A) halloween costumes.. In which drum roll HALLOWEEN!! Thats right folks, if they want one day a year to wear it, well they can wear it on halloween like eevery one else!..
B) Thats Britain or another European area not the US.. Furthermore Its a gathered meeting/protest where you can do such things.. But like I said again in public if you walk around with a ski mask on, you will be breaking the law inless its either halloween, or time of extreme cold weather to which a ski mask is approriate.. But yeah keep going on with this..
So often I see around town, people dressed in ugly full body uncle sam or statue of liberty costumes. They're holding signs advertising nearby stores. You couldn't possibly identify them, even their height or gender, they are 100% covered. Is it there for illegal for them to do this and I should call the cops?
And no, they arn't on private property. They're usually standing right next to crosswalks and such.
Actually yeah if the mask is fully distorting their views they can be arrested or very least ticketed.. Police just don't bother enforcing it very often because its not a problem because most don't do it.. Inless its making people extremely nervours or your suspicious.. But yet again.. If this were true please spend the entire day walking around with a ski mask on.. You will be ticketed at very least in public..
Then it must simply not be illegal where I live. Because people are PAID 50 dollars a day to stand out doing this. Companies hire people to, according to you, break the law in full public view on highly populated street corners where squad cars will constantly drive by and yet, for some reason, not ticket that person.
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