So far - reading this thread: I have seen people saying they (as in all of Islam) should be wiped out. They are "violent", "entitled" people. They are uneducated. And that they should be separated from us. And that if you defend them in any way: you are an enemy.
To reiterate I'm not condoning or excusing shedding blood over this I was merely pointing out the fact that there is nothing heroic or noble in what the magazine
Absolutely. Seen many people holding pens up and proclaiming them as heroes of "freedom of speech".
When the Nazi's also produced similar art depicting Jewish people as sub-human; money grubbing monster like apes; was this heroic and noble?
Quite a few people in this thread are starting to sound like Germans during that time period.
That's absurd. Leftists make it a point to mock christians at every turn but then you're gonna say that nobody should dare ever offend a muslim? Freedom of speech is what western society is built on. Without that you have nothing.
Never said that at all.
You compared the people that wrote for that magazine to nazis so that's exactly what you did.
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