reserved the MGS IV LE package today... $85 is what it will fully costs I hear... :x I know I said Brawl would be my last game, but my PS3's been a dust magnet for too long... well really it's a Blu-Ray player. However with that said... MGS IV IS GOING TO BE THE LAST GAME I EVER BUY THIS YEAR!! I have to stand by it now or never... :x

Fourth: Friend Blogs. I'm sorry if I haven't really posted in your blogs, there are many people's blogs I read but don't post in. Sometimes I see them and go "I'll read next time..." but a new blog is up or it's moved down my list cause I have so many friends... :lol: I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I've really been a bit listless for the past few days. Please don't stop posting on my blogs!! :(

Lastly: I'm trying to reduce my GS/Online time a bit more. Reason why? I'm trying to make a new daily schedule to be frank, and to do so I need to make cuts in my schedule... and the biggest chunk is the time I spend on the computer. So I need to reduce it.

What am I doing you ask? Oh wouldn't you like to know... ;) Ok, Ok... I'll tell you.

I'm trying to start a excerise, daily "completion" (more on it later), and break the mold a bit with something unexpected or exciting.

So, if you don't know I'm trying to perform a daily regular exercise routine... nothing much or important. My weight is still good... at about... 145? last I checked, and I'm not overweight, but maybe I do have a bit of a gut... :P I'm just trying to stay more in shape since I really don't do much activities. As for the "daily completion" I'm just calling it that, because I want to do something that's basically a goal. It doesn't have to be anything important, but something small or big, whatever it is, I just want to try and break the mold basically of my day. Be it "say hi to five strangers" or "juggle three oranges!" or something of the like... or completely different that's what I'm referring to. I am saying this because, let's be honest... who DOESN'T have a routine life? Almost everyday you do the same thing or something of like to every other day, right? Sure, videogames break that mold for me, and maybe you too... but I need a little more... right? I don't care if it's unimportant or whatever... just somethinig!!!

So that's all... take care everyone!

I'm Joining the Army....

April Fools!!

Sorry, I hope that wasn't that mean of a joke. :P I have lots of respect for our fighting brothers/sisters over seas right now and wish them best of luck, because honestly.... I could never go do something like that. Thank you soldiers for keeping us free! *salutes*

Xbox 360 (My first of the three 'reviews' on the consoles. )

Well now is time for me to begin my first "review" of the three current gen consoles. Really this blog post is more of my feelings on how I feel the console is, where I feel it stands in terms of my expectations, and overall what are my pros/cons (or likes and dislikes) with it at the CURRENT STATE.

Keep in mind of course this is merely my feelings for the system. I don't consider this to be any form of "technical" review, or "expert review" of the system... if that is possible. So feel free to leave comments and agree/disagree to your hearts content. I know that many will have different opinions of all the systems and I don't expect to really change anyone's point of views with these "reviews."

So let's begin, shall we?

The Xbox 360. A system that, by now, needs no introduction... So I will skip all the history lessons and background info, because that would be a waste of space and really, do you need ANY info on these systems if you come to this website? :P

Let me start by explaining my general ideas I had before the system launched. I had to admit I was a little uneasy about this system becoming one of my most used systems, or even possibly my favorite. The reason had to do with a couple of aspects.

  1. I hardly played the original Xbox except for a few games. Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Panzer Dragoon Orta (one of my favorite games ever) and a few more.
  2. I still felt Live wasn't going to be worth the cost
  3. Most launch games never "wowed" me with their graphics and I couldn't see anything "next-gen" in most games near launch.

Sure, titles like PDZ and CoD 2 were the only ones that interested me much at launch and for quite some time really... But I never found myself finding a title that single-handedly sold me on the system. So I had to admit in the beginning, my fears of the 360 began to come up again. It was also around the time where Nintendo's Wii hype had gotten to me, and the crazy motion controls, and the graphics of the 360 hadn't really showed much "wow" that the crazy motion controls of Nintendo's console had me saying with anything I could think of.

