[QUOTE="the_one34"]How can I possibly argue against that?
You believe in a deceitful designer that gave us massive quantities of evidence to show that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that we share a common ancestor with all the other animals on this planet? It throws out any evidence in ANY scientific field what so ever.
Are you serious? Are you really that ignorant and deluded?
Also, the bible mentions the earth being flat, a global flood, dinosaurs living with man and countless other scientific obscenities. Do you throw away all science which contradicts the bible?
Why then do you accept medicine? It uses evolution quite often you know :|
AGAIN, irrelevant science? Evolution is all about palentology,taxonomy,geology,physics,chemistry,biochemistry etc...these are all irrelevant? Huh?
the_one, I'm serious about reading what I already wrote before responding. I feel like a broken record, just because people don't bother to read my arguments. I already said that God laid out for us exactly how he created the Earth. It's all right there in the Bible, so I don't see how he's being deceitful. These mysteries Darwinists are trying to unravel were simply part of his perfect design. It's better to just accept them rather than trying to figure them out. More than a century of inquiry has just culminated in the Darwinists having conflicting theories, and still no clue how the Universe came into being.
As for me being ignorant, please refrain from any personal insults. It serves only to diminish the effectiveness of your argument and also the civility of this forum.
"Also, the bible mentions the earth being flat, a global flood, dinosaurs living with man and countless other scientific obscenities. Do you throw away all science which contradicts the bible?"
The Bible never says man lived with Dinosaurs. If so, then the Bible deserves a lot more credit than it has gotten as a source of science, since it predates the identification of such creatures by more than a thousand years. I'll point you to the same book I suggested to another person, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible, which describes how much of modern science comes from the Bible.
Also, the science you're using is irrelevant because it doesn't directly contradict what I'm saying. Either find science that disproves what I'm saying or find a new line of argument. Either way, try to read what I already said before responding, thx.
I already gave you plenty of evidence to show that the universe wasn't formed in 6 days. Your response? "God made it seem that way"
Every single piece of evidence I show you is futile, it seems. Oh, and what does Darwinism have to do with how the universe came into being?
Do you realise that more than 98% of the scientific community accepts evolution? That is the same scientific community that gave us vaccines,antibiotics and have discovered SO MUCH about life in general; glycolysis,kreb cycle, sugar lipid chemistry, the discovery of DNA- arguably the most important scientific discovery in human history. Oh and it fitted exactly with evolution.
You have no idea what science is or what its about, you are only trying to fill up your MASSIVE gaps in knowledge with the supernatural.
What evidence do you want apart from palentology,geology,physics,genetics,genomics,taxonomy,chemistry and bio chemistry, since those obviously do not qualify.
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