It was America in that instance. In all honesty, I think it's unbelievable that white supremacists are allowed to parade the streets inciting racial violence. I don't think burning holy books in public should be allowed, but in private I see no reason why there should be any issues with that. It certainly shouldn't warrant police interference!
So you pretty much agree with me? Because I think that's pretty unbelievable as well, but as usual people want to go to extremes with things. Take freedom of speech to an extreme and that is what you get. The british decide to limit it and have found very good middle ground.
I agree that it shouldn't be permitted in public, on the streets. I don't agree with supressing that freedom in your own home / in private. A video on youtube is hardly causing Muslims in Britain to take to the streets in a violent rage. And even if it did, they're the ones being violent and they should be arrested IMO.
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