So we fast forward to present day, and what do I feel about the system? Well let me break it up for you, to make it easier.


Ok, this is a big one. After all, who buys a video game console for the sole purpose of media functionality? Sure it's a nice plus, but that's all it really is to me IMO.

The 360 was off to a slow start... very few games had me interested, and I bought only games that had a small interest to me and were backed up by raving reviews, because I wanted something for my system. Needless to say, my PS2 gained more love the first year the 360 was out than any other system. However that changed quite some time after a slew of great games came out it's second year.

Oblivion, Gears of War, and other note-worthy titles were beginning to show me the "wow" in the new tech of the 360. Perhaps I should mention, these are not my favorite games on the 360, or what I consider the top three for the 360, but they were sure satisfying and held my interest long enough.

Now it seems the 360 has gotten some of the most diverse, albeit it still has troubles ridding itself of shooter titles, and high quality third party games, that come at a constant rate. Sure, one can argue these games aren't exclusive to the system. With a PC or PS3 even, one can play the same games, however... these games are still great and in some instances the performance comparison is equal or even better on the 360. (Mostly PS3 and 360 only titles with 360 sometimes edging out and not to mention the great XBL service to go hand-in-hand.) Also let it be said, I had a very crummy computer that could not even dream of processing those next-gen titles for it would crash and burn causing mass destruction within a 20 mile radius.

Perhaps my only complaint about this department, like I said earlier, is the 360 is very synonymous with shooter titles. Gears of War, Halo, Call of Duty titles, and the like are a plenty on the 360 system... and this current generation's flooded market at that. Sure there's the other part too, Sports, Sports, and sports... but that's always been a flood in each generation frankly. As for unique and some of my favorite genres, it has a handful, but not enough to quench my thirst. RPGs are still few and between, mainly JRPGs at that, and then there's those unique original IP titles. XBLA has a few great indie titles, but to be frank... I can't admit myself to finding some of these games all that enticing. Partly because I don't find myself vying for them as much as I'd hope. Perhaps it's me, but nothing really captivates my interest on the XBLA games enough to want me to put my credit card down and buy some MS points for some games. As for Original IPs itself, 360 has some... just they usually are the same genre of shooting or so as in any other game.

Grade: B+

(oh did I forget to mention? I'm grading each category seperately and then an overall grade afterwards)


Well, the 360's got a moderate amount of features I care for. To be frank, it's not a wow machine or one I consider my living room attraction, but it's nice to use what it has, and what it has I actually prefer to do on the 360 because it does it better than some of the other systems.

Windows Media Center Connect

This is all I really need to say, but for those who don't know. If you have a computer with XP and WMC or Windows Vista which has WMC installed, you get all access to your files be it movies, pictures, videos, music, and the like from one simple and easy setup. After configuring your 360 and PC to work together via Wireless signal or whatever means you use, it is wonderful!

I've only tinkered around in it though, because right now... my audio files are in iTunes as opposed to Windows Media Player, and the problem that happens here is my files aren't as organized like in iTunes and also I don't have all my files in my WMP library so I don't have all my songs. However, that process takes about 2 mins and I have nothing to complain about.

So far, there is one problem and it's delay. In reality, one needs A+G routers and I do not have one, so because of that... video files themselves can become slideshows and they pause while they have to buffer or stutter and slow to a crawl. Not admirable, but frankly... I don't have really any movies I care for on my PC enough to stream. I prefer the disc format so it's all good for me.

Lastly, one can share pictures and display them on the television for all to see. You can also play music during the slideshow from your library and really, WMC on 360 is just a wonderful tool to use and almost make that 360 worth the center of attention in your living room.

