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A guitar god is I (well almost)

Ok, so I'm nowhere near being even a remotely good Guitar Hero player, but I'm starting to get closer. If you read my last blog, you'll know that I was trading in two 360 games, The Darkness and DiRT. I had nothing against those games, it's just that I beat them and didn't really feel like a second playthrough. With the nearly $70 I got from trade ins, I put that towards Guitar Hero 2 for the 360. Now, I do already have this game for the PS2, but it was kind of a spur of the moment type thing, and I figured since I'd have to buy the expensive pack for GH3, I might as well buy the game and guitar now and save me $30 down the line. I have been improving immensely, and today I beat the game on hard! Yay! :D Most guitar hero players here would probably find this pitiful since they truly are guitar hero gods (I'm lookin at you Wootex), but I'm really terrible at this game, so it's a pretty big deal for me. Most all the songs from tier 3 onward were only 3 stars, so that adds to the pitifulness. I did beat Hangar 18 and Freebird on my first try, though. The only song that gave me a TON of trouble was Carry Me Home. The begining absolutely murdered me, and I couldn't get past 6%. The tutorials really helped out, and I was finally able to beat it. Wow, I'm really hyper right now. Check out my images to see some really dumb pictures. I don't know why I even bothered taking them, but like I said, I was really excited. I have a video too, but believe me, you don't want to see that.

Here's an awesome Guns N Roses song you should all check out (yeah, kinda random I know) It's one of my favorite songs of all time. November Rain



I can't make up my mind, so I need your help

Hey everybody! (Dr. Nick Riviera voice)

I just finished two great 360 games, The Darkness and DiRT. I was thinking about trading them in for some different games at the local GameCrazy. I was sort of stumped on what I should buy, so I figured I'd ask you guys. So what are your current faves? It doesn't matter what system, just reccomend me some games that would be worth my time.

If you haven't already (which I'm pretty sure you haven't) check out my review for The Darkness. I'm really happy with the way it turned out.

Also, I've been watching alot of old Simpsons episodes on DVD as of late, and I've been trying my hand at writing my own episodes just for fun (and because the new episodes suck). They're not going too well so far, but if I ever get one finished, I'll post it in my blog. If you have any ideas for a good episode, please leave a comment. I'm trying to make it old school, so I want an original story line, and no parodies (which basically every new episode is)

Thanks for reading and peace out.


Impressions along with a couple updates

Well, I like I promised yesterday, I am writing this blog about my impressions on two new games and also how my job went yesterday.

Edit: I apologize for any spelling and spacing errors, GS is acting wierd today (what's new, huh? :roll: )

Double edit: Please read my previous blog entry so that nobody has any misunderstandings. *Sternly glares in the direction of Kametsou* :lol: I kid, I kid)

First off, the tobacco sting went very well. When I say "well" I mean that very few places sold me and some other underage kids tobacco. I think this is a very encouraging thing to hear (although like Gary_Jinfield said, most kids have adults sell it to them anyways, but it still helps out) There were four people total, two 15 year olds (me being one) and two seventeen year olds. I got paired up with one of the 17 year olds, a rather nice looking girl.8) Anywho, our group went to 18 stores total, and only 3 of these places sold to us. I had one transaction, and the girl I was with had 2. Yay us. I felt sort of bad doing it though, because I got alot of comments about how young I was and how I shouldn't be smoking from the customers (which I actually don't)who were behind me in line. The comments on yesterdays blog (check that out if you are lost reading this) were concerned about the store owners getting angry at me, but that wasn't really the case. Most of them just asked for ID, I told them I didn't have any on me, they said they couldn't sell it to me, and I just walked out of the store. Then I came on to my laptop and wrote one extremely awkward sentence with way too many commas in it. :lol: Hopefully this will send a message to some of these stores about selling to minors, but I kinda doubt it. Oh well, I tried my best.

Now, on to my first impressions of RE4: Wii Edition and DiRT (360)

RE4: Wii Edition: So far this game is just as good as I remembered it, and maybe even better. Like the GS review said, this is definitely the definitive version of the game. The controls are really great, but they will take a little bit to get used to. Once you get the hang of it, though, you won't have any problems. There's no new content, but it does feature everything from the PS2 version. It's also only $30, so it's a great buy, even if you've played thisgame before

BottomLine: This is the best version of RE4, and one of theWii's best games. A

DiRT:I don't actually likeracing games that much, but DiRT is one of the few exceptions. I don't like driving sims, and this game is just arcadey enough tonot be(I can't use the word c l a s s i f i e d, soI'll replace it with jello instead) jellifiedas a sim. The steering isn't exactly realistic fealing (yeah, because I've driven buggies, rally cars, and Russian garbage trucks in real life)but I actually like it that way. It allows you tofly through turns while powersliding, and it's tons of fun.The damage modeling isamazing, with an insane amount of detail in every little crash. If you've played any previous racing games, you know thatif you run into a guard rail, sparks might fly out and there might be some scratches on your bodywork. Well in DiRT, not only does all this happen, but the rail will also bend and become deformed whenever your car hits it. Sweet. The same can be said with most other things in the environment. Takesmall trees or shrubsfor example. If you hit one at a high speed, it will smash on impact, shatter the tree, and leave a good size dent in your front end. If you were to his the same tree at a lower speed,it would bendand perhaps snap. Some leaves or needles might also fly off.So far, I have not gotten bord with this game, whic is a first for a racer.

