Gotta love how an innocuous study can be so easily turned into a political pissing contest. :roll:
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I'm a realist as well, but I think you over-analyze things. 4th of July is really just meant as a community get together and celebration, nothing more. You're treating it as if it's an overthrow of intellectualism..[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"][QUOTE="theone86"]
It's pessimistic when contrasted with blind optimism, but I prefer to think of it as a realist ideology.
I think you under-analyze things, it's a supposition based on perspective. A community get together implies purpose, a celebration implies purpose, once you have purpose you have something more than face value that can be analyzed, and once you add in beahvior you have far more that can be analyzed, so if you're saying that any analysis that goes beyond get together or celebration is an over-analysis then I would have to disagree, as such isn't really an analysis at all and therefore anything beyond can hardly be called overanalysis.
So a cookout or Barbeque has to have an over all purpose? People can't just have get together just for the heck of it?[QUOTE="theone86"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"] I'm a realist as well, but I think you over-analyze things. 4th of July is really just meant as a community get together and celebration, nothing more. You're treating it as if it's an overthrow of intellectualism..imaps3fanboy
I think you under-analyze things, it's a supposition based on perspective. A community get together implies purpose, a celebration implies purpose, once you have purpose you have something more than face value that can be analyzed, and once you add in beahvior you have far more that can be analyzed, so if you're saying that any analysis that goes beyond get together or celebration is an over-analysis then I would have to disagree, as such isn't really an analysis at all and therefore anything beyond can hardly be called overanalysis.
So a cookout or Barbeque has to have an over all purpose? People can't just have get together just for the heck of it?I had a barbeque last week for the heck of it, when it's a national holiday it's hardly just for the heck of it, I think that's a self-defeating supposition.
Are you a communist?[QUOTE="BMD004"]
No, but the title Saturnalia does, and the calculation of when to celebrate Christmas is taken from the calculation of when to celebrate Saturnalia, therefore the original purpose of the holiday has changed over time, just like the original purpose of the fourth can change over time.
Is that what you ask everyone who makes a point you can't counter?
No, and I could counter each one of your points... but it's getting so ridiculous it's not even fun to debate anymore, because we'll never agree.I'm just curious... are you a communist? And are you even American?
If you're not going to address the points, then aren't you just trolling?
I don't know... is giving one's opinion a violation of the TOU?
Not at all. But would you deny that the "rebellious teenager" stuff is starting to get into troll terrority?
That isn't what a troll is.[QUOTE="theone86"]
[QUOTE="BMD004"]Are you a communist?
Is that what you ask everyone who makes a point you can't counter?
No, and I could counter each one of your points... but it's getting so ridiculous it's not even fun to debate anymore, because we'll never agree.I'm just curious... are you a communist? And are you even American?
So when it's not fun to debate anymore you resort to asking questions which have no bearing on the discussion whatsoever, why, because that's more fun? Are you a communist? Are you an American?
I don't know... is giving one's opinion a violation of the TOU?
Not at all. But would you deny that the "rebellious teenager" stuff is starting to get into troll terrority?
That isn't what a troll is.I didn't say he was a troll, but I do think getting personal iinstead of addressing the argument amounts to trolling.
No, and I could counter each one of your points... but it's getting so ridiculous it's not even fun to debate anymore, because we'll never agree.[QUOTE="BMD004"]
Is that what you ask everyone who makes a point you can't counter?
I'm just curious... are you a communist? And are you even American?
So when it's not fun to debate anymore you resort to asking questions which have no bearing on the discussion whatsoever, why, because that's more fun? Are you a communist? Are you an American?
It's not direclty relevant, but it is relevant. I'm just curious about what political ideology you use to form your opinions, or vice versa. Plus, I'm interested if you are even an American because this is about an American holiday.I'm aware of the history of the day. Nonetheless, the church decided to choose a day in use so the people would not think they lost a holiday. It doesn't change the fact that the date is a different celebrations in Christianity.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="theone86"]
It's not a matter of meaning different things in different customs, Saturnalia was actually practiced for quite a while under Christian Rome. It was a calculated decision to have Christmas fall on Saturnalia as a way of changing the meaning of the holiday, which it did, which supports my original point that the meaning of holidays can change over time.
