[QUOTE="MotherSuperior"]And I'm not only counting my opinions on the matter. My brother, father, biology professor, ex-girlfriend, both sisters, and some of my friends (both male and female) all agree that men are generally smarter than women. It's just facts, nothing sexist about it. It's not like either gender could survive without the other.trodeback
You better wake up. The world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping! There is another world beneath it - the real world.
The opinions of your family and friends don't constitute what's reality. The only reason there are so many male scientists & major names in science and other related "smart" fields is becuase women were discouraged to persue education degrees. His point with the doll & the lego was to portray the very well known fact that many women are enouraged from birth to become mothers, and many men are encouraged from birth to persue an education, make a name for themselves, and provide for a family. There are many smart women that aren't known about who had to publish works in their husbands name or in a fake name in order to have them published. One thing I must ask is does your mother or any of your sisters have 4 year college degrees?
That scenario was quite some time ago. Men were generally viewed as the sole breadwinner of the family and women to take care of the family.
Nowadys, both men and women are given equal opportunity for education. And ironic as it may seem, women usual make up the most of first class honours graduate. I'm not going to say that women are smarter than men. BUT they use their potential much, much more than we men, and thus, they're smarter.
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