My question is this to the Europeans out there.. or perhaps anyone with any knowledge out there.
How come when i visit Muslim communities in the United States. In Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illanois and then random encounters i've had in California and other states. I strongly get the impression that they're assimilate quite well with American culture. about the only notiiceable difference you'll see with the women is that the majority wear the hijab.

(i could probably provide more pics...)
but point is, in their language, what they talk about and even what they wear (with one difference being possibly wearing the hijab in some fashion) they're basically Americans who are Muslims. people who come from all corners of the Earth. In the photos i provided alone, one is Yemeni-Saudi, Somali, Malay, and Nigeria. There are like an extremely few women i have ever seen (once in a blue moon in Minnesota) a woman wearing the niqaba and whole covering.
So my main question is why is it America and Canada can assimilate and incorporate various people very well. where as Europe seems to at best just open the door at the immigration?

(just for some lulz)
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