[QUOTE="MFaraz_Hayat"][QUOTE="spierdalaj666"]Interesting topic, i'll give it a shot.
1) Why do you consider islam a religion of peace given that muhammad himself advocated the pillaging of caravans (i.e., theft) and engaged in warfare against "infidels". In other words, one could interpret the acts by the modernday "radicals" as simply mirroring the acts of muhammad. This is very similar to moses, who engaged not just in combat, but also slaughtered innocent civilians.
2) Dietary restrictions are simply idiotic IMO. I can understand that eating certain animals may have been prohibited back in the day when sanitary conditions were not adequate, but there is certainly no need for these now. Come on, a pig if raised properly is no dirtier than a cow, which constantly has flies sitting on it and who knows what else.
As for your idea that pigs and alcohol are bad for your body and that's why they're forbiden, i'm sorry but it isn't logical. There is nothing wrong with pig meat and as for alcohol, it is now known to be beneficial for your health, especially red wine. So if things that are bad for you are forbiden, then why do muslims smoke hookahs as much as they do, which is more detrimental to your health than a glass of wine?
3) As for women, i'm not sure about this but is it true that in the quran is states that second class citizens (i.e., property), should not be touched during certain times, etc.?? From my recollection, the quran clearly states that women are subordinate to men and if a women refuses to do something that a man tells her, he has the right to beat the living daylights out of her (but of course the severity of the beating is left to his discretion).
That's all i can think of for now. I appreciate this thread but i'd just like to add that islam scares the living daylights out of my wife who is an extremely liberal person. I guess if islam becomes more secularized like christianity did then she won't find such offense from such muslims.
ps. she despises evangelical christians so it's not an anti-muslim thing.
Prophet Muhammad only waged war against Quraish, as they broke the treaty they had signed. They had helped a tribe in killing muslim allies ( in doing so breaking the treaty) and when asked for blood-money, they refused to give it. Infact, they themselves declared that the treaty was broken and then the war started.
Alcohol does intoxicate a person. Alcoholics aren't very impressive, I believe.
Pork too is harmful too health, search the net. Eating of pigs is forbidden in Islam. Nowhere is it said that these animals are to be hated or slaughtered for pleasure etc. .Infact eating of pork is forbidden in Christianity and Judaism as well and same goes for Alcohol.
Again I cannot comment on actions of other muslims. Personally, I have never even touched a hookah and considering it has tobacco, I think it might be forbidden. ( I am not sure and cannot guarantee that in Islam Hookah is forbidden)
The Quran says that, husbands are not to approach their wives, during the period, when they are going through menstrual cycle.As far as beating is concerned, you have exaggerated a lot. Men are only allowed to beat their wives, if they have illicit relations with another man. If the wife still does not agree with her husband, it is better ofr the husband to divorce her.
Beating has many restriction ( no "beating the living daylights out of" I assure you): For instance they cannot be slapped, they are not to be hit, so that any mark is left on their body. Nor should any injury be caused. There are many more too.
Ok, so le'ts take it issue by issue. I recall reading in the quran or in the hadiths that muhammad commanded that his troops raid their enemies' caravans and steal their goods, suggesting that he condoned stealing, as long as it's from an enemy.
I'm sorry but one could say that any food is bad for your health. I'm sure cow and lamb are bad as well, especially lamb given how fatty it is. Who cares if eating pork is forbidden in christinity? I think that many christians are probably smart enough not to care what some guy a couple thousand years ago said about eating a type of meat.
Also, no one still provided a counter-argument to what i said about the hookah. Smoking is medically known to be much worse for you and for those around you than a glass of wine, so why is one forbidden but not the other? It makes no sense.
As for the beating, i recall reading protocols from the quran about how much a man can beat his wife, though i don't recall the specific reasons for why one should engage in domestic violence.
As for women being equal, isn't is said that a daughter to a father is almost like a curse, something for him to rid himself of and give her away to her husband so that he can suffer her. I don't have the proper quotation for this but again i recall reading it.
A bit off-topic i know, but teachings like this in my opinion aren't adapted for the modern world. You can drink this not that, eat this not that, dress like this not like that. I'm sorry but this what society was like hundreds of years ago, not just in the middle east, but the muslim religion hasn't adapted to the modern world and i think that this is the reason why there is so much hostility abound on all sides.
If you "recall reading" then please quote.
I think hookah is prohibited. It conatins tobacco and it intoxicates and Quran is clear in banning intoxicants. Once again, I cannot comment on other muslims' actions. If they are using hookah , it is wrong.
Give quotes man. I don't know where daughters are called curses for father or any such thing in Quran.
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