Well... hello world! Ummm... people... :P
Today is just another life update blog of sorts... :P Sorry. :D Prepare for the massive wall of text...... NAOW!
So yesterday (sunday) I went to Disneyland again. Yes, the Magic Kingdom, or D-land, or however you call it... So, I'm not sure if any of you have ever had the chance to visit the Magic Kingdom, but for me... I've gone my W-H-O-L-E LIFE.... So to be frank, it gets a bit hard to geet excited about going there, but then again... there's just something about that place that's hard to forget and leaving with a smile on your face, you know?
So, for someone who's been going 20-some odd times (more than my age of 19!! :o ) his life... I've been there to see all the changes, acts of tourisim, and other things. Now, I won't bore you too much about this place, but we went with my family and my little cousin, while my sister brought her boyfriend with us too. Well some highlights of that day were...
1. We went on the Star Wars theme "Star Tours" ride in Tomorrowland. I've been on this ride millions of times already, like every other ride in Disnelyand, but it was still enjoyable. However, my little cousin Alejandro, whom is a Star Wars fanatic (for a 8 year old) was excited to go on, but left with tears... cause he was frightened on the ride. :lol: Oh ... the poor child, but I remember being scared a bit on the ride too... they toned down the movement, but I guess the ride simulator throughs pace and cosmic events (like flying through an asteroid field and battling on a death star :o ) was too much for him... :P later this young padawan (sp?) will enjjoy the ride, he may. :D (Yoda speech...>.> )
2. So, for those who don't know... there's a theory that's gone around that Disneyland HAS TO make your stay there enjoyable... at least within reason. So, now... there are a few things that, should a certain circumstance happen, they must do whatever happens to insure you enjoy your time there. So, instead of listing what they are, I'm going to mention about one thing Disneyland has to do.
If you buy food, and say you do NOT finish that food and are even down to your LAST BITE, and say that food happens to "fall" to the ground in some "accidental" form... Well, you can get that same food item back in full force. :D
So, if you're confused, let me explain... because I tested this theory out finally after four years of speculation from hearing about it and it worked!
My sister bought a Pinapple slice (for 2.50 btw, it's so nice to know a whole pineapple at the market is the cost for ONE SLICE at the Magic Kingdom) and of course... she was enjoying this morsel treat. Then, my brother whom takes the food away from her while she wasn't looking had taken a bite... only to drop the last bite of pineapple before it could reach his hands. Now... of couse he's disappointed. Well.. lo and behold I exclaimed, "YES!!!" and I grabbed the fruit from the ground, ran over to the fruit stand before my family could finish saying "Chris, DON'T do it!!" I walked to the lady and told her the situation and she gives us a whole NEW slice for FREE! :D With my family in amazement, I come back to them with a grin that's ear to ear and finally, for the first time, have tested the theory to find it actually works! :D Oh yeah. 8)
Now one more highlight of that day, happened at the Indiana Jones ride. One of my favorite rides of the park (next to space mountain) was also... ruined. The anti-climatic events that happened were a odd twist, but then again... the whole ride was still enjoyable a bit despite what happened.
Alright, for those who don't know, Indiana Jones's ride takes you on a Jeep vehicle, that goes through various off roading terrain. What starts as an entry way into a templ, becomes a place filled with Giant Man eating snakes, scarab infested walls, poisonous darts flunged from statues and crossing over a rickety old bridge hanging over a fiery inferno pit. Quite the ride I might add. :D (for someone who's gone on it like... 14 times )
So, what happens? Well.. during this ride, we came to a STOP on the poison dart statues... yeah... it wasn't fun... but luckily they stopped those "darts" from being shot (which is just compressed air shot at you) because it was a bit annoying. Afdter waitingf for maybe... 10 minutes (no, I'm not exaggeratng) we ended got to go on. And of course I got to continue my spanish speaking skills by exlaiming everything we saw, heard, or came across in spanish. :P (I also threw in a little Mariachi scream for good thrills. :D) we unfortunately didn't have enough time till we came to our last stop... It was at the thrill ride's conclusion. The Giant Boulder. :D
What happened was this... we stopped AGAIN! as the boulder had just been used, but... of course our car doesn't move... and well the boulder was coming down at us, but our car wasn't moving. :lol: So while nice and different, it was lame the boulder retreated back again before anything and our good man Jones was just dangling there on his rope without a word... Then the boulder is resetted, our car reverses up a bit, and we stand there AGAIN while Jones is hanging around on his rope not much a talker... :|
So after three minutes, he says his line "Oh no! It's the boulder, GET BACK!" and we were like "Ahhh...." afterwards we finish the ride by diving under the boulder as it rolls over us... :lol:
Well, that was it for my day at Disneyland... I have to say, it was definitely enjoyable. :D
Now a bit of update on my PS3 and life...
1. I rented the Orange Box... Portal is so fun and funny... :P But wow... I got a bit motion sickness after beating the game... :lol:
2. Team Foretress 2 online... I can't say much...because I haven't had much time with it, but PSN online is very... quite... (BTW add me if you haven't already. :D)
3. I've had more time to say there are some likes and dislikes with the system as a whole... and with that, I want to say I'll be doing a comparison blog on all my likes and dislikes for each system I own (THat's all three in case you missed it. :D)
Also, my brother got CoD 4 from his friend for 360... can't wait to try that out. :D
And... that is all for now people. Hope you enjoyed the show! :)
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