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zelda450 Blog

The best video ever? The best video ever! (or: I love you Wootex)

There ya go Wootex, the love and respect and thanks you asked for.

These videos are much better than yesterdays, as we actually made our own music video to go along with our performance. If you're only going to watch one video, at least make sure you watch the actual music video itself.




Once again, I love you Wootex ;)

Thanks for watching everybody, let us know what you thought.


Not your average list

Hey everbody

Before I get on with the main part of this blog, I figured I'd write about the typical GS blog stuff. Y'know, the "my life sucks because of this reason" and "I bought these games" type things. First off, I've been very busy buying games lately. I've gotten 9 games and a whole system in a span of just 2 days. Amazingly, I was able to get all of these for only $90. :D So what exactly did I get, you ask (or maybe you didn't ask, in which case I apologize, but you're still gonna have to sit hear and listen to me ramble on forever ;) )

Smugglers Run (PS2) I bought this mainly for nostalgia purposes, and it turns out it's still quite a bit of fun. And it was only $3. Rule number one of thrifty video game buying: Never, ever, pass up a $3 game unless the title contains the words "Barbie," "horse," or "adventure,"or any combination thereof.

Smugglers Run 2 Hostile Territory (PS2) I got this free with the purchase of the original (don't ask me how) There's another rule of thrifty video game buying: never refuse a free game.

Crimson Skies: High Road to Reveng (Xbox) Another $3 game! Take that Xbox Live Arcade!

Defender (Xbox) I'll be honest here, even I don't know what I was thinking. I've never even heard of this game.

NBA Street Volume 2 (Xbox) Pure awesomeness atonly $5

Neo Contra (PS2) I liked the old Contra games, this should be more of the same right? WRONG

Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2) I absolutely hate MGS games. I guess that would explain why I wasted my money buying a copy.

Deus Ex: Invisible War (Xbox) Pretty hard to come by, and got it for free in a (get this) buy one get THREE free deal. Best deal EVER.

Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (PS2) Contains San Francisco Rush 2049, one of the finest racing games ever made.

I also bought an original Xbox, mint condition, with 2controllers for $55

Y'know, looking back on that list, I'm not sure what I was thinking. Out of all 10 things I bought, I only actually wanted 3. Wow I'm an idiot... :(

In other news, I have midterms next week... so yeah. That's really all I have to say about that. Oh yeah, and I expect at least 3 out of the 6 tests to bend me over a chair. To make matters better, I'm writing this blog instead of studying :lol:

Now onto the main portion of the blog. The past couple of days, I've been thinking about what games in my backlog o' unbeaten games I should get around to finishing. While looking through my 100 game or so collection, I've come to realize something: I've hardly beaten any of the games I've owned. I've never really noticed it before, but at least90 of my games remain unbeaten. Granted, some of those are sports titles but still... dang. The thing is though, I like to think that I have a pretty good collection of games. I sell all the ones that I'm not particularly fond of, and keep the ones that I think are good (crazy concept, huh?) So this would mean I have a collection of 100 great games. I should want to play through and beat them all, since they're such great games right? Well apparently not. Here's a sampling of some of the amazing games that I have that have remained unbeaten, and in some cases, unplayed.


Never beaten an Nes game


Never beaten a Snes game either (I shame you Wootex, I know)


I think I played through a whole game of Monopoly once. Other than that, nothing


Brace yourselves folks, this is pretty bad. I'VE NEVER PLAYED A PLAYSTATION GAME. EVER. (Actually thats a bit of a lie, I did drive around in Driver once at a friends house) I bear great shame. Just think of all the great titles I've missed :(


Hey look at this, a system where I actually beat some of the games. Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Golf, Super Mario Tennis, Goldeneye, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer. I did pretty good on the ol' N64, not too much to be ashamed of here.


Lets see, some PS2 titles I've beaten... hmm well, geez this is worse than I thought: I've only beaten 2 PS2 games: Mercenaries and God of War. Granted, I have a lot of sports titles for PS2, but that's still ridiculous. All the Final Fantasy games, Devil May Cry series, Ratchet and Cland, Jak and Daxter, Dragonquest; I a few of these games, but have never beaten them.


Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4, Mario Gold Toadstool Tour, and Mario Kart Double Dash are the only 'cube games I've ever beaten. I never got into Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda Windwaker or Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.


The only original Xbox game I've ever beaten is Fable: The Lost Chapters


Warioware: Smoothmoves, and ExciteTruck are the only Wii games I've beaten. The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3remain unbeaten. Heck, I only ever got to the first save in Metroid. I'm still playing Super Mario Galaxy, however, and definitely plan to beat it over Christmas

Xbox 360

Only beat two games, Gears of War and Call of Duty 2. Never touched Call of Duty 4's single player campaign, never beat Halo, and never beat a single game in The Orange Box. Fail.

Some Series' that bring me shame:

Never beat a Halo game

Only beat one Zelda game, Ocarina of time

Only beat one Mario game, Super Mario 64 (not counting sports titles)

Only beat one Metroid game, the original Prime

Only beat one Final Fantasy game, FF1. I've never even played FF6-FF9 (again Wootex, great shame)

Never beata Dragon Quest game

Never beat a Grand Theft Auto Game

I've only ever beaten one RPG in my life, FF1 (I do have over 80 hours logged into Dragonquest VIII though, I just never beat it. There's also a few other RPGs I have over 40 hrs logged into)

I've never played ICO or Shadow of the Colossus, nor have I beaten Okami

Ok, that's really about everything. I'm sure you probably look down on me as a gamer now :P Don't get me wrong though, I still love playing video games, it's just that I have trouble finishing most of em.

If you actually read through all that, I thank you greatly, It took fair amount of time to create this blog, and I appreciate any comments left.

Speaking of comments, just to give this blog (a little bit) purpose, I'll leave you with a question: any games or systems that cause you shame? If so, leave em in the comments box.

Thanks again


Yakety Sax and some blog changes

Oy everybody (whatever that means)

Today's blog has a theme song, which can be found here. If you could just open that up in another window and allow that to play in the background, it'll make this blog that much better. Don't pay attention to the video though, it's kinda... well actually it involves a fat bald man prancing around a field, so maybe it's worth a viewing after all. :P

I downloaded a crapload of ...well crap on XBL today. First and foremost would be Psychonauts, which I downloaded for $15. Not too bad. I would have preferred to have an actual copy of it, but it's pretty hard to find and I don't feel like searching around for it. It's still downloading (like its been doing for the past THREE HOURS :evil: ) but I can't wait to play it. I had quite a bit of points leftover, and not wanting to let them go to waste ;) I bought some pretty dumb crap. I bought one episode of Yogi Bear,Coyote and Roadrunner, and Flintstones apiece (just for the heck of it) and an episode of some National Geographic show about bigfoot, as well as a History Channel show about Timbuktu or some city like that (that's the kind of crap you buy when you don't have cable tv :P )

Now onto the blog changes I mentioned in the title. I figured that since I haven't been able to find any motivation for blogging lately, I'd change my blogs around a bit. If you've noticed, my blogs about video games tend not to be too innovative or interesting to read, so I've decided to change the subjects every once in a while. I'll be filling them with interesting factoids and information, similar to what you can find in the Uncle John's Bathroom Reader series. Here's a little sample statistic for ya:

An average of two people per year die from farting in the US alone. Yes, that is a true fact. :lol: Imagine that *Oh man I feel a big one comi- OH **** HOLY JESUS!!!!!!!!* Good stuff. Let me know if you think this type of blog would be at all interesting to you.

I'll be getting rock band for Christmas. Look for a music video from albedos_shadow, JJ (the weird kid) and me sometime after Christmas. I'm sure you can't wait.

And I leave you with this music video, one of my favorite songsas of late.

Peace everybody

Wait, you mean he's still alive?

Yes, yes I am.

