zidura's forum posts
A few games have been exceptions to this rule, such as Fight Night and supposedly Oblivion (yet to be proven), but those games have had considerable time and effort invested in improving their performance for the PS3 -- most cross-platform games are released simultaneously on both PS3 and 360, in which case the 360 version has consistently run more smoothly and with better dynamic lighting to boot.
It reminds me of the launch NBA 2K6 and how the players all looked great and then there was the coach on the sidelines consisting of 5 polygons (that's a hyperbole, ok?). It's just really jarring and takes away from that next-gen feel. All the screenshots only show the players and are usually zoomed in really close, so of course it looks fantastic in the screenshots.
The gameplay in the demo is quite fun, though, and I'll take gameplay over background graphics any day (yes I've only played the demo, but the graphcis are exactly the same in the release version). But to get a higher than 8 / 10 mark for graphics -- everything needs to look next-gen, not just the players and the menus. Other game developers have done it -- these guys are just cutting corners to get the game done on time and on budget.
You knew you could select your spawn point, right? Just select it when you die. I forget the button commands to do it.
[QUOTE="zidura"]From what I've read the PC version is massively multiplayer while the 360 version allows up to 8 players to play cooperatively. I sure wish they took the extra step to make the 360 version massively multiplayer. Then i would not hesitate in buying this game. I love MMO's but so far there is no great next-gen MMO on the 360 (yeah yeah FFXI doesn't count as it's not next-gen and PSU isn't really an MMO). If not Two Worlds, then I'll wait for Conan.berzeker187
Is Age of Conan gonna be a MMO for the 360 or just have up to 8 people online?
At this point anyways, Conan is slated to be a full MMO on the 360 and even possibly interact with PC players on the same servers. It's coming out on PC first, as I imagine they'll fix a lot of the early glitches before porting it over to the 360. But as far as all the information goes, Conan will be a full MMO for the 360. Of course, this means it will charge a subscription. But anyone who has played a good MMO knows this is worth it if they like it.I really wish the ps3 version had online, virtua tennis sucks anyways. And this is from someone who loves tennis. (Much, much rather play actual tennis than virtua tennis)munu9Wow great argument. Sour grapes, anyone? You get what you pay for. Xbox Live is definitely worth my $4 per month. Enjoy playing the Virtua Tennis single player campaign cuz that's all you're getting!
[QUOTE="Gzus666"]interesting, as most audiophiles see no real difference in 5.1-7.1. infact most cant see the difference in analog to digital if you use a nice receiver and cables. the audio eventually has to be turned into analog. my pops is psycotic for this stuff, he has analog audio cables that push $600. sound is an interesting place, digital doesnt always make it better, since technically sound is an analog signal in the first place, a clean analog signal can actually sound better.BroweChisoxThe difference is between uncompressed sound and compressed. Optical can simply not do uncompressed sound which leaves it trailing HDMI by quite a bit. Maybe you should see if your father's receiver supports HDMI in and check for yourself. The difference is large enough that my wife is able to tell. Until recently, what the previous poster was saying WAS true. But now that HDMI is available, offering UNCOMPRESSED audio, HDMI is clearly better than optical. If your receiver doesn't have an HDMI in, no worries, you won't get uncompressed audio on that system anyways. You'd have to get a whole new receiver for that purpose which might be worth it if you're a real audiophile. Only HDMI allows for the bandwidth needed for uncompressed sound. It's not really a question of digital versus analog -- it's compressed versus uncompressed. Of course, for the very best, most natural sound, the old purely analog record (as in vinyl) going through a purely analog sound system is best, since there's no compression or digitization whatsoever. But I can't play movies or games on a record so that point is moot anyways.
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