Social engineering, no. A bunch of patriotic bull**** meant to inspire blind enthusiasm at best and jingoism at worst, yes. Frankly, I find patriotism to be a rather inane concept, basically being proud of something for the sake of being proud of it regardless of whether or not it's actually a good thing or a bad thing. It's nothing, though, that ****tacular summer blockbusters made by immature manchildren with hard-ons for angsty jerks who have a strictly linear moral compass don't do. The fouth is simply a Micheal Bay movie without an explicit narrative.
Yea! Screw all of our ancestors that died in war to keep America a free nation!
But then again, it was only by chance we were born into their lineage. So I shouldn't be proud of that either :roll:
How do you define free nation? Because in my estimation not many, if any ancestors died to keep America a free nation. They have pretty much all died to keep America a rich nation, a rich nation at the expense of other nations-of native Americans, of Mexicans, of Cubans, of Pacific Islanders, of Koreans, of Iraqis, etc., etc. And yes it was only by chance you were bron into that lineage, and you should only be as proud of that as you are of winning at craps, and personally it's a lineage I'd rather not be a part of in the first place, but hey, when life gives you lemons...
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