Streaming Capabilities:

What I love more than gaming is having good music to go with it. Today's games have soundtracks that... frankly can leave a bad taste in my mouth or feel TOTALLY wrong for the mood of the game. I mainly speak of titles like Sports/Racing games that use licensed tracks and the occasion I'm online playing a game and need something to get me in the mood. Thankfully, Microsoft's OS in the 360 allows easy use of streaming files and content from one source to another. In my case, my iPod can be hooked, the 360 is quick to recognize my files and storage unit, then allow me to stream them off without a hitch. It works so well, this is one of my most used and beloved features.


Now for what about the system's features do I not like?

Well frankly, there are a few. One... the DVD player only displays in 480p signal. It doesn't upscale my movies to 720p or even 1080p. Perhaps not a big deal to some, but my t.v. is 1080p cpable, and yet having a 480p signal for my DVDs isn't fun. However, luckily, my t.v. can convert the signal to fit my screen if it's set-up right, so my movie still fills the screen, it just doesn't look as good if it were upscaled to the right signal though.

Customization options are limited:

I should say, I don't mind much about the color schemes of my system's menu system and all that jazz too much. However, if the option is given, I do expect some decent settings options. Frankly, the thing is... MS loves to charge for themes, or at least ones in genres you like, or else you are forced to go the route of free themes which generally involve product placement ads for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Best Buy, and the like. I'd love to be able to use my own pictures and designs but that can't happen unfortunately and likely won't.

Grade: B+

Xbox LIVE :

Ok, so we come down to what is perhaps the quintessantial piece of technology that powers the 360. Whether you like it or not, 360 is perhaps one of the key things you NEED on a 360 to really enjoy the system. Without it, the system feels incomplete and soulless.

Rather then go label each feature of the system, I'm just going to list my pros and cons or likes and dislikes of this essential network structure.


  • Top of the line online gaming source. While it costs this system is still ahead of the other two systems in terms of content, stability, service, and basic features.
  • Cross-messanging system is a blessing to have. Allowing me to always be connected to friends and never leave my game when messages arrive.
  • Integrated Friends List and Unified username. Self-explanitory
  • Rich content on the marketplace. There's always something new or something to look for on the XBLM. MS has the largest amount of content availible from movie rentals to game content to 360 themes and pictures and so on.
  • You always feel connected. I can see what my friends are up to, send chat invites across different games, join them in their games, send messages to setup games, and more. XBL really feels like your friends are closer and helps keep this large community feel.


  • You have to pay a premium. $50 a year isn't too bad for some, but it's getting harder to see when companies like Nintendo and Sony offer a moderate and serviceable system for free.
  • Gold accounts don't feel to special or significant from Silver. Aside from online gaming and one week advantage to new content, there's nothing that really builds a gap between the two to make the payment plans really seem all that important.
  • Peer-to-Peer connection only. So large games sometimes have connection issues and problems. Lag is more frequent or at least more likely on p2p as opposed to server based systems.

Grade: B


While I do feel this system is great, and indeed I have logged many hours into it be it Halo 3 online or ES IV or other games. It's not perfect, but then again no system is. A few tiffs I have, and they are relatively small for the most part is XBL is basically needed for the system. Without it, the system feels incomplete and I had recently cancelled my account to be a Silver only for the time, because of personal reasons that may have me leaving gaming for two years even. Also I'm currently unemployed so I cannot continue paying on a tri-monthly plan like I had been doing so. Another reason is the variety of games, or lack of in genres. I may be looking at the glass half-empty, but that's not true. I see some great titles on the system, but there just isn't the type of games I'm still into. However it doesn't mean I don't enjoy what's on the system still. I find some new and satisfying experiences on it, and all I ask for is some more JRPG love or Fighting game love or Platformers.

I really hope MS strives more to diversify the genres on the system and holds back on the shooting games. I really also want to see more original content that's not so "adult" made. I don't mind the mature content, but light-hearted games, or games that are even adult in ****but fun in a childish way of gameplay would be great. (You know, that thing Nintendo seems to have nailed down quite well...)

