To me, the Fourth of July is about reflecting on our Country, the great men and women who shaped it, and hope for a future that was as bright as the past. America has many, many problems right now, one of the bigger ones being how divided we are. But do you realize how far we have come in the years since our independence? Do you realize that it has been less than 250 years since we formed the country as it is known today? Compared to the rest of the world that is a drop in the bucket. Look at what we acheived in basically every field known to man in the span of 235 is unbelievable. If being proud of our nations accomplishments and trying hard to be a productive member of its society makes me a Patriot then I am definitly guilty. Being a patriot doesn't mean you don't reconize that there are serious problems with our counrty, and it doesn't mean you don't respect anothers society or culture.
You're always going to have those people who scream that the 4th is nothing but a propaganda tool, or those cynical people who think patriotism isfor the "sheeple". But one thing I have always noticedabout our people, is that Americans for the most part cannot stand each other...until somethingreminds us that we are all in this together. Then the true United States of America comes out and does what needs to be done, before we overcome that obstacle and go back to hating each other!
So this might be super corny, but that is what I think about before the 4th is ruined by drunks and fireworks!Everycitizen of the United States of America should just take a minute to realize how fourtunatethey are to live in a Counrty as great asours. Because despite a multitude of flaws and problems, we are still a nation that millions of millions of people would do just about anything to be a part of, and for the most part we take that for granted
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