I consider myself educated, and I'm not homophobic. "Homophobic" would seem to imply that one is afraid of homosexuality or homosexuals.
Homosexuality is a sin-- it's an abomination to the Lord. God intended sex to be between a married couple-- one man and one woman.
With homosexuality being a sin, does this mean that I'm afraid of homosexuals or their lifestyle? No, it doesn't. I treat homosexuals the same way I treat anyone else. It's right to hate homosexuality-- but it's wrong for us to hate the person practicing it. The old phrase "Hate the sin, love the sinner" holds true. Jesus taught us to love and forgive people. All of us are sinners and all of us have fallen short of God's glory. Jesus died on the cross for everyone (including homosexuals), and if we repent from our sins and surrender our lives to Jesus, we are saved from the eternal consequences of our sin.
the "phobic" suffix may not applicable in all cases (in regard to fear), but the general colloquial use of the word "homophobe" is someone who has prejudice against gay people.
and im sorry, but "hating" the way someone was born is not and has never been a benign thing. you have a problem with 2 people having a loving relationship. people are going to find that bigoted and rightly so. i dont know if you are against the legalization of gay marriage, but if you are, than you have no right to claim that you simply "disapprove of homosexuality and are not persecuting them."
also, I really dont care what your bible says. it has never been grounded by legiimite evidence and has no authority to declare what is or isnt moral. It is a book that reflects the biases and the beliefs of the men who wrote it. it says that women are inferior, that slavery is acceptable, that violence is rightous, and that gays are immoral. this is a book written by primitive minds and it hold no place in the debate of civil rights.
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