Also I'd like to see Gold be more worth the money. IMO it's serviceable now, but Sony's HOME service and soon-to-come-in-the-near-future XMB integration are going to be on a free service. So come add new features for both accounts but I'd like to see Gold be more special please. :)

Also, now I must mention how Shooters need to really slow down, because I've not got a capable gaming PC machine which, I'll say rocks a ton! :D, and because of that... I expect to buy more of my shooters for it instead as I've been spending too much time on these FPS demos... >.>

Overall Grade: A

I know, I know, you're going... "WTF?! An A but you gave it all B's!!" I should say, these letter grades don't necessarily mean my overall grade is going to be reflected. No. Personally, I've been very satisified with my 360 and it's current state has me at this feeling. I do admit, at the current moment right now, i've not played the system for about... a month almost? Maybe that's because Brawl stole my life and I got rid of XBL Gold, which like I said, is the heart of the 360 really, so it feels so weird seeing my friends online, but unable to play with them. I'm concerned really about the gaming side of the system, and yet.. up to this point I've been pretty pleased with a bunch of the games I've played on it and still need to complete. This system has done wonders for me and kept me gaming and feeling the "next-gen" vibe for quite some time. So because of that, I give it an A. Really though, it doesn't mean the system is perfect... those B's are reflective of my current state of mood too, and they have much to improve on. However generally, i'm happy with my 360. Lots of great games to play, albeit mostly they revolve around shooting something in my library... :P but solid amounts of games nonetheless and still a good diverse library of games enough to keep me waiting for some more.

So what do you think? :)

Tag me will you!! Ok, Five Things you don't know about me.

I believe this is it, because I was just tagged. Grr... by


Thanks a bunch pal... :x

Ok let me see... Here are five things you don't know about me... I think

1. My favorite food is called "Arroz Con Pollo" but it isn't just chicken and rice. Here's a pic:

This thing is YUM!! :) (I know... grammar error, but sue me. :P )

2. I'm latin, but in comparison to most of my family, I'm bad at SPEAKING spanish. Conjugations and the like... I understand better than I speak. :x

3. I'm perhaps one of the biggest romantic dreamers I know. :lol: I mean, most men shy away at the "lovey-dovey" stuff, but I would love one of them romantic moments with a girl. :D Not just in the sexual way either... :|

4. I can't stand being driven in a car, I MUST drive... otherwise I have some ... flinches and other moments where I cringe at other's driving... :lol:

5. I truthfully love Nell more than Yoshi. :o



... Didn't buy it did you? Ok ok... I am quite short for a guy's height... 5' 5" :( It's hard to find a girl shorter or your height like this... :x

Alright, now that that's done... I'm here to find a person to tag.... who will it be?

A Blog about a few things

Hey there all! It's a little late to say... like 37 mins at this moment late, but happy Easter! :D

Well I just wanted to get on the subject of a few things, before I hit the sack tonight. There aren't large things, but something I'm reconsidering to do on my reviews, one thing about upcoming blogs to expect, and lastly... umm updates on my life? :P

Firstly, I just wanted to say... I'm thinking from now on... my reviews are going to be a little more or less... strict. What I mean is, I'm going to stop using the .5 increments in games when I review on Gamespot. To be frank, I think it's a damaging thing to have scores in the beginning, and if I could I'd maybe use a letter grade system or even just no grading scale... more or less just "pros and cons" would be the simplest thing you'd find, but since I can't. I'm going to try ruling out a game from being 9.5, 8.5, 5.5 and whatever else.

So to elaborate, my scale will consist of solid 1-10 numbers here on GS. Now, this isn't to say that every game I review will get 9.0s if it would have gotten a 8.5 in the old scale, or even 10s to a game that would probably 9.5.

