You seem to be ignoring the social stigma issue I brought up, the sexism against men stems from the sexism against women, also the burden of proof is on you, provide me with some links.
Rihanna got a lot of media attention because it would sell more, no man wants to admit they got beaten up by a women, and Rihanna is hot, men get all angry when someone beats up their sexual idol, because again, they think women need protecting. Not to mention most people hate Chris Brown.
Just search on google for abuse against men, why do I have to go and find all the links to all the facts??
Theres many websites that show the facts, and they are quite easy to find.
No man wants to admit they got beat up by a women? Why?? I would admit it if I got beat up by a women, and hopefully the cops would believe me.
Yeah I guess it doesn't matter when a women beats up a man hey?? She just busted the guys face opened but no one seems to care about that.
What if some nice guy got killed by a good looking women, would everyone just forgive the women and think it was the mans fault?? I think thats happened before by the way.
You have to find the links because you are the one who is trying to prove the point to us, the burden of proof is on you, I'm not going to do the work for you.
If you would report the case then great, you have not been influenced by social stigma regarding men being beat up by women, not all men are like you and still hold very sexist views about women.
I never said it does not matter when women beat up men, it is just as horrible as men beating up women, please stop putting words in my mouth, the simple fact is it does not happen as often and when it does it either goes unreported (again social stigma) or the women does not cause as much damage, or it does not get media attention because the story would not sell to men, because they tend to only care when women get beat up because they feel women need protecting.
If some nice guy got killed, (very different to abuse btw) by a hot woman then the story would get lots of attention because it is a murder. No doubt the media would portray the women as using sexual charms to seduce the man then kill him.
Yeah but theres tons of links showing on google how many men are abused by women every year. Theres tons.
Yeah thats what I hate, women and men both need protecting. They only think women need protecting though. It's sad that men don't report it when they get abused, and many police officers just don't believe that women can abuse men, it's sad but true.
I've heard stories about good looking women who have killed men before, and it doesn't get lots of attention and I sometimes hear about the women only getting like 10 years in prison.
There was a story I heard a while ago of someone called Lorena Bobbitt, she said her ex husband abused her and raped her, but there wasn't any proof I don't think. Even if there was proof, it was still wrong what she did.
She castrated her ex husband, and you know what?? She was found not guilty due to insanity. So she almost killed her ex husband, but she was found not guilty.
The feminists actually think she is a hero because of what she did.
How does that make her a hero because she castrated her ex husband?? If someone raped me and I beat up that person, I would probably be sent to prison for abuse and the person who raped me would probably get away with it.
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