[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Well this is a given, the wage descripency is disgusting compared to the rest of the west.. I don't think any one here would say we should all be paid equally, that is just not realistic nor possible.. But at the same time we should not some how accept the kind of wealth gap that there is in the US compared to the rest of the west.. The average European CEO gets paid some 40 to 50 times more then their average worker.. The US difference is 3 to 4 times that descrepency of the rest of West.. Clearly something is wrong here when statistically US workers are not only getting less vacation days, are not as healthy, but they are not getting paid any where close to their European counterparts.... When it comes to taxes we need tax reform and a increase in capital gains tax.. We need to close loop holes.. Because as it stands the rich and corporations pay no where near the supposed % they are suppose to pay.. Due to loopholes.. In the end of the day, I am pretty certain no one wants to see other people struggling.. Nor do people want to see the destruction of a class, such as the rich.. But at this time the burden of the economy has literally fallen on the middle and lower class.. While the upper class literally have gotten geometrically richer and literally have provided nothing new to the economy on top of that.. Take look at General Electric.. The US not only taxed them 0% last period, but the US gave them subsidies.. What did they do in return? they cut jobs in the US.. Our system needs to be based upon results not expectations that never happen.. sSubZerOo
Now I do see some of your argument, but what does it matter what a CEO makes? Who is paying the CEO exactly? The Board of Directors do. I'm so tired of people complaining what CEO makes, if the company can afford to pay a CEO, who is an employee just like anyone else is, for his duties there is nothing wrong with that or should that be seen as a negative. Believe it or not but a CEO has more stress on them then anyone in the company, so to think that they just sit there and do nothing an collect a check is completely false. A CEO or a business owner can make all that they want and I don't care if it is billions more than I or anyone for that matter. They worked their way up to get there and they deserve it. The only time I would be against it is unless they did it illegally.Also there is a reason why that GE didn't get taxed and that is because there is not here in the U.S. for it to get taxed. Secondly rich pay taxes to, you may think not enough, but someone making 5 million a year, pays about 2 million in taxes. If you think they need to pay more, then cleary there is something wrong with the government.
.... My point went completely ove ryour head.. A) No where did I say CEO's are to blame, I am pointing out that the wealth descrpency is getting worse and it is in fact HARMING our society as a whole.. Furthermore please do not tell me what you think a CEO deserves or doesn't deserve.. This has absolutely nothing to do with my point, its immaterial..
B) Furthermore no they don't our capital gains taxes being so low and the numerous loop holes, the extremely rich and businesses do not pay the actual % of taxes.. They pay far less.. We need a tax reform plain and simple.. Lower the overall taxes but get rid of loop holes and other such thing.. Its hilarious how people some how trump up Reagan as a savior when he would not be able to win the insanity tha tis the REpublican party that is now.. He raised taxes numerous time.. People need to get it through their thick skulls that our tax system is a mess..
C) Please don't come here and tell me who deserves and who doesn't deserve.. This is immaterial and it pretty much illustrates that you don't care about the problem what so ever.. This is about making a stable society in which we have a certain standard of living that every one can enjoy.. The system is endanger of collapsing in which our minimum standards are getting worse.. You seem not to understand that this "hardworking" CEO like every one else has depended off one another to make their fortunes, has depended off government regulation and protection to keep their fortunes.. This is about fixing our society.. Not trying to figure out who deserves something and who doesn't.. This is about having a minimum standard that, this supposed success of CEO's and other such things are is in fact ENDANGERING that system..
D) Finally please don't talk out of your ass, a simple google search will go over the whole GE fiasco, which large portions of it are within the US.. The US in fact gave them subsidies in the billions.. IN return GE cut jobs in the US.. In the end of the day subsidies, tax breaks etc etc.. Should not be based off baseless expectations of a hoping a compnay to do what its suppose to do.. Our government needs to make it specifically based upon RESULTS, meaning that GE could only ever get those breaks and/or subsidies if they in fact grew with in the US.
Why do the rich pay far less percentages in taxes? Because they make a boat load of money thats why. They pay more taxes in a year than me or you will probably make in the next 20 years, same goes for companies. I'm so tired of people sitting here and stating that they don't pay the same percentage, the percentage doesn't matter. Look at the figures they are paying and come back and talk to me. So you mean to tell me that GE did not pay one percentage of tax? Not even a payroll tax, you do realize that has to be the most outragious thing I have ever heard in my life. GE like any other company has cut jobs in the U.S, they aren't the only ones, also if you have losses you don't pay corporate federal income taxes which is what you are referring to. Do you not at the end of their year claim all that you can on your taxes to get a larger refund, because if you do you are a hyprocrite. GE is doing the same thing and what they are doing is not illegal. Do I think that loopholes need to be looked at? Of course, do I think that taxes should be looked as well, yes, but to sit here and say all this garbage is rediculous. Get off the GAP myth, we have now been talking about this for the past 5 years and yet the middle class is still here.Also does GE not make technologies for green energy? Is there not tax break for companies that do so?
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