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Humans ARE animals. :|the comments are legends and made me smile
anyway - i try to prove we never made to eat animels
i'ts culture thing just like ppl in the far east eat dogs, some do not eat cows
and here we eat them but not cats
i think we made to eat from the ground.
the story ppl say about animels were growen to be torchered and eaten is like ppl say there some ppl who made to be
slaves and some to be killed just like in ww2 times.
we r not part of the food chain -we r not animels
we do not approve rape and murder just like in nature
we are not meat eaters - we eat by our own menal health and choosing
thats the diffrent - take some wood - give it the right spices and it would be good to eat
ppl can eat rice
ppl can eat meat
both can live up to 100
but in what health condition
and how can u give ur kids a dead animel and call it food
then go play with ur dog ?
Ironically, I'm am literally writing a paper for a world prehistory class as I post. Humans and their ancestors have been exploiting meat reasources for over 10 thousand years. Not to mention, getting a full and healthy diet without any animal products has only recently been possible in human history. Plus humans ARE animals and were very much part of the food chain.the comments are legends and made me smile
anyway - i try to prove we never made to eat animels
i'ts culture thing just like ppl in the far east eat dogs, some do not eat cows
and here we eat them but not cats
i think we made to eat from the ground.
the story ppl say about animels were growen to be torchered and eaten is like ppl say there some ppl who made to be
slaves and some to be killed just like in ww2 times.
we r not part of the food chain -we r not animels
we do not approve rape and murder just like in nature
we are not meat eaters - we eat by our own menal health and choosing
thats the diffrent - take some wood - give it the right spices and it would be good to eat
ppl can eat rice
ppl can eat meat
both can live up to 100
but in what health condition
and how can u give ur kids a dead animel and call it food
then go play with ur dog ?
Most vegans don't give a **** about insects.. Step on them, spray them and kill them by the truck load.. I never understood why killing insects for absolutely no reason just because you don't want to look at them and they come in a form that isn't appealing to you is morally ok but killing a bunny makes you a barbarian... Why? Because its cute and fuzzy? Because its Larger? Some will argue its about intelligence but any way you look at it its a shallow way of viewing the value of life. And why is it ok to kill plant life? That is life too isn't it? Idk... Veganism is just a hypocritical practice to me one way or the other.
Wait so TC is trying to get us to be vegan or something?
If so, nah. I'm eating a delecous roast beef sandwich atm and loving every minute of it.
Ridiculous scenario. Humans are naturally omnivorous, meaing we can and do eat just about anything we can get our hands. Being a vegan is "unnatural", only our distorted sense of morality and superiority causes us to not WANT to eat meat. Like it or not, you are naturally "built" to eat meat...take a little kid
give him a bunny and an apple
if he will eat the bunny and play with the apple
tommorow i'll stop being vegan.
Guys I think we're being trolled... Second this. It's really obvious now.[QUOTE="yomanjdf"]
what ppl say to have a reason to enjoy a dead body
Dead human bodies taste great, too bad it's the ultimate cultural taboo in most of the world.what ppl say to have a reason to enjoy a dead body
Um... I really hope we're still talking about eating meat...what ppl say to have a reason to enjoy a dead body
I'll answer that, I'll give the kid a fake apple and a bunny who's been cooked. Said kid will play with apple and eat bunny. It's all based on presentation, the kid doesn't know(or care) if a bunny is a bunny or not if it's skinned, seasoned and cooked, just knows it's food. Then tell the kid, after consuming the bunny, "you just ate a bunny :D" see if the kid cries.
Also, humans aren't herbivores, we're supposed to eat meat.
I eat the while they're still sorry -i didnt ment to troll - u did talked really bad to me
but im just trying to make sense
how can u eat a dead body and say im crazy?
I agree, thats why I only eat live bunniesim sorry -i didnt ment to troll - u did talked really bad to me
but im just trying to make sense
how can u eat a dead body and say im crazy?
Plants are living beings, too. It's just that animals are similar to humans in cellular structure...because we're animals, sorry -i didnt ment to troll - u did talked really bad to me
but im just trying to make sense
how can u eat a dead body and say im crazy?
EDIT: I'm guessing that english is not your first language. I'll translate what I think you mean:if u dont eat a person so there is a reason
i thing the same reason applies animels too
but not a planet.
But you don't eat a person, so there is a reason [for not eating animals]
I think the same reason applies to other animals
But not a planet [earth]. OR But not a plant [trees, fruits, vegetables, roots]
My response:
People do eat each other. It's called cannibalism. It's disgusting, but it happens.
Animal cells have similar structure throughout the Animalia Kingdom, but the DNA in them is different. So, it's okay.
I am not Galactus. OR That's your opinion.
Clearly Lion King has taught you nothing. It's all about maintaining a balance.if u dont eat a person so there is a reason
i thing the same reason applies animels too
but not a planet.
ppl in the far east are vegan for thousend of years!yomanjdf
Absolute 100% pure bulls***. People in the Far East use and consume all kinds of animal products. Have forever. In costal areas like Japan fish is a staple food. In rocky, mountainous regions such as Tibet and Nepal the yak is essential to survival (especially since crops are difficult to grow there).
You've every right to eat how you see fit. Your choice is your choice. But looking down on others, calling them "crazy", simply because their dietary habits differ from yours just makes you look like a dick and does nothing but alienate people from your point of view. Life feeds on life. This is simply how the world is. No matter if you're a vegan or a meat eater other animals have died to feed you.
And on that note I was going to have a peanut butter sandwich, but I think I'll have a turkey sandwich instead.
I love animals! Everytime I buy some chicken or a burger I share some with my dog! But seriously tc your argument is horrid and I will answer you with this:
This. Just because I love the taste of dead animal (to put it bluntly) doesn't mean I can't view animals as adorable or care for them. I also love how the anti-meat people (not generalising all vegetarians at all here) will order me to watch videos of animals being killed....i'm aware they're being killed, but that doesn't mean I have to sit there and enjoy a video of it to justify my eating habits.So what if the kid plays with the bunny? Of course he'll play with the bunny, it's adorable. That doesn't change the fact that it is edible, nutritious, AND delicious, nor does it change the fact that humans are omnivores (NOT herbivores), and as such are supposed to eat meat such as the rabbit's as part of a complete diet.
This is a non-sequitur.
Fact: if homoerectus didn't eat protien, he never would have made tools, and therefore, you would not be typing on a computer right now.
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