Bottom Line: This game should appeal to any type of racing fan. A-

Thanks for reading and peace out.


Wish me luck...

Heyfellow GS'ers

Later this afternoon, I will be helping out the local police department in an effort to crack down on the sale of cigarettes and alcohol to minors. Basically, all I have to do is go into party stores and ask for a pack of cigarettes. If theysell it to me, I walk back to the car where there will be a police officer, and he will then write the person a ticket. No big deal. I'm a little bit nervous though, but I'm sure it will be alright. I'm doing this for some community service hours for my junior year in HS. Hopefully everything will work out. I'll post another blog tomorrow letting you know how it went. That blog will also include my first impressions on Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (boy Capcom, good subtitle :roll: ) and DiRT, the two new games I got yesterday. My little brother will also be getting Overlord and Mario Party 8 for his birthday ina week, so I look forward to playing those games. I went golfing last weekend, and it was the best game I've played so far (keep in mind I'm a TERRIBLE golfer), and I scored a 53 :o on nine holes. Not very good. But it's better than what I normally get by about 20 strokes, so I was happy. That's all for this blog, make sure to check back tomorrow (yeah, as if you actually care)


I need some help...

Can somebody please tell me how to hyperlink (at least I think that's what it's called) You know, where you type some words that come up yellow and when you click on them it acts as a link? I'm sorry for troubling you with this ridiculously short blog, but that's all I need.

Oh, and if you want to play some Shadowrun on Live, just let me know!

zelda450 out!

zelda450: Live in person

Yes, you heard right, I FINALLY got Live.  I've had my 360 since launch, but I was never able to get Live working.  The problem was my ethernet cable.  Instead of using the one that came with the system, I tried using a much longer one, but that didn't work, so I figured something was wrong with my internet.  I sort of gave up hope for about a year.  This past week, I was looking to buy a wireless adapter.  As I was about to leave for the local Game Crazy, I remembered the ethernet cable that came with the 360.  I figured I had nothing to lose, so I tried that.  My 360 isn't exactly close to my computer, so I had to put the 360 in the middle of my hallway so that the cable could reach.  Well, lucky me, it worked! Yay!  I now have Live!  So I ask all of my friends here on GS to send me a friend request or to accept mine if I FR you. 

My gamertag is Tugboat450, so be on the lookout for me!

See you around GS and Live


Looks like I'll be busy for a while...

Hey everybody, how's it going?

Already this summer (which has lasted about four days for me) I've bought a boatload of games.  The good part is though, through trade-ins and sales, I've only spent about $10 and have recieved four games.  Here they are:

Forza 2:  I traded in 6 games for this, which include Call of Duty 3 (360), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA), Age of Empires (DS), Madden 05 (PS2- I got one whole dollar!) and Mario Strikers (GC)  for a total of $66.  So I was able to buy Forza 2 and still have $3 and some change leftover.  Before you ask, I loved all of the above games, it's just that most of them have sequels coming out within the next year or two, so I figured I'd trade them in and get some good money for them while I still can.

Mario Kart Double Dash:  I know this ones been out forever, but for some weird reason, I never bought it.  For this game, I sold my copy of Final Fantasy 3 (DS) to my friend for $15 and Pokemon Yellow edition.  I'm kinda glad I did, because Double Dash is one of my favorite games of all time.  I used to mooch it from my friends before, but I'm glad I finally have a version of my own.

Half Life 2:  In the Circuit City add in the sunday paper, I saw them offering a two-pack of Pen stylus' (stylii? whatever...) for the DS, so I went to pick those up.  While I was there, I was looking in the clearance rack and found Half Life 2 for only $7!  That's an awesome price.  You can hardly find used games for that cheap.  Thank you CC!

And the last one, as I mentioned before, is Pokemon Yellow.  I'm glad to own a copy of this because this was the first game I owned for Gameboy (actually, it might've been Pokemon Blue... oh well, same difference) and it brings back some great memories.  One thing makes me angry though:  If my starting Pokemon is Pikachu (whose type is electric for those who don't know), and the first gym leader is a ground/rock guy whose Pokemon are not affected by electric moves, how in the bloody hell am I supposed to beat him!!???  Sigh.... I geuss I'll have to take the time to level up a Caterpie.

I also have a list of games that I am determined to beat this summer:

Jak 3

Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

The Legend of Zelda: TP (I know, I know)

Dragon Quest 8

My brothers copy of Pokemon Emerald

Resident Evil 4 (just the extra missions in the PS2, and soon to be Wii, edition)

Earth Defense Force 2017

The original Kingdom Hearts

And, of course, the new games I just bought.


