512mb it is!
zenzen's forum posts
"While trying to install broadband on my gaming rig, the installation process stops" - zenzen
When you say this, it sounds like you are using an installer from your ISP. If so then which ISP are you using, and why are you using thier software? Is this DSL/Cable/(i)ISDN? If it's one of the ISDN's then you may very well have to use their software. If it's DSL or Cable then you should be able to use your own DHCP or PPPoe software for getting online with either of your NIC's. If you have a recent router (say from the past 5 years) then you should have built in PPPoe or DHP options and wont need any software at all. Gvie us some details of your setup. Router, OS, ISP, type of broadband, etc. Also let us know wether or not both of your NIC's are installed correctly and enabled.
Thanks for your response.
I've just learnt that the installation CD I was using won't work with Vista. I'm using Vista Home Premium 32-bit. My ISP is Virgin Media = I live in the UK. I have a home-user broadband connection package = 1 mb or so. I'll ask my ISP about DHCP and PPPoe details.
I only have a 8600 GT = I have to run some new games on low graphics settings = Unreal Tournament for instance. For some reason, most of my games lag badly during menu usage. Some apps won't install / run, also.
Other than that, I guess Vista works OK for me.
This is about my gaming rig and not my main internet rig.
While trying to install broadband on my gaming rig, the installation process stops and tells me that I don't have a NIC card.
But I have onboard NIC and a NIC PCI card...
So what's wrong? What do i have to connect?
600watt should be fine. What brand PSU are you going to use/are using?G013M
For instance, The Witcher stutters/lags terribly on my new Vista Home Premium system.
The latest Nvidia Vista display drivers have fixed some display issues that I was getting, though= display drivers trying to uninstall themselves and corrupted/glassy 3Dmodels.
Lag + stuttering. :(
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