No it's not, it's the same celebration, different meaning behind it.
So Satarnalia celebrated the birth of Christ. Awesome.That depends on what you mean by the point. If by the point you mean what it was originally intended to be, a celebration of independence as a nation, then yes I missed the point. If you mean what it actually is in practice, an excuse for a bunch of people to get drunk off their asses and watch big explosions that make big sounds and use these manufactured images to force themselves to get all teary-eyed and emotional like a first-year drama student who just mastered crying at will, then I think I hit the nail on the head.
That may be your narrow-minded view of why people celebrate the 4th, but don't claim to know the entire country's motives for celebrating it.
[QUOTE="BMD004"]No, and I could counter each one of your points... but it's getting so ridiculous it's not even fun to debate anymore, because we'll never agree.
I'm just curious... are you a communist? And are you even American?
So when it's not fun to debate anymore you resort to asking questions which have no bearing on the discussion whatsoever, why, because that's more fun? Are you a communist? Are you an American?
It's not direclty relevant, but it is relevant. I'm just curious about what political ideology you use to form your opinions, or vice versa. Plus, I'm interested if you are even an American because this is about an American holiday.Could you explain how it is relevant? Does my nationality or ideology have any bearing on my argument? If I were a Texas conservative would my argument bear any more or less weight? It's only relevant if you wish to resort to ad homenim, in which case I don't find that particular line of argumentation worthwhile in the first place.
That depends on what you mean by the point. If by the point you mean what it was originally intended to be, a celebration of independence as a nation, then yes I missed the point. If you mean what it actually is in practice, an excuse for a bunch of people to get drunk off their asses and watch big explosions that make big sounds and use these manufactured images to force themselves to get all teary-eyed and emotional like a first-year drama student who just mastered crying at will, then I think I hit the nail on the head.
That may be your narrow-minded view of why people celebrate the 4th, but don't claim to know the entire country's motives for celebrating it.
A. I'll claim what I damn well please.
B. I didn't claim to know the entire country's motivation.
The Article's Author and this topic title is misleading.
Yes it's a Harvard study on political influence of national holidays, but the only people calling this right wing social engineering and suggesting liberal should NOT celebrate it is the author and the person who made this thread. That wasn't the point of the study at all.
[QUOTE="theone86"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]I'm aware of the history of the day. Nonetheless, the church decided to choose a day in use so the people would not think they lost a holiday. It doesn't change the fact that the date is a different celebrations in Christianity. LJS9502_basic
No it's not, it's the same celebration, different meaning behind it.
So Satarnalia celebrated the birth of Christ. Awesome.Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
So Satarnalia celebrated the birth of Christ. Awesome.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="theone86"]
No it's not, it's the same celebration, different meaning behind it.
Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
Same date...not the same celebration. Celebration is the meaning... Which is essentially what I said.It's not direclty relevant, but it is relevant. I'm just curious about what political ideology you use to form your opinions, or vice versa. Plus, I'm interested if you are even an American because this is about an American holiday.[QUOTE="BMD004"]
So when it's not fun to debate anymore you resort to asking questions which have no bearing on the discussion whatsoever, why, because that's more fun? Are you a communist? Are you an American?
Could you explain how it is relevant? Does my nationality or ideology have any bearing on my argument? If I were a Texas conservative would my argument bear any more or less weight? It's only relevant if you wish to resort to ad homenim, in which case I don't find that particular line of argumentation worthwhile in the first place.
I'm just curious... my god.So Satarnalia celebrated the birth of Christ. Awesome.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="theone86"]
No it's not, it's the same celebration, different meaning behind it.
Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
If it has a different meaning, then it isn't the same celebration.[QUOTE="theone86"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]So Satarnalia celebrated the birth of Christ. Awesome.LJS9502_basic
Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
Same date...not the same celebration. Celebration is the meaning... Which is essentially what I said.A celebration is not the meaning, a celebration is a set of actions. I eat cake for my birthday, I eat cake for my graduation, same celebration (eating cake), different meanings. The Christmas celebration was the same one year as it was the year before when it was Saturnalia, the only thing that changed was the meaning.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]So Satarnalia celebrated the birth of Christ. Awesome.BMD004
Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
If it has a different meaning, then it isn't the same celebration.How do you figure?
