[QUOTE="RationalAtheist"][QUOTE="gamingqueen"][QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] I have a few Islamic flavoured questions...
1) Why are pigs dirtier than other farmyard animals?
2) Why trust the same scientific framework for discovery that would find no evidence of Allah?
3) Seeing as the Koran is based on the same Arameic writings as the Old Testement, do you believe the Christian God is the same God as the Islamic God? If so, why are Christians thought of similarly to infidels by Muslims? (For example, they will be danmed in the afterlife...)
4) Why do Islamic people not believe in freedom of democracy and other peoples' views, rather impose Sharia law on Islamic societies? I'm sure you can see that in societies where Sharia law is in place, there is great hatred, radicalism, corruption and human rights attrocities, almost without exception...
With regards,
1) Prohibitting eating pigs is due to the reasons I provided in the post above yours.
2)Ifthey made a study on an entirely subject other than proving god's existence then why not? Because the holy quran has already proven god's exsistence. Just because we don't agree on certain subjects doesn't mean we don't agree on most subjects!
3)We believe that Jesus is a prophet and that he's not the son of god. We don't believe in trinity. God is the only judge in judegment day.. we don't know what will happen to christians and jews but in the holy quran god says in this meaning that some of the jews and chrsitians will go to heaven.
4)No no no.. you're talking to a law student in Kuwait university and this is not true. Most countries apply latin laws which are improved by french laws. The key is in using sharia laws. Sharia laws are sadly part of civil laws.
I thank you for posting questions in that respectful manner...
With respect,
1 - you did not answer my question. There is no reason to say that pigs are less clean than any other farmyard animal. Saying they are is irrational and not bounded by any scientific backing. Pigs are not cheap either - have you seen the price of bacon recently?
2 - The Koran does not prove Gods existance. Proof, in a scientific context, is supported by evidence aside from testemony. The scientific framework is deductive, meaning there are no first principles! That is why the scientific framework would find no evidence of truth in the source of any religion.
3 - The Koran says in 2:62 that "Only those Jews and Christians who convert to Islam will be rewarded with heaven". The Koran specifically mentions acts of violence towards infidels and dissuades islamists from having Christian friends. (i.e. 9:5, 5:54). Do you interpret these verses differently to me? Why would this be written in the Koran, if there is just the one God?
4 - Perhaps you miss the Kuwait law forbidding women to vote, repression of the Bidun, and police repression of political agitants and reporters appearing throughout the Amnesty International website. Sharia law, a fundamental Islamic construct, represses alternative views and restricts peoples' freedom to choose. It ultimatley disposes the fate of entire nations to the whims of the religious bigots.
I appreciate your further answers and discussion, although I know it says in the Koran that Islamic people should never argue with infidels about Islam. In fact, here's what is says in the Koran about people who "disbelieve" in Islam. Surely, with over 500 quotes inciting hatred and death to unbelievers in the Koran, is it any wonder that some people "mis-interpret" it and commit terrorist acts, based on their understanding of these texts?
1- Repeat: Pigs live on trash. They're being raised in dirty farms and the feed on what they get rid of= they feed on sh**.
2- No. Don't takeverses out of context please. I am muslim and Arab therefore I understand and you don't.
4-I live in Kuwait and I work in bidoon/statless issues as I'm an activist... please don't teach me about what's going on in my own country! Please please please! I know because I live there! All you're doing is looking on wikipedia and googling for things while I actually live there!
Women in Kuwait got their rights after a battle which lasted for 40 years. Kuwait was an independant state in year 1961. The women in us got their rights after 200 something years... they got their political rights in the 60s after burining their bras and refusing to eat or work and the U.S. was an independant country in 1789. I studied that so please don't try to tell me that what I have studied is wrong and do not always wikipedia because it's not accurate. Wikipedia takes articles from one resource while we read cases of different countries and writers everyday! Wikipedia publishes the articles which go along with their views and belifes, while we study cases and articles which go against our views and what we believe in. I'm both educated and a Kuwaity person so not listening to me directly and reading something which is copied from books written by an orientlist who only lived in the middle east for two weeks is what I call ignorance!
And amnesty website needs an update because women got their political rights in june 05!
Andthat has thing got do with this whole issue... Islam says give the people their basic rights and latin laws which are mostly done by people and sadly laws in my country are being made by unworthy people don't give the bidoon their basic rights! Didn't I say the key is in using the sharia laws?
1 - Pigs eat pig food. All farmyard animals live in and eat their own crap - all of them! Go to a farm and see for yourself... Views about dirtyness have changed radically in the past few years. The real stuff to worry about is the stuff you can't see. This new focus on bacterial and viral cleanlyness make Koranic views on hygene redundant. Pigs are no more dirty than any other farmyard animal.
2 - Can only Arabs understand, or are you just being arrogant?
3 - Lazy? Or can't answer?
4 - Women have had the vote for just 2 years? Can they hold any positions in office? Are you saying unworthy Imams are running your country? Are they not place there by Allah?
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