I think that making abortion illegal would be extremely socially irresponsible. Not to mention that in a struggle of "rights," it only makes sense that the born person's rights prevail. Otherwise, you are pretty much exerting your will upon a woman's bodily autonomy for the sake of one's own moral satisfaction.
Unless pro-lifers can prove their opinions objectively, then their stance cannot be valid (though it is understandable) in my eyes. One's personal morality or conception of a fetus should not in any way impact what decisions a woman can make about her own body. And as much as some people want to deny it, the fetus is, for all practical purposes, is, to borrow a phrase, under the woman's jurisdiction while still attached to her. However, I am not against limiting when a woman can get an abortion (because the nature of the fetus does change over the course of the pregnancy) as long as she has otherwise reasonable access to an abortion within a reasonable timeframe. But to take away the right to an abortion entirely, or to unreasonably impede that right, is unacceptable.
It makes all the practical sense in the world to make distinctions between a born child and a fetus and it satisfactorily resolves the issue of competing rights whereas lumping them together creates far more problematic issues.
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