Yes, the majority wants it, so there. :| A veil is a piece of clothing. YOU Think it's a symbol of oppression; a Muslim woman wearing it may think it's a symbol for humility in the eyes of God. Why should your interpretation be law?[QUOTE="Theokhoth"][QUOTE="bobaban"] France is very supportive of this motion, 246 to 1. So I think France can do what France wants. Besides a veil is a symbol of oppression against women, NO MATTER what the Koran says. They cannot embrace a women's sexuality so they need to hide and contain it as much as possible. sSubZerOo
... And I am certain thats what women thought centuries ago as well.. In a male dominated society.. Most of these women have no choice in teh matter and have been taught this as the only suitable suggestion.. In teh end though I woudla gree, except it is a secuirty risk.. Some viels cover the entire face to the point you can't even tell what color their eyes are!
So do hats! :o Ban baseball caps!
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