Same date...not the same celebration. Celebration is the meaning... Which is essentially what I said.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="theone86"]
Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
A celebration is not the meaning, a celebration is a set of actions. I eat cake for my birthday, I eat cake for my graduation, same celebration (eating cake), different meanings. The Christmas celebration was the same one year as it was the year before when it was Saturnalia, the only thing that changed was the meaning.
Uh, no. You aren't celebrating eating cake. You're celebrating the occasion (birthday, gradation, ect.)
Same thing for Christmas. You aren't celebrating the date you are celebrating the occasion.
I believe the democratic party is already petioning to have the 4th removed from July. The american flag is also a propaganda tool of the right wing and should be replaced with a banner of a vegan colony and a prius.
So as long as we're throwing worthless sterotypes out there, let's come up with an idea for the Republican flag. Oooh, I got it, how about an inbred redneck with a single-digit IQ, an AK-47, and a poster about communist/nazi conspiracies! Ah, what fun this is, don't let it stop, say something about how me and every other liberal are god-hating tyrants who want to destroy America, we've gotta keep this good vibe going!
Not everybody from the South is a redneck, or has a single digit IQ, is inbred, and I wish I owned an Ak.
...If you mean what it actually is in practice, an excuse for a bunch of people to get drunk off their asses and watch big explosions that make big sounds and use these manufactured images to force themselves to get all teary-eyed and emotional like a first-year drama student who just mastered crying at will, then I think I hit the nail on the head.theone86
A. I'll claim what I damn well please.B. I didn't claim to know the entire country's motivation.theone86
Someone's mad.
That quote certainly seems to disprove point B.
Who are you referring to? :Dis it me or anyone else gets the feeling people are getting dumber by the second?
Good! Let's level Harvard university and deport all their moronic students and staff to Britain. If they prefer living under British rule, why not let them?Syk0_k03r
Regardless of the study, I doubt Harvard students or faculty qualify as morons.
Even if this is a sound study and completely true, why would we ban it? We don't ban things that have a political connotation. We embrace them as free expression, whether we agree with them or not.
... I'm on the next plane out of this country.XiaolinPrincessI'll be happy to join you.
I think it's the latter. :|is it me or anyone else gets the feeling people are getting dumber by the second?
The 4th of July is for American citizens to celebrate being an American and part of a free independent nation from our incredible history. It has nothing to do with politics. This is stupid.
Social engineering, no. A bunch of patriotic bull**** meant to inspire blind enthusiasm at best and jingoism at worst, yes. Frankly, I find patriotism to be a rather inane concept, basically being proud of something for the sake of being proud of it regardless of whether or not it's actually a good thing or a bad thing. It's nothing, though, that ****tacular summer blockbusters made by immature manchildren with hard-ons for angsty jerks who have a strictly linear moral compass don't do. The fouth is simply a Micheal Bay movie without an explicit narrative.
Way to completely miss the point of indenpendence day.That depends on what you mean by the point. If by the point you mean what it was originally intended to be, a celebration of independence as a nation, then yes I missed the point. If you mean what it actually is in practice, an excuse for a bunch of people to get drunk off their asses and watch big explosions that make big sounds and use these manufactured images to force themselves to get all teary-eyed and emotional like a first-year drama student who just mastered crying at will, then I think I hit the nail on the head.
Maybe that's what you think of the fourth. However, I disagree. Most people I know usually celebrate the 4th by gathering with their family members and having a picnic. Often times they watch firework displays as a form of entertainment and celebration. The 4th is a way of acknowledging the birth of our nation and the values for which it stands. It was created by a group of people that desired self government and they achieved that despite incredible odds. It was an incredible experiment in self government - not by some elite cast of nobles or royalty, but by a group of citizens. It's got its flaws, but I still like the ideals of it. I feel sorry if you really are that bitter and cynical about life in general. Seems like a horrible way to go through things - always looking on the dark side and assuming the most negative of motivations for every action. Honestly, if you hate the people, culture, ideals, customs, and lifestyles of this country so much, is it really the best place for you? If I was that upset with my surroundings, I would either try to improve them or seek out someplace more suited to my situation.There are days when I feel thankful to have had mediocre enough highschool grades that I missed getting into my 1st choice private university and was forced into a less prestigious university. My diploma may be worth less but at least I won't be brainwashed in the process.
