KZ2 hype a SW tradition since E3 2005.Riverwolf007well im hyping it off of what ive seen now. but hey i cant blame ppl for hyping it when that 2005 CGI trailer was said to be real time, heck that would have been the best looking game ever, but w/e it was CGI. neways i look at the new stuff and i like what i see.
zomgwtfbbqlol1's forum posts
LOL number 1 is the best....I spent the better part of an hour today playing through several rounds of Killzone 2 multiplayer at Sony's Games Convention 2008 headquarters, and rather than spend several paragraphs lying about how well I did, I figured I'd just round up the finer points of the session and present them here in easy-to-ingest numbered form.
sony only bought GG after killzone 1, it was not 1st party, COD4 is COD3, which is COD2, just with engine tweaks, and sony didnt give GG "a good amount of money" Killzone 2 uses "a good amount of money" 60million+, and Too human started on PS1 and changed so many times between engines and other things1. How is Sony third party?
2. How was it a rush job? They were developing for years. Plus development time means nothing. COD comes out annually and they pwn while Too Human took 10 years...
3. How do you define "low budget" lol? Sony invested a good amount of money to try and make up for the PS2's lack of shooters. Killzone was not a low budget title. Sony (the third party publisher that it is) would never put out a poor offering in a genre where they are quite lacking.
i have a 1000watt 5.1 Bravia wireless speaker set
(though i may upgrade to 7.1 in the future)
the fact that the Sub shakes the house, whem im playign some games its like a small earthquake
no idea... when was this also could you post that picture?Sony said they would make a huge announcement at Leipzig this year after E3. They said it wouldn't be Heavy Rain or anything to do with it, all we were shown is a pixelated picture.
Any ideas?
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="shakmaster13"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="Ryoco"]everyone always brings up Killzone 1.... what a shame...Lol this will be owned by the games that are already coming out at the end of this year.
Just look at the last game, focused on its unoriginal mp and the whole game suffered.
the sad thing is that most of these people didn't even play the first one. the only thing bad about it was the choppy frames. there were a few bugs, but nothing major or too annoying.
well its wasnt "AAA" great, but not 6.5 bad, but w/e the thing im annoyed about is how ppl think its the same original team making Killzone 2 (GO BACK IN THE THREAD AND READ)What the hell am I going to read? You saying that Sony is publishing Killzone 2? SCEA published Killzone. There isn't going to be a huge difference. The developer plays a bigger part in the design of a game than the publisher. I am seeing nothing different than the previews of Killzone, good graphics and multiplayer.
Killzone 1
-20 devs
-3rd party
-low budget
-made for PC then rushed to PS2
Killzone 2
-135+ devs
-made for PS3 with loads of time
-1st pary owned by sony
-60million+ dollar budget
killzone 2 will prbly be a great game and ps3 fanboys will go crazy but all it does is just kidna match what halo 3 did for the 360nahmean187isnt that a good thing?
i currently play my PS3 on a 52 inch sony Bravia XBR4, 1080p HDMI v1.3
it looks amazing
but im planning on getting the Sony XBR8 when it comes out later this year (said to be the 1st LCD that is better than top of the line plasmas)
i play my PC on a 24 inch 1920x1200 monitor and its pretty good
but i think 2500x1600 screens are a ways off before it becomes a standard (or an HDTV for that matter)
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"]i thought littlebigflop was the next biggest flop, then Resistance flop 2, folloed by Flopzone 2, followed by Gran Flop 5, then Final Flop 13 (o wait thats goign to do well now that its multiplat), then God of Flop, then WarFlop, and now Heavy Flop?[QUOTE="loco145"]With all the hype that this game has been getting, im safe to say so. BTW, Indigo Prophecy sucked.ONLYDOD
DAM lol thats a lot of flop
Yeah well enjoy your Too Flop, Tales of Flopsperia, Infinite Flopovery, Gears of Flop 2 and Banjo Flopiee! J/K :P
hey you cant leave out Stalker: clear flop, and Crysis: Warflop... rofl seariously though lemmings needa stop calling EVERY ps3 game a flop, considering they called Rachet and clank quest for booty a flop after getting a 7.5... HOW CAn IT FLOP WHEN THERE WAS NO HYPE? LOL ITS A $15 PSN GAME
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