I am however going to stop being so darn "technical" if that's what you can be in a review, because I honestly feel that reviews have begun to ruin true appreciation for games. Let me be clearer... When I was much younger, new to gaming almost, and even in my more "experienced" years, I never had a review source to go to. I never even bought gaming magazines till...2003? I was about...14 years old when I first subscribed to my issues of Nintendo Power and EGM. Frankly... I never even took or understood the point of reviews, and you know what? I believe I was glad I didn't. Because I had played so many great games that I enjoyed and love them still to this day. I never knew there was framerate hiccups in say... Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, or hell... any N64 game for that matter. Never knew what the hell Bloom lighting was in 2000, or what polygons meant, or cared a flying rat about most of the mundane stuff you read in reviews today.

So I just want to go more simpler and basic now... to a time where as I was young, I just bought a game, enjoyed it or not. Mostly I ended up picking a game I greatly enjoyed... I either rented a game first, got a friend's advice from it, or borrowed from someone before I even bought it. Believe me, I did some weird things... Like I rented the SAME Banjo-Kazooie cart (I would re-rent the instant it was due) three times, till I completed it 100%. Then a few weeks later, I bought the same game. Despite having beaten it, completed it, did everything you could, I owned the game later. I know I had some wierder things too, but just to give you an idea, if I loved a game, it wasn't just a thing I got tired of in say... two weeks or a month. NO!

So my reviews will consider these follow..

  • Price/Replay (Does the price justify the value of the game?)
  • Gameplay (you know, the thing we buy games for?)
  • Originality (Mostly, does it try too hard to be something it's not, rip off much?, or is it something you've seen before?)
  • Overall, is it just fun?

Now, maybe you're looking and saying "Well I don't take games like that, I go for the artistic direction, I want to fledge my games as a masterpiece!" or what-not, and if that is so, I'd advise you to just step away from my reviews.

Yeah, I get it, you think games are "art" so do I, but I also buy games to enjoy and play. I want the interactive experience to leave me breathless, to have me crying for more, and leave me anticipating a sequel while I play to death the original.

So to break it to you, here's what each score would mean in my review

10- Highly Recommended, a fantastic game worth buying for the system. No doubt the best game to ever grace this console, and it's highly enjoyable.

9- Another must buy, however a few oddities that can't be totally ignored, or maybe it's just not for everyone? A game with this mark is considered one of the system's best highlights. Be it motion control, graphical/technical power, or just a fun as hell game that you'll enjoy for many days/weeks/months to come. A game with this score is also highly replayable, or just has one of the most intense and satisfying experience you've played.

8- Perhaps not the best of the best. This game is either not justified for the price and should be wait for it to be cheaper, isn't long enough to satisfy, has a few issues in the gameplay department or technical issues that drag the experience down a bit. Usually this is a score I'd say you may enjoy if you love the genre or series, but it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

7- For the Fans mostly. If you're willing to overlook the moderate shortcomings, technical issues, or paying the game at it's current price, you may be satisfied. Games like these may have a good start, idea, or mechanic in the gameplay that just was never fully developed, realized, or fell apart in some places. It could be the story, or experience of the game may not have delivered quite like one expected, but a game like this is still worth a look if you are a fan of the genre, game, or still curious. More or less, this is suggested as a highly recommend rental.

6- Rent this. Even if it's cheaper, I cannot fathom paying this game for a price perhaps at a very low cost. This game will have technical issues, gameplay problems, and mostly it's likely unoriginal or anything worth noting. It's not terrible or anything, but if you are interested, I really recommend you rent this game instead.

5 or less- Rent. Mostly if there's anything I give that's maybe 3 or less, just avoid it at all costs. 5 is maybe something you'd want to rent if you're still interested, but maybe even renting won't be worth your time with many other great games to play.

Now one more thing to add-on because I didn't figure this blog would be THIS big...

I'm currently going to begin, but no date is set yet, blogging my opinions on the three big consoles out right now. As an owner of all three, and having them for quite some time, I'd like to give my general feelings towards each of them, give the strengths and weakness I feel right now, and my wishes and hopes to see this console improve. I won't be scoring them via a number, but rather a letter. The letter grades are A- Satisfied Very Much (FYI it isn't perfect still, but at the moment I'm very well enjoying this system. Doesn't mean it can't be improved) to F- Totally unsatisfied.

