[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Well actually I had separated beliefs from group. But...in many cases the intolerance to an idea leads to an intolerance of a group....which the initial post did do...in fact. So you can't unilaterally state that it doesn't lead to intolerance of a group. In some individuals....of course.LJS9502_basic
Where exactly did you seperate intolerance of an individual/group from intolerance of a idea? Didn't you say that intolerance of an ideology by extension is intolerance of the individual? Didn't you say that there is no difference between intolerance of an idea and intolerance of an individual?
I agree that in many cases intolerance of an idea leads to intolerance of a group, but it doesn't always.
I didn't state that intolerance of an idea doesn't lead to intolerance of a group. In some cases, it does. In some cases, it doesn't.
When I used the /. But then the conversation changed....and yes if one is intolerant to a high degree against the ideas of a person....I think they'd be lying to say they tolerate them. Perhaps you are more talking about disagreeing with an idea? Or a very minor issue that was considered intolerant. But I think with any major opinion that was so intolerant, heinous to an individual...they probably wouldn't actually like that person....or tolerate their presence. So again....variables come into play. Nonetheless I did separate individual/beliefs in an early post.As an aside....and because you've done this in the past....when I post an idea...it does NOT automatically mean I'm accusing you of stating it.;)
But whether you think they are lying is immaterial. There is nothing, both in theory and practice, discounting someone from being intolerant of someone's ideas and being tolerant of them as a person.
I'm not just talking about simply disagreeing with an idea. I find the idea of denying gays marriages right downright immoral, yet I still really dig some of the people that hold that opinion because I don't think their opinion on gay marriage defines them and I don't think their opinion is so disgusting that I can't be around them. However, if I find something immoral, that's not a minor disagreement. And I don't think that gay marriage is a minor issue.
Now, if somebody thought that raping people was a good thing, then no I couldn't tolerate them as a person, but like I said, it's a case by case basis. In some cases, I can seperate the person and the ideas. In some cases, I can't. But then again, you presented the individual and the idea as being neccesarily linked and I'm saying that sometimes they can be separated.
As for the bolded, you stated very clearly that there is no difference between intolerance of a person and intolerance of an idea. You also stated that intolerance of an idea neccesarily equates to interolance of the person with that idea. Those are pretty rigid arguments.
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