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Sig of Perpetual Glory

Well, I finally have a sig to call my own:


I don't know if my blog will show the image, so here is the link just in case.

Okay, so it's not technically my own, as it was created by Djammal, but you get the point.  It has all my favorite comic strips: Calvin and Hobbes, Krazy Kat, Foxtrot, and Tintin.  (Crap, now that I've listed my favorite comics, I realized that I forgot the Far Side... oh well.) 

So just leave a comment telling me what you think about it.

By the way, only 37 more days of school for me, and no more fridays for the rest of the year! w00t!!!! (Sure, that sounds great, but school starts August 16th. :( )

Thanks for reading everyone!

Why to people have to be such jerks?

Today at school I was talking to some of my friends at school about the Wii.  A group of "cool kids" came over, and started making fun of us, calling us certain four letter words.  Why should they even care what we're talking about?  We weren't talking about them, so what's it to them?  Seriously...

On another note, a really cool thing happened at school today that sort of negated my other experience.  I found out that one of the student teachers, Mr. Hermann, is really into videogames.  I started talking to him about it.  Turns out he has pretty much every video game system, including a 360 and the Wii.  So we got into a lengthy discussion about Sonic and the Secret Rings.  It was pretty awesome. 

I still haven't beaten Twilight Princess (I know, I'm ashamed... even my dad has beaten it...)  I was hoping to save it for Christmas break, but I somehow managed to lose interest in one of the greatest games ever created.

Although I love winter, I can't wait for spring/summer so I can start making money again.  I work mowing lawns, so yeah... the winter months are kind of slow... to say the least.

I completely lied in my last blog about trying to write one more often, but I'll try harder this time.  No gaurantees though.  :D

Thanks for reading and see you guys around GameSpot.

Some New Miis

I found some awesome Mii ideas.  My favorite would have to be Ahnuld.  He looks awfully like The Guvnuh himself.  Here's the link to those interested: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/7638  There are a bunch of really funny ones, and ones that look alot like their real-life counterparts.  I also made an alien version of Abraham Lincoln.  I'd post pics, but my camera is unfortunately not working.

I wasn't able to play Twilight Princess for very long this weekend (only about an hour and a half) but I did finish the fifth dungeon, Snowfrost Peak.  I don't know why, but I absolutely hated this particular dungeon, and it is probably my least favorite one in the Zelda series.

With Christmas around the corner, I decided to make a video game Christmas list to give to my parents.  Anyways, here it is in all it's glory.  

Xbox 360

F.E.A.R.; Call of Duty 3


Final Fantasy XII; Guitar Hero 2


Excite Truck; Rayman Raving Rabbits


Final Fantasy III; Scurge; Contact; Elite Beat Agents

Please tell me if there is anything else you think should be on the list or if there is something on the list that you think shouldn't be.

Thanks, and I'll try to make a blog post a little more often now.

See ya later...

My thoughts on Twilight Princess

Well, I've had Twilight Princess since the Wii launch, and have so far played for about 25 hours.  I am on the fifth temple, Snowpeak Ruins, about halfway through.

So far my favorite temple would have to be the Goron Mines, mainly because the Gorons are my favorite race in The Legend of Zelda series, and I liked the sub-boss and final boss (although the final boss was incredibly easy, as I didn't take any damage whatsoever.)

My favorite weapon so far is the Spinner, which is found in the fourth temple, Arbiter's Grounds.  It is a really fun gadget to use, and the boss that you fight using it is incredibly fun (although it is once again too easy).  The only problem is that I don't see how the Spinner will be used outside of Arbiter's Grounds.  The Clawshot on the other hand, is a very useful and versatile weapon that is once again found in the water temple.  It also has a cool new ability that allows you to lower yourself down on the chain.

The graphics are amazing, no matter what anybody says.  People will say that the level of detail is bad and the texturing sucks, but really, who cares?? 

The controls are also amazing, and definitely the best thing to happen to the series.

So anyway, buy this game, whether you have a GC or a Wii, as it is probably the best in the series.