I know, it's been a while since you've seen a blog from me (sorry, panta-blogs don't count) I've been crazy-busy with school lately (Advanced Placement History was a big, big mistake) what with homework and a research paper taking up my time almost every night. The research paper's alright though since it's about video games. Unfortunately, my teacher says the only way that I'll have enough respectable information in my paper to get a good gradeis to take the side that violent video games may be bad for children... :( I think on the top of the paper, in giant bold letters, I should put NOTE: THIS PAPER IS COMPLETE BS. ANYBODY WHO BELIEVES THIS IS A GIANT DORK. Just how bad is it you ask? I had to take a quote from Jack Thompson. I'm ashamed. :(

Anywho,since I don't remember the last time I made an actual blog, I'm not really sure what new games I've boughten over the time period, but there's been plenty. The most noteworthy purchases would have to be Guitar Hero 3, Call of Duty 4, and Super Mario Galaxy. So far I have been loving them all, especially SMG. This game completely blew me away, and it's even better than Super Mario 64 in my opinion, which just happens to be my second favorite game of all time. This is without a doubt going to be my game of the year. Call of Duty 4 is, as you of course already know, amazing. This is one of the few multiplayer games that I'm actually good at. I usually get between 10-20 kills per game, which is pretty good for me. Definitely one of the better games I've played this year, and probably my favorite 360 game of the year. As for GH3, well it's GH3. I still have to beat Lou on hard, but I just can't no matter how many times I've tried, so I've moved on to the expert career, and I just beat Mr. Morello. I hope the DC songs start getting a bit better. Free Halo 3 theme was a nice thanksgiving present though. :D After seeing the DC for Rockband, though, I can't help but feel that GH3 could be doing a lot better. The Rockband DC is seriously awesome, I can see myself buying every single one of those songs. They cover a pretty good amount of music, from Metallica to the Police, to CCR to the Pretenders. I can't wait to get this game for Christmas (if I can find it, that is)

Well, I just wanted to give everybody a little update on what's goin on. I might write a blog later on about some popular games that I've never beaten and some I've never even played, but you know how I am about my blog-promises (last time I promised a blog it took me a month and a half to write it)

Also, you might notice the Panta-blog and one of my dual-video blogs have been deleted. There's a very long and crappy story behind this, but let's just say it involves my little brother somehow getting on to my GS account and letting EVERY SINGLE member of my family know what kind of "colorful" language I used. Too bad they didn't care :lol: He also sent a message to albedos_shadow, pretending to be me, that said "hi i am in trouble for writing bad words and saying @$$ dont talk to me" I also got three terms of use violations, because he went onto the Halo 3 forums and posted delightful topics such as "hi" and "i am stupid" Not just posts, whole topics... what a dork :lol:

Peace out everybody


Also Homes, good luck at States tomorrow, I hope you rip Macomb Dakota a new one :D

A quick message

I just wanted to apoligize if any of you read my latest blog (I deleted it already), it somehow got rid of most of what I typed, and only posted the first picture of my NES collection. You can expect the real blog tommorrow if Idon't have too much homework. Sorry about that, I just didn't want anybody thinking I was a (total) idiot.


Dual Video Blog #2

Hey everybody

albedos_shadow and I are here with our second dual video blog. It's much improved over the last blog, and features the new addition to my console family. Expect another blog with pictures of my new purchase in the future.



Thanks for watching


Greatest Solos of All Time Video Part 2

Hey GS

I'm back again with yet another video. I put some really awesome solos in this vid, so I hope you like it. Comment letting me know what you thought of it:


In other news, albedos_shadow and I will be creating another dual video blog tomorrow (although I fear JJ, that random dude on the couch in our last blogs may be back :P ) so be sure to check that out, it'll probably be on Sunday morning, maybe late Saturday night. Lifes been so much better since I learned how to use Windows Movie Maker.

Thanks for reading/watching, and make sure to let me know what you thought of the video, and whether I should continue making them. I'll start making one with some of the songs you guys reccomended.

Thanks everybody, peace out


For those about to rock... I salute you with this video

Hey all

I've been working for quite some time (okay, maybe it was only 4 hours, but it sure seems longer) on this video you are about to watch. It's basically some of the greatest guitar solos of all time, with some lame pictures in the background :P I couldn't get music vids for the songs, so I just got some nice pictures to go with the music. Please watch it and tell me what you think, I really think it's the sweetest thing I've made so far, and I worked pretty dang hard on it, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Without further ado (how the hell do you spell that word? adoo? adu? adieu?oh well, who cares) I present to you



If you've got any songs you think should be in episode two, leave them in the comments.

Peace out
