zidura's forum posts
I konw that this has probaably been disscussed a thousand million times by now but do you NEED an HD TV to play on the PS3 or is an ordinary tv ok. I don't know because i only recently started considering buying a PS3.Custodian405
An ordinary TV works fine. BUT -- games are now designed with the hi-definition resolutions in mind so things like text will be smaller and harder to read on a standard TV. In terms of performance, it will work fine.
Some people still like playing for points. Me, I like playing games for fun and when I get an achievement I'm usually surprised and don't even know which achievement I've unlocked until I look it up. It does add an element of accomplishment in some games and gives me a bit of a feeling of a "Hi-score" list of yesteryear. For the majority of people, I think it adds a little fun. Most people don't play just for achievements. There will always be some people that just don't "get" fun. Look at MMO's -- these people that play 10 hours or more a day just to reach whatever level before everyone else -- and then they complain that the game is boring. Same sort of thing.
I'd love the option to choose controller or KB / M just because some games are so suited to that (personally I prefer KB / M to controllers for FPS games, but I have gotten a lot better over time with controllers) -- but that would mean programmers would need to tweak all the controls in the game for two entirely different input types. This would involve a lot of extra balancing, testing, and fine-tuning. They probably just don't want to bother with the extra work and time in most cases. Plus it may communicate an image that the consoles are less accessible, not as casual, and more PC-like -- something the console makers probably don't want people to think.
I've found if I have stuff running on my PC through my router (like something being downloaded) while I'm playing then I get horrible performance in some 360 games but not in others -- maybe the way the packets are received and sent causes those sorts of problems - which might be different in RS:V than GOW. Try to get it working cuz once you switch to RS:V you won't go back to GOW.
^^ i thought the ps3 had more graphical power???damn wasent sure lil50cent
Nope 360 definitely more graphics power -- and the PS3 does have more POTENTIAL processing power, assuming a developer can get all the mulit-function processing running at peak efficiency -- whereas the 360's multi-processor set-up is much easier to program and is only slightly less powerful in terms of processing. Look at all the games for PS3 with frame rate issues. They're all multi-platform games that run more smoothly on the 360 because it's easier to program and it has more power in regards to graphics. Games that are developed exclusively for the PS3 could possibly look better than some other 360 games, but all multi-platform games will look and run better on the 360 for some time. Plus exclusive 360 games look fantastic anyways. Of course, if a game comes out a year or half a year after the 360, it could have some extra tweaking that might help it look better than the 360 version. But otherwise, the 360 version will generally run better.
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