If that kid eats the bunny, he won't be getting any more pets from me...and will need some serious psychiatric evaluation
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If that kid eats the bunny, he won't be getting any more pets from me...and will need some serious psychiatric evaluation
i think that people that killed so many of their brothers in the world wars just 60 years ago
and a world that fight for human rights for the first time in this days we live in
is having to much trouble to Be asked to have mercy of animels.
u will say anythink in order to have ur steak and enjoy feeling a strong domminnet race over others just like
thousents of years over people
pills are not natural but even meat eaters take them too. its for ppl who have probs of getting the vitamins from any source
almost 500 miliion people around the world do not eat meat - in india, africa, china, europe , usa - also some people that take care of thier health
they all crazy or maybe the ones that eat dead bodies
this is a video of a lecture ull never forget - this is the truth:
i have i new question !!
would u take ur babies to a meat industery and slauter house and explain how u murder this animals?
u dont - its not human!
i think that people that killed so many of their brothers in the world wars just 60 years ago
and a world that fight for human rights for the first time in this days we live in
is having to much trouble to Be asked to have mercy of animels.
u will say anythink in order to have ur steak and enjoy feeling a strong domminnet race over others just likethousents of years over people
pills are not natural but even meat eaters take them too. its for ppl who have probs of getting the vitamins from any source
almost 500 miliion people around the world do not eat meat - in india, africa, china, europe , use - also some people that take care of thier health
they all crazy or maybe the ones that eat dead bodiesthis is a video of a lecture ull nerer forget - this is the truth:
i have i new question !!
would u take ur babies to a meat industery and slauter house and explain how u murder this animals?u dont - its not human!
Wow... either you're running one hell of a joke thread, or you're dangerously out of touch with reality. No offense meant, but if you really think that you're preaching something meaningful to a captive audience, think again. Until this post of yours, I assumed this was a joke thread... now... I think you're serious. Equating the ingrained desire to eat certain foods, including other animals with a desire to be dominant is not a sane assertion. Your fixation on meat as "dead bodies" is also getting just a tad disturbing. Yeah... it's dead meat, literally... and? You leap from there to cannibalism, which is again... not a particularly sane assertion. Most mammals don't egnage in cannibalism, presumably as an evolutionary defense. The primates that cannibalized probably died from prion diseases of one kind or another.
As for your "questions"... you keep characterizing killing animals murder, which is begging the question. In any case, what would be the value of taking a baby to a slaughterhouse? By the same token, would you show a baby how a wheat thresher works? No... they're ****ing babies. Of course, remember that butchers are all over the world, they have kids, and at a young age those kids DO learn the trade. I have a good irish friend, and she was indeed taught about her father's butchery and shop at a very young age. For the MAJORITY of human history, people of all ages, including babies witnessed animals being captured, killed, and especially butchered. It is in fact, far more human than our artificial system of centralizing food sources.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens has been around for at least 50,000 years yomanjdf, and we've had specialized jobs for a tiny slice of that history. If you consider anatomically modern humans, that's more like 200,000 years, during which there was nothing even remotely like a butcher... just people. We are OMNIVORES, and have been for at least 200,000 years. Babies saw everything, including butchering. It's VERY human... and for 190,000 of those 200,000 years we hunted for the protein we needed. 50,000 of those years involved stone weapons, and somewhere between 10-12 thousand years ago we domesticated sheep. Humans have been raising animals SPECIFICALLY for the ultimate purpose of slaughtering them and eating them for at LEAST that long.
In order of domestication: Bees 13,000 years ago, Sheep and Dog around 12,000 years ago, and the first cultivated grain? Barley, 10,000 years ago. At no point during any of that history did you have vegans... you had people who ate what they could get, and it wasn't from a butcher, but you did it yourself. So... which is more human: eating the diet anatomically modern humans have evolved to eat, and have been eating for 200,000 years, or a modern fad that is the result of an obscene excess of specialized foods and resources?
I'm not saying that every meal should be a steak, or chicken, or goat... "modern" cultures like far more meat than is healthy for us, in general. The thing is... a balanced diet has to be BALANCED... that mean you eat grains, fruits, vegitables, legumes... and fish, eggs, meat, etc. The truth is that if your figures are right then there are 500 million people out of roughly 7 BILLION who subsist on diets which don't involve meat. Frankly... I have doubts about that, but I'm getting the idea that you don't understand the difference between vegitarian and vegan anyway. I'm also not clear where you stand on consuming fish, mollusks, and products derived from animals such as milk, and eggs. There are not 500 million vegans... and if you mean strict vegitarians ecxluding people who are in famine-regions, you don't have 500 million of those either.
So... if you're serious, then get your facts straight before you start another repetative rant about murder. If you're joking... it's gotten stale. If you just want to lecture... right a ****ing blog.
Duh, i'ts a little kid.take a little kid
give him a bunny and an apple
if he will eat the bunny and play with the apple
tommorow i'll stop being vegan.
But I can talk like you too.
Take a full grown adult male
Give him a grade AAA steak and a head of lettuce
if he eats the head of lettuce and gives the steak to his dog
I'll never play my ps3 again
I havea new question !!Uh.... My baby is 7 months old - I doubt she would even know wtf I was saying let alone remember it or know what was going on. How is it not human? It's the way humans have been living since the beginning of time - slaughtering and eating animals to live. Are you seriously that blind to historical facts?
Would you take your babies to a meat industry and slaughter house and explain how you murder the animals?You don't - it's not human!
