The Bible does not address the age of the earth. Carbon dating has been proven to be subject to error and is based on unproven assumptions, as are other dating methods. The odds of life originating by random accident, for even the simplest cell have been calculated to be one in 10 to the 40,000 power. Anything with a probability of greater than 1 in 10 to the 50th power is considered impossible. Show me one single case of biogenesis. Show me one single case, not based on speculation, of a living transitional animal species. There are no scientific mistakes in the Bible. In fact, science has confirmed that the universe had a beginning where it used to be accepted that it was eternal. There is only one truth and science will conform to that truth.
Odds? Where are these odds from? Anything with a propability of greater than 1 in 10^50 is considered impossible? So, if something has the 1 in 1 odds of existing, it's impossible?
Call it an unfinished story, but with a plot that's a grabber. It's the tale of an ancient land mammal making its way back to the sea, becoming the forerunner of today's whales. In doing so, it lost its legs, and all of its vital systems became adapted to a marine existence -- the reverse of what happened millions of years previously, when the first animals crawled out of the sea onto land.
Some details remain fuzzy and under investigation. But we know for certain that this back-to-the-water evolution did occur, thanks to a profusion of intermediate fossils that have been uncovered over the past two decades.
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