I also want to play through some old favorites like the Donkey Kong Country series, LoZ: OoT, The Simpsons Hit and Run, Fable: The Lost Chapters, and Super Mario 64

Well, I think that's everything.  If you want to make any lists of your own, please do in the comments.  Also, If you want to play WiFi on any DS game, just let me know!

Peace out


Schooooool's out for summer!!

Ahhhh.... finally

My last day of finals was yesterday, so my summer vacation has officially started.  Whoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!  I had 7 finals this semester, two on Tuesday, Three on Wednsday, and two again on Thursday.  Overall it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

Summer, of course, means non-stop videogaming, and that is pretty much what I plan on doing.  Whenever I'm not mowing lawns, playing basketball, or swimming in my pool, I'll pretty much be playing all summer.  Here's a quick list of games I'm looking forward to:

Forza 2 (I'll be picking this up later today)


Pokemon Battle Revolution (Don't make fun of me :D )

A couple others for Wii (METROID!!)

A couple 360 games (Bioshock and Mass Effect, if they don't get delayed :( )

And, of course, a crapload of used games.


Lately, I've been into Pokemon (again, don't laugh :D )  So if you have Diamond or Pearl and want to battle or trade on WiFi, just give me your friend codes.

Ok, well I geuss that's it for this blog.  It was pretty pointless, but I'm already bored (not a good sign)  I'll probably be writing a lot more often now that I don't have school, so check back every once in a while.

Also, I might be getting live soon, so I'm definitely looking forward to playing some games with all you guys.



Another top ten as well as some reviews.

Hello, and welcome to another installment to Zelda450's blog:

If you scroll aaaalllll the way down to the bottom of this page, you'll notice that I wrote two new reviews: Earth Defense Force 2017 and God of War.  Please give me some feedback on how you think they are.  I'm trying to make my reviews better, and I think they're missing something, I just don't know what.  Constructive criticism is always welcome, as is you telling me how great I am.

And because yesterday's "Top Ten" was a huge hit with you guys, (a record wait for it.....FOUR comments.... :( ) I made my top ten favorite songs.  They're roughly in order from most to "least" favorite, there might be a couple switches...

1. Tie between "Sweet Child O Mine" and "Paradise City" (GNR)

2. Tie between "Panama" "Runnin' With the Devil" and "Jamie's Cryin" (Van Halen)

3. "LA Women" (The Doors)  Such an awesome song...

4. "Money For Nothing" (Dire Straits)  Crazy lyrics.... "We got to install microwave ovens; custom kitchen delivery!"  Nice guitar as well.

5. "Pride(In the Name of Love)" (U2)

6. "Interstate Love Song" (Stone Temple Pilots)

7. "Stairway to Heaven", with "Achilles Last Stand" a close second (Led Zep)

8. "Brother Louie" (The Stories)

9. "Hells Bells" (AC/DC)

10. "Do it Again" (Steely Dan)

Again, please give feedback on the reviews, and same as last time, feel free to post your top ten.



A busy week in gaming.

What's up fellow GSers

This past week I've bought three new video games:

God of War, God of War II, and Earth Defense Force 2017.

After a kid at my lunch table wouldn't shut up about GoW, I decided that I might as well give it a try.  I just got some money for some work I did over winter break, so I decided I might as well buy one and two.  Well, needless to say, I was blown away.  It's been a long while since I've played a game that was actually memorable and I wanted to go back and play after I beat it. (The last one was RE4)  I especially liked the boss fights, but even normal encounters were fun and challenging.

As for God of War II,  It's going well so far.  I'm not getting the same feeling playing it as I did the first GoW, though.  I haven't finished it yet, but I'm almost there.  I might post reviews for them later, so check those out.

Now EDF was an interesting choice for me.  I was looking for something to spend the rest of my money on, so I was looking through the 360 games here on GS.  I happened to find the review for EDF, and thought it actually looked sort of fun.  Then a friend of mine (BigC43) wrote his review on it, saying it was actually a good game, so I decided that I might as well give it a try.  (The $40 price tag was nice too.)  So far this game reminds me of the weekends of my childhood that I'd spend playing shooters on my SNES.  It's not very impressive when you look or listen to it, but the gameplay is old-school fun.  You should definitely at least rent it.

Super Paper Mario comes out for the Wii this week, and I would so totally buy it...... if I had any money.... stupid EDF. (Just kidding)

And now, because I feel the need to write some thing, I will list my favorite bands of all time. 

1. Guns N Roses

2. Led Zeppelin

3. AC/DC

4. The Doors

5. Van Halen

6. Metallica

7. Pink Floyd

8. Queen

9. The Beatles

10. Dire Straits

Feel free to post your top ten bands in the comments.

Well that wraps up this blog, see you next time.