@thegerg said:
@BranKetra said:
There is a real issue with suppressing freedom of speech and freedom of expression transpiring in the world, today.
Care to elaborate?
Among the most prominent aspects of this issue are Islamic extremists, as they call themselves, literally attacking people for offending them. Contrast that with American values in which freedom of speech and freedom of expression are recognized as unalienable rights. People generally do not enjoy being offended due to art. However, in America, the people have the freedom to express themselves and, since it is a capitalist society, we can question the value of irreverent behavior with regard to the economic and social impact of making such a thing in a balanced way. The allowing of caricatures of Muhammed or other forms of ireverence increases intellectual potential not because of religion being a form of inferior culture, but because it allows people to experience the expression of someone and continue to be pro-something if they choose while utilizing the growing ways of expressing oneself in response as a form of peaceful protest or a myriad of other choices for action without violence.
Some might say that peaceful protest does not amount to much, but it can actually be more effective than violence in places where dominating or domineering cultures are considered as needing to change. Also, the act of peaceful protest shows that a willingness to talk is present which, as at least the past one hundred years has shown, may cause feelings of empathy by both sides which is a sign of positive change. Look at the history of Mohandas Gandhi and later Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for an understanding of the power of non-violent protest and how the utilization of that power made a difference in their respective movements for independence and liberty.
The so-called "Islamic" extremists (I emphasize the supposition of their title as Muslim with regard to several users on GameSpot denouncing them as not followers of "true" Islam in actuality) have an ideology of no compromise of culture. Compound that with the fact that parts of their culture would be simply unacceptable, here, both legally and socially, and there is a clear sign that change needs to occur in order to accomodate both parties. One might say that the defeat of Islamic extremists is inevitable, but then we need to ask what metric he or she is basing that claim on and if it has any regard to the North Korean hack of Sony, and whether or not American theaters recinding Seth Rogen and James Franco's film called The Interviewwas inevitable by that metric. We could also question more broadly and ask if African American men and women needed to be attacked in order for positive change to occur in America and use that as a comparison to the current events occurring in the world, today.
In addition to Islamic extremists, North Korea is another factor in the ongoing effort to decrease the openness that the legal rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression allow for the sake of sustaining leadership. Islamic extremists support Islam-central government and whether or not one agrees with such a thing is not central to the issue I am mentioning as much as the methods (they are methods) in which people choose to respond to differences of culture. A person needs the freedom to say something without fear of legal ramifications, granted the existing laws of their country are sufficiently accomodating of both the speaker and the listener, for instance. The Islamic extremists and the North Korean government are two collective examples of followers of certain idealogies seeking to usurp others.
With voluntary self-restraints on horsepower in Japan, automobile engineers worked within the 280 HP and 190 km/h top speed limit for safety and improved other aspects of their vehicles. They made excellent cars such as the Mazda RX-7 and Honda NSX. In the same way, for the sake of liberty, people need the opportunity for free speech and free expression granted the rights of other people are not infringed on to allow culture to grow healthily. Islamic extremists and the North Korean government have chosen to respond to the products of these rights with threats and actual acts of violence, so I say that it is two different groups seeking to suppress freedom of speech and freedom of expression, rights that are held as self-evident in the U.S., at least
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