[QUOTE="Ace6301"]Harper better not get us in another f*cking war. Wastes enough money on stupid crap as it is. He'll probably want to play with his new planes though.ShadowMoses900
I do not know enough about Steven Harpers policies to make an informed decison on him, I do not live in Canada. But if this is his decision then the man deserves a standing ovation, he is recognising the danger that is Iran and how important it is to protect Israel, who is the victim once again.
Here are just a few of the reasons the Canadian Government has listed as to why Iran can no longer be an ally:
Iran refuses to comply with the United Nations resolutions pertaining to its nuclear program
Increasing military assistance to the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad
Iran shelters and "materially supports" terrorist groups
Routine threats to the existence of the state of Israel
Repeated violations of the Vienna Convention which governs diplomatic relations between most countries of the world
"Racist anti-Semitic rhetoric and incitement to genocide," Baird said.
Worst violators of human rights.
I want to avoid war as much as possible. But Iran better not even lift a finger against Israel.
Although I agree that Iran is not exactly a good guy. Israel ignores international law and human rights every day. Just sayin. As for the thread, Canada's late. I do think Iran is overly agresive towards the west, but it obivous that the real only reason that they are worried is that if Iran gets a nuclear arsenal, they would be the regional power. Dwarfing Israeli and western presence. That'd be bad for Saudia who would try desprately to get one aswell creating an arms race between the two most backwards countries in the region. Iran won't atttack Israel though Shadow. they aren't stupid please stop acting like a country as old and power hungry as Iran woulddo something so stupid. The US literally gave them Iraq. There'll be nothing stopping iraq from getting a nuclear weapon though, I laugh at the notion of a US invasion or Israeli strike. Had israel seriously wanted to attack Iran to stop the development of nuclear weapons, Israle would of done it by now. and not announced deadlines and allowed leaks about plans to attack. So please world if you're gonna talk the talk, walk the walk.
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