Muslims can worship Lotan and still attatch the characteristics of Yahweh to him. The name doesnt matter. Whatever the origin of the name Allah, for all intents and purposes they believe in the Abrahamic god.
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Muslims can worship Lotan and still attatch the characteristics of Yahweh to him. The name doesnt matter. Whatever the origin of the name Allah, for all intents and purposes they believe in the Abrahamic god.
oh go f*ck yourself[QUOTE="BossPerson"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"] Religions of the Abrahamic tradition are based on peace and love. Islam really is just a b*st*rdization of the previous two, although I strongly commend their beliefs in Jesus, Moses, etc. kingkong0124
Looking from a completely objective standpoint, we can compare Christian/Jewish countries to Islamic countries. Apart from a few countries (Turkey, UAE, etc.) we can see how the degree to which society progressed..In almost all cases, Christian/Jewish countries value human rights more. These differences are based on culture/religion. If you don't agree with this point that's fine, just have a reasonable reply, unlike something like "f yourself"..
Yep. Christianity had its dark ages and all, but for the most part 2012 is in sight now. Islam, on the other hand, lives in years that consist of 3 digits. The year 999 will be their Y2K bug. Will be fun.oh go f*ck yourself[QUOTE="BossPerson"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"] Religions of the Abrahamic tradition are based on peace and love. Islam really is just a b*st*rdization of the previous two, although I strongly commend their beliefs in Jesus, Moses, etc. kingkong0124
Looking from a completely objective standpoint, we can compare Christian/Jewish countries to Islamic countries. Apart from a few countries (Turkey, UAE, etc.) we can see the degree to which each society has progressed..In almost all cases, Christian/Jewish countries value human rights more. These differences are based on culture/religion. If you don't agree with this point that's fine, just have a reasonable reply, unlike something like "f yourself"..
Ohhh such a smart point. Then please explain the Dark Ages? Hmm? And i really missed the part where Moses was a humanitarian and the Torah values liberalism.BossPerson
Christianity supports the notion of the separation of religion and state...the Christians of the Dark Ages did not listen to what Jesus said, he was clearly against religion and state being together..
Christianity supports the notion of the separation of religion and state...the Christians of the Dark Ages did not listen to what Jesus said, he was clearly against religion and state being together..
....ok and the Old Testament? which Christians love to pretend doesnt exist.God is God. His image is impossible for us to imagine, and since we can see the moon and therefore imagine it, God is ergo not the moon. m25105I can imagine perfectly well. Your book gave me a quite a vivid description of a megalomaniacal, sadistic, petty, jealous and evil ruler. So that one doesn't exist? Thank him!
Christianity supports the notion of the separation of religion and state...the Christians of the Dark Ages did not listen to what Jesus said, he was clearly against religion and state being together..
....ok and the Old Testament? which Christians love to pretend doesnt exist.Most Christians believe it to be symbolical/metaphoric in nature..of course there are some exceptions, but that's pretty much the commonly-held belief.
....ok and the Old Testament? which Christians love to pretend doesnt exist.[QUOTE="BossPerson"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"]
Christianity supports the notion of the separation of religion and state...the Christians of the Dark Ages did not listen to what Jesus said, he was clearly against religion and state being together..
Most Christians believe it to be symbolical/metaphoric in nature..of course there are some exceptions, but that's pretty much the commonly-held belief.
Who are you to go against the word of Yahweh? You think you know better than your God?....ok and the Old Testament? which Christians love to pretend doesnt exist.[QUOTE="BossPerson"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"]
Christianity supports the notion of the separation of religion and state...the Christians of the Dark Ages did not listen to what Jesus said, he was clearly against religion and state being together..
Most Christians believe it to be symbolical/metaphoric in nature..of course there are some exceptions, but that's pretty much the commonly-held belief.
thing is, even if its symbolic, are they ignoring what it says? the Torah does state some sort of way to rule a country, and religion is a big part of it.[QUOTE="kingkong0124"][QUOTE="m25105"] I doubt Saudi is that little of a person to do that.m25105you need some tissues? *rolls eyes*
You didn't have to type that out. There's a :roll: for that.
Christianity supports the notion of the separation of religion and state...the Christians of the Dark Ages did not listen to what Jesus said, he was clearly against religion and state being together..
lol right. that's why they don't want stem cell research, gay rights, and even historically black rights, women's rights. your right. it does say in the good book that there should be a seperation of church and state. that's why Jefferson - the author of the declaration of independence - kept his Bible good as new.
also if people wanna keep insisting that Allah is a moon god, by all means go ahead. I see no reason why religious people should have a monopoly of saying stupid $hit, whenever it suits their arguement.
Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
[QUOTE="BossPerson"] kingkong0124Ok I'm done with you. Because there's no justification for the "metaphorical" interpretation of something that defines your world view. Right? Who are you to pick and choose? If you are a Christian, you should follow 100% of the Torah and the NT. Stone who needs to be stoned.
Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination.[QUOTE="Darkman2007"]kingkong0124
Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
Israeli's valuing of human rights has very little to do with Judaism.SaudiFury
Many Christians do believe in gay rights" and stem cell research. And by the way, Christianity was not against black rights/women rights, it was backwards people..
Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
Israeli's valuing of human rights has very little to do with Judaism. Thank GodBossPersonPut your thinking cap on dude. Understand historical context, when it was written, etc. Simple as that.
Many Christians do believe in gay rights" and stem cell research. And by the way, Christianity was not against black rights/women rights, it was backwards people..
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. (Colossians 3:18; cf. 1 Peter 3:1 and Ephesians 5:22) ... I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man...For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, foreasmuch as he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. (1 Corinthians 11:3 & 7-9) Let your women keep silence in churches: for it is not permitted unto them; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also sayeth the law. (1 Corinthians 14:34, c/f 1 Corinthians 11:3-9 & Timothy 2:11-12)[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="BossPerson"]Well a quick google search reveals he's quite extreme. BossPersonessentially he believed that hatred towards the Jews was always a racial one, even during the persecution of the Church (citing the fact that the Church also ended up going after Jewish converts), he also said the Holocaust was still ongoing, as there are still attempts to do so. I wouldn't say he was extreme so much as paranoid, and it did rub off on his son to some extent, he is paranoid, and any speech he makes regarding Iran usually tries to tie it to Nazi Germany. that said, there is no doubt Netanyahu is a very talented politician , a political fox so to speak (being in the political system in Israel for 20+ years will do that) he also hit Peres where it hurts a while ago , Peres spoke against attacking Iran (when really, a President in Israel is like the Queen in the UK , supposed to be non political) , and Netanyahu's office simply put out a message saying "Peres is not really the man to comment on threats and actions given his record in 1981" yeah , this kind of stuff is common in Israel . So how is agreement on the attack among the administration? Because when Barak made that point about 500 being dead, he didnt really sound like he wasnt in favour in the attack. its hard to say, alot of them are keeping their opinions behined closed doors, and they have their own political considerations, though I would say that Netanyahu probably could order an attack , its not outside of his ability. an interesting scenario that shows what might happened ,was when Netanyahu wanted a settlement to be evicted a few months ago , and his cabinet and the Knesset was very divided, it ended up getting into these kinds of shouting matches eventually Netanyahu said that any minister who doesn't support him, will lose his job , most of them ended up going with him (including those who disagreed with him) , the rest mysteriously failed to show up to the cabinet meeting. the Iranian issue is more controversial , but I think he could pull off something like this, he is trying to galvenise support, he recently brought in a member of Kadima , Avi Dichter (former head of Shabak , Israel's internal security service, also deals with the WB and Gaza) into the government, and Dichter quickly said Iran is an exsistential threat and must be dealt with , though he never said how (dealt with , usually means attacking them in some ways)
Put your thinking cap on dude. Understand historical context, when it was written, etc. Simple as that.Who are you to judge the context of the word of your god? Surely you know better than to question his intelligence???[QUOTE="BossPerson"] kingkong0124
Okay, let's assume what you said is true. Let's pretend there was no bias on the website that you copied and pasted those verses from. Let's pretend that Christians didn't put on their thinking caps. Let's look at it from a completely objective viewpoint.
Most Christians do not follow these beliefs. That's all that matters.
Put your thinking cap on dude. Understand historical context, when it was written, etc. Simple as that. Using this logic, conservative positions on the U.S. constitution would be invalid.[QUOTE="BossPerson"] kingkong0124
Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination. wtf is an Islamb? They're called Muslims...[QUOTE="MrPraline"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"]Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination. wtf is an Islamb? They're called Muslims... It's a punJesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
oh go f*ck yourself[QUOTE="BossPerson"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"] Religions of the Abrahamic tradition are based on peace and love. Islam really is just a b*st*rdization of the previous two, although I strongly commend their beliefs in Jesus, Moses, etc. kingkong0124
Looking from a completely objective standpoint, we can compare Christian/Jewish countries to Islamic countries. Apart from a few countries (Turkey, UAE, etc.) we can see the degree to which each society has progressed..In almost all cases, Christian/Jewish countries value human rights more. These differences are based on culture/religion. If you don't agree with this point that's fine, just have a reasonable reply, unlike something like "f yourself"..
you don't think that has anything to do with industrialization? western nations have been industrializing since the 18th century; you can't say the same about those islamic-majority nations, which most have barely been independent for a century.
so no, those differences are not entirely attributed to religious/cultural factors.
[QUOTE="kingkong0124"]Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination. wtf is an Islamb? They're called Muslims...[QUOTE="BossPerson"]
Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
here come the apologists..
Okay, let's assume what you said is true. Let's pretend there was no bias on the website that you copied and pasted those verses from. Let's pretend that Christians didn't put on their thinking caps. Let's look at it from a completely objective viewpoint.