Which console will recieve what grade in my opinion? Well find out. ;)

Quite the dream...

Well I must say last night, I had one unexpected and quite different dream than the norm or ever.

So I umm... don't know how to post this, I may refrain from posting my full thoughts or some other details in the dream... not because I really don't want you to hear it (otherwise I wouldn't post it.) But I do feel it may just be something touchy or not so in the favor of interest of all... maybe... we'll see where I go... :P

So the dream starts where I'm walking alongside some girl. She seems to be someone I deeply care for I take it, and by the looks of it, we are quite affectionate (don't you love third person views of yourself in a dream? :D )

Well not to long, an unexpected event happens. I could not remember in full detail what happened to be quite frank, because I should have written this down sooner... :P but I turn out to be knocked unconsious and waking up in a time span much later where it's night and I'm on a gravel hill. I awaken dazed and distorted. I begin trying to stumble back to my feet when I hear a voice asking "Are you ok?" I look up and a girl stands in front of me taking my hand as she helps me up. Soon I begin to gain some strength and asked her "Wh-where am I?"

Then her face turns sour and she looks at me with gentle yet worried eyes... She begins to study my face and asks "Do I know... you?" I respond "I'm sorry... I ..I don't think we've met." Then moments later a sound in the distance, like a loud clashing gong rings and the girl looks up ahead. She whispers "You need to leave... go now." Then she runs into the direction of the loud sound and moments later, I hear the rustling of gravel as it and dirt being stampeded on as a slew of other men and women run towards the sound of the bell. Unsure of what was happening, I decide to drop back down onto the hill side and look over the top.

The men and women rush downwards towards a small yet ruined building that seems to have been in a war. Walls destroyed and ruined, only showing the foundations and bricks of what once was, and there's rubble all over the area expanding some 50 yard radius. "What is going on?" I say, as the last few men and women rushing out from all corners of the earth come dashing into this building like a army of ants to food.

I begin to slowly sneak my way towards the area... however I hear footsteps from behind me, and I lay my back against the hill, hoping that whoever is running by won't see me. I thought it almost worked, before the person stopped turns around and looked at me before he dashed back to meeting.

I had reached the spot where all the people had gathered just shortly after, and I hear a voice talking to them in the tone of a commander to it's troops. However she isn't giving orders... from what I hear she said...

"Have you found him?" ... ... silence fills the air in an eerie fashion... it sent shivers up my spine just hoping something would make a sound, and hopefully it wasn't me...

"What is WRONG WITH YOU!?!" The voice begins to break, no longer stern in tone, she sounds like she is holding back tears of immense sorrow. "H-he is ALIVE! YOU MUST FIND HIM!"

A voice comes out and says "Miss... M-" "Silence!" she snaps back before he could even say her name.

"Listen.... please... I need everyone to go back out now... look harder. I know he's out there... I can feel his presence, he is alive...."

Grumbles and moaning can be heard within the crowd... but shortly after, everyone breaks off and jogs away. "Who are they looking for?" I ask myself, and then soon afterwards I try to see if I can peer around the walls to see who it is that was talking to these people. I peer over and just then, the girl from before jumps in front of me. Her face worried and yet pleased to see me, she says "Hey... come on, we have to leave now. You can't be here."

She pulls me aside and takes me over the hill, soon afterwards she tells me... "You.. you're ... I know I've seen you." I ask "What is going on? Who are you looking for? Who is that lady?"

She wasn't even paying attention, she begins muttering to herself, trying to pin a name on me and location of solve the riddle in her mind. "Chris...right?" "Excuse me?" I said, almost stunned she knew my name..

"Your name is Chris, isn't it?" "Y-yeah..." I answered back. "How did you know?" ... "You are who she's looking for..."

"wait, what?" "Who? Who is looking for me?"