Lol so receiving a quality education is now brainwashing :lol: Jesus!There are days when I feel thankful to have had mediocre enough highschool grades that I missed getting into my 1st choice private university and was forced into a less prestigious university. My diploma may be worth less but at least I won't be brainwashed in the process.
My family always celebrated the 4th....and we're Democrats.:?LJS9502_basicDitto. Although technically we're independent we usually vote democrat.
Care to elaborate there?There are days when I feel thankful to have had mediocre enough highschool grades that I missed getting into my 1st choice private university and was forced into a less prestigious university. My diploma may be worth less but at least I won't be brainwashed in the process.
Way to completely miss the point of indenpendence day.He sounds like one of those kids that has to have a negative view of everything people enjoy.He sounds like one of those kids that never gets invited to any of the parties.[QUOTE="sonicare"][QUOTE="theone86"]
Social engineering, no. A bunch of patriotic bull**** meant to inspire blind enthusiasm at best and jingoism at worst, yes. Frankly, I find patriotism to be a rather inane concept, basically being proud of something for the sake of being proud of it regardless of whether or not it's actually a good thing or a bad thing. It's nothing, though, that ****tacular summer blockbusters made by immature manchildren with hard-ons for angsty jerks who have a strictly linear moral compass don't do. The fouth is simply a Micheal Bay movie without an explicit narrative.
[QUOTE="theone86"]...If you mean what it actually is in practice, an excuse for a bunch of people to get drunk off their asses and watch big explosions that make big sounds and use these manufactured images to force themselves to get all teary-eyed and emotional like a first-year drama student who just mastered crying at will, then I think I hit the nail on the head.airshocker
A. I'll claim what I damn well please.B. I didn't claim to know the entire country's motivation.theone86
Someone's mad.
That quote certainly seems to disprove point B.
He said "a bunch of people", not the entire country.i wish TC's link was to the onion, this is just as bad as people who want to outlaw evolution or any opinion outside of their narrow view.
i read that study, it opened my eyes to the propaganda, can you believe it has a shockingly high effectiveness of one tenth of a hundredth of a percent? we need to put a stop to this devastating trend.These are serious findings folks. I've also found out that Thanksgiving is a Green party scheme to get people to vote for them. It's a conspiracy! lowkey254
i read that study, it opened my eyes to the propaganda, can you believe it has a shockingly high effectiveness of one tenth of a hundredth of a percent? we need to put a stop to this devastating trend. According to my calculations though, that will result in a conversion rate of 300,000 people per year, given the population of the US. Is this a risk that you're still willing to take?[QUOTE="lowkey254"]
These are serious findings folks. I've also found out that Thanksgiving is a Green party scheme to get people to vote for them. It's a conspiracy! surrealnumber5
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]i read that study, it opened my eyes to the propaganda, can you believe it has a shockingly high effectiveness of one tenth of a hundredth of a percent? we need to put a stop to this devastating trend. According to my calculations though, that will result in a conversion rate of 300,000 people per year, given the population of the US. Is this a risk that you're still willing to take? ((.1 x .01)/100)x300mill = 300k? i think your calculator is set to two places 3000.00 is not the same as 300,000[QUOTE="lowkey254"]
These are serious findings folks. I've also found out that Thanksgiving is a Green party scheme to get people to vote for them. It's a conspiracy! Engrish_Major
Same date...not the same celebration. Celebration is the meaning... Which is essentially what I said.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="theone86"]
Did I say that? Nope, don't believe I did. One year the celebration was Saturnalia, the next it was Christmas, same celebration, different meaning.
A celebration is not the meaning, a celebration is a set of actions. I eat cake for my birthday, I eat cake for my graduation, same celebration (eating cake), different meanings. The Christmas celebration was the same one year as it was the year before when it was Saturnalia, the only thing that changed was the meaning.
No the celebration is more than just mechanics of a party. You celebrate an event. They are not the same.Oh, crap. You're right. My bad - the calibration on my calculator is currently set to "MSNBC".((.1 x .01)/100)x300mill = 300k? i think your calculator is set to two places 3000.00 is not the same as 300,000
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