Most Christians do not follow these beliefs. That's all that matters.
Okay....Im not talking about Christians...Im talking about Christianity. Big difference. The Christians who do not follow the bible to the word are heretics. Simple as that.[QUOTE="SaudiFury"]
Many Christians do believe in gay rights" and stem cell research. And by the way, Christianity was not against black rights/women rights, it was backwards people..
yes. if you look hard enough in the South, people were using the bible as a justification for keeping blacks down. and you can argue they were wrong. Just as the late MLK used the sermon the mount to inspire his people. good thing he didn't continue after that where it's slaughtering an entire people or else we'd all be in trouble. the Holy Bible, and the Abrahamic religions (including Islam, whether in your little world doesn't fit or not) are ancient, iron age religions, that are largely irrelevent to the needs and accepted behaviors of the modern western world. When the book of genesis once upon a time was taught (still is in some places) as literal truth of creation of the world, where we now know better, and that now a substantial number of Christians now say "well it's mataphorical/allegorical/inspirational/whatever". When so much of the good book just becomes that, what do you have left? why assert it to the true word of god? and if you believe it's true why NOT push for it to be in the role of government? if it's true, and it's the word of God you SHOULD be running around prosletyzing and enforcing it. the constitution and the bill of rights - documents that were written by a significant number of pre-Darwin Deists - are significantly better way of ruling, and for that matter better morals, then any of the Abrahamic traditions have brought forth so far, or ever is an Islamb? They're called Muslims...[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"] Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination.kingkong0124
here come the apologists..
lol @ quote chain[QUOTE="MrPraline"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"]Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination. wtf is an Islamb? They're called Muslims... It's like sheeple but less Ron Pauly ;3Jesus believed in the seperation of church and state. That's all I know. As for Judaism, they seem to value human rights - Israel. I can't say the same about most countries that are Islamically run.
BossPersonOkay, let's assume both Christianity and Islam are equally as bad. The difference is, Christians don't follow those bad teachings. Muslims do. Simple as that...a religion is largely based on its followers...
wtf is an Islamb? They're called Muslims...[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"] Such a separation is more difficult if you, in lieu of a religion, adhere to a totalitarian ideology that wishes to control your life from cradle to grave. I can't see Islambs and such a separation ever being a feasible combination.kingkong0124
here come the apologists..
I was asking a question smartass.[QUOTE="BossPerson"] kingkong0124Okay, let's assume both Christianity and Islam are equally as bad. The difference is, Christians don't follow those bad teachings. Muslims do. Simple as that...a religion is largely based on its followers...So judging Christianity by the actions of the Vatican during their heydays is fair? fine.
[QUOTE="kingkong0124"]Put your thinking cap on dude. Understand historical context, when it was written, etc. Simple as that. Using this logic, conservative positions on the U.S. constitution would be invalid. the constitution isn't perfect. we have amendments. in general though, it's definitely a good rule of thumb.[QUOTE="BossPerson"] DroidPhysX
[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="BossPerson"]So how is agreement on the attack among the administration? Because when Barak made that point about 500 being dead, he didnt really sound like he wasnt in favour in the attack. BossPersonits hard to say, alot of them are keeping their opinions behined closed doors, and they have their own political considerations, though I would say that Netanyahu probably could order an attack , its not outside of his ability. an interesting scenario that shows what might happened ,was when Netanyahu wanted a settlement to be evicted a few months ago , and his cabinet and the Knesset was very divided, it ended up getting into these kinds of shouting matches eventually Netanyahu said that any minister who doesn't support him, will lose his job , most of them ended up going with him (including those who disagreed with him) , the rest mysteriously failed to show up to the cabinet meeting. the Iranian issue is more controversial , but I think he could pull off something like this, he is trying to galvenise support, he recently brought in a member of Kadima , Avi Dichter (former head of Shabak , Israel's internal security service, also deals with the WB and Gaza) into the government, and Dichter quickly said Iran is an exsistential threat and must be dealt with , though he never said how (dealt with , usually means attacking them in some ways)So do you think netanyahu is prepared for a retaliatory attack? Because he seems quite reckless. There is no way some Israelis wont pay the price for an attack on Iran. Whether from Hamas or Iran's own arsenal. actually I see a greater threat from Hezbollah than I do from Hamas, Hezbollah can do more damage, and unlike Hamas , they do not rule a country, and do not have to answer to anyone. as for Israel being prepered, I do not know, there has been alot of money put in by the army into missile defense (the so called, 3 tier system , with Iron dome and Chetz systems, and such), bomb shelters that are being renovated (albeit slowly) , the home front are doing excercises in clearing bodies and injured out of damaged areas , etc. at the same time, there was an article today which claimed that in one situation , Israel might face 170 thousand rockets,7340,L-4278119,00.html (there is map , which explains the situation very quickly) of course, this is only a worse case scenario , but its one of them there will be alot of damage no doubt, but the worry is that a nuclear Iran will result in more long term damage, one way or another.
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