"Yes!" She jumps up in joy. "You must come with me..." She begins pulling my arm in the direction towards the building... "Wait... Hold on!" I jerk back and stand my ground. "Who is this women and why does she want me?"

"I'm not sure she said... and umm.. her name is... oh I don't remember, but the point is we found you! You have to come back! She'll be happy to see you."

Just then I remembered the girl I had lost... "Hold on... I can't right now, I have to look for someone too... she's very important to me. "

Shortly afterwards she says "Just follow me, please..." and then a thought in my head goes "Maybe it's her..." and so I said "Ok... I will... but you muist promise that nothing is going to happen to me." "Don't worry I promise" she quickly says almost too quickly for my tastes..

We reach what looks to be a little stage room, and she begins to yell "Hello!... Miss I think we found him..."

No answer and it was a bone-chilling silence that stirred in the air.. "Huh... maybe she went back home?"

"Well we can go rest... she can come back for you tomorrow, you aren't going anywhere, right?"

"I wouldn't be so sure...."I mutter to myself and then we go back to a campground area.

For some reason, the whole area looks like it was abandoned. No cars on the streets that are being driven, people walking around in ragged clothes and the sky glows a crimson red almost instead of a typical black night.

Well to fast forward some events, I talk to the girl, telling her about the girl I'm looking for. She tells me that I speak of the one they follow and then she explains they follow her because she saved them all. Not clear as to why, it seems she gave them hope recently in the turn of events that had followed and I never did learnt he recent events that happened, nor understood how I came where I was, but it was 2 years later from the day I last remember.

Well... I hate to say this, but more of the dream fastforwards... (partl because I'm leaving stuff out here too... it's quite long.)

but what happens is, I come to find out the girl I know is the girl giving them orders, however she was injured badly during an attack. I try to come to her aid during the fight, but I could not make it in time. She now is resting in a nearby hospital off a distance from the war-torn plains. I do not know what happens during the rest of the war though, as I go over the hills to a small little country side that is serene and peaceful, untouch by the war... this is where I see her again... resting up and healing

I walk into her room, she lays by the window, the sunlight is poking through the blinds just lightly carressing her skin. No words are said, she just looks up to me... her smile says it all. Radiant and bright as the sunlight outside, she welcomes me with open arms... I stand that at first, gazing at her ... a cast covers her left arm, multiple bones broken from the fragments of the explosion that happened nearby, her face healing but still scared with shrapnel as well. It pains my heart seeing her in this condition, I still beat myself up for what had happen... still believe I wasn't strong enough to protect her. "Are you going to keep me waiting?" she suddenly says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I slowly walk up to her, lower my head into her arms and soon a wave of emtions run through me and before I know it I'm sobbing in her arms. "I'm sorry..." I whisper... "It isn't your fault" she says trying to comfort me. There I begin to uncontrollably let go and the story of all is revealed. What had happened that day (before I go blank for two years.), how I never let go of her and tried my hardest searching, how I felt like a failure for not getting to her in time and how I felt bad for leaving her alone and worried.

Then before I know it, I'm waking up and it's day break. :P

Yes, yes... sorry to bring such a sob story, I felt like writing this dream down and had no other place to do it, and I don't mind if it's public... if you'd like to comment feel free. :P Sorry for the long read.

First Brawl Video Uploaded

Hey all, just posting a match I had with my brother. I'm Marth and He's Ike. I just was wondering what do you guys think? Also have any videos to share? :P


What do you think? Also challenge me folks! :P

My Review!

I normally don't do this, but hey... umm.. since this is special game, I thought I'd try it for once.

Here's my review for Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.

I gave it a 9.0 and felt I did some nice criticism..

But hey, you can just say whatever you want... did I go too easy on it? Did I make nothing but a blabbering senseless review? Did I forget anything? How was my structure compared to other games I reviewed? (If you haven't checked, look already! :P )

Also... you can just look at the score and say something too if you want... :P