Also - where is a meat industry at? Pretty sure that's not an actual place. It's more like a "genre for businesses".
P.S - I fixed all your grammatical and spelling errors.
i think that people that killed so many of their brothers in the world wars just 60 years ago
and a world that fight for human rights for the first time in this days we live in
is having to much trouble to Be asked to have mercy of animels.
u will say anythink in order to have ur steak and enjoy feeling a strong domminnet race over others just likethousents of years over people
pills are not natural but even meat eaters take them too. its for ppl who have probs of getting the vitamins from any source
almost 500 miliion people around the world do not eat meat - in india, africa, china, europe , usa - also some people that take care of thier health
they all crazy or maybe the ones that eat dead bodiesthis is a video of a lecture ull never forget - this is the truth:
i have i new question !!
would u take ur babies to a meat industery and slauter house and explain how u murder this animals?u dont - its not human!
First I have a question for you! Have you ever called someone, and just as you are calling, forget whos number you dialed?
I'm curious to see where you're going with this....I can understand that position... fish/crustaceans don't have much of a nervous system...I mean, you can actually count how many neurons a lobster has. Quick question... do you go for eggs? ...And no, this is not a trap about abortion or the like, I'm just curious; after all, you could stick to unfertalized eggs if that were an issue. I'm not any kind of -arian, but in practice I generally stick to veggies, dairy, and fish myself unless I'm eating out... which is rare. Still, I hadn't really considered that my default diet matched an "-arian"... unless no eggs, in which case, I guess I don't qualify! :P Oh, and when it comes to thinks like soups, do you use stock made from meat, or only fish stocks?I'm pescetarian-- that is, I eat seafood and dairy, but no other meat. It's a personal choice, one that's shared by a few people I know.
i think that people that killed so many of their brothers in the world wars just 60 years ago
and a world that fight for human rights for the first time in this days we live in
is having to much trouble to Be asked to have mercy of animels.
u will say anythink in order to have ur steak and enjoy feeling a strong domminnet race over others just likethousents of years over people
pills are not natural but even meat eaters take them too. its for ppl who have probs of getting the vitamins from any source
almost 500 miliion people around the world do not eat meat - in india, africa, china, europe , use - also some people that take care of thier health
they all crazy or maybe the ones that eat dead bodiesthis is a video of a lecture ull nerer forget - this is the truth:
i have i new question !!
would u take ur babies to a meat industery and slauter house and explain how u murder this animals?u dont - its not human!
Wow... either you're running one hell of a joke thread, or you're dangerously out of touch with reality. No offense meant, but if you really think that you're preaching something meaningful to a captive audience, think again. Until this post of yours, I assumed this was a joke thread... now... I think you're serious. Equating the ingrained desire to eat certain foods, including other animals with a desire to be dominant is not a sane assertion. Your fixation on meat as "dead bodies" is also getting just a tad disturbing. Yeah... it's dead meat, literally... and? You leap from there to cannibalism, which is again... not a particularly sane assertion. Most mammals don't egnage in cannibalism, presumably as an evolutionary defense. The primates that cannibalized probably died from prion diseases of one kind or another.
As for your "questions"... you keep characterizing killing animals murder, which is begging the question. In any case, what would be the value of taking a baby to a slaughterhouse? By the same token, would you show a baby how a wheat thresher works? No... they're ****ing babies. Of course, remember that butchers are all over the world, they have kids, and at a young age those kids DO learn the trade. I have a good irish friend, and she was indeed taught about her father's butchery and shop at a very young age. For the MAJORITY of human history, people of all ages, including babies witnessed animals being captured, killed, and especially butchered. It is in fact, far more human than our artificial system of centralizing food sources.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens has been around for at least 50,000 years yomanjdf, and we've had specialized jobs for a tiny slice of that history. If you consider anatomically modern humans, that's more like 200,000 years, during which there was nothing even remotely like a butcher... just people. We are OMNIVORES, and have been for at least 200,000 years. Babies saw everything, including butchering. It's VERY human... and for 190,000 of those 200,000 years we hunted for the protein we needed. 50,000 of those years involved stone weapons, and somewhere between 10-12 thousand years ago we domesticated sheep. Humans have been raising animals SPECIFICALLY for the ultimate purpose of slaughtering them and eating them for at LEAST that long.
In order of domestication: Bees 13,000 years ago, Sheep and Dog around 12,000 years ago, and the first cultivated grain? Barley, 10,000 years ago. At no point during any of that history did you have vegans... you had people who ate what they could get, and it wasn't from a butcher, but you did it yourself. So... which is more human: eating the diet anatomically modern humans have evolved to eat, and have been eating for 200,000 years, or a modern fad that is the result of an obscene excess of specialized foods and resources?
I'm not saying that every meal should be a steak, or chicken, or goat... "modern" cultures like far more meat than is healthy for us, in general. The thing is... a balanced diet has to be BALANCED... that mean you eat grains, fruits, vegitables, legumes... and fish, eggs, meat, etc. The truth is that if your figures are right then there are 500 million people out of roughly 7 BILLION who subsist on diets which don't involve meat. Frankly... I have doubts about that, but I'm getting the idea that you don't understand the difference between vegitarian and vegan anyway. I'm also not clear where you stand on consuming fish, mollusks, and products derived from animals such as milk, and eggs. There are not 500 million vegans... and if you mean strict vegitarians ecxluding people who are in famine-regions, you don't have 500 million of those either.
So... if you're serious, then get your facts straight before you start another repetative rant about murder. If you're joking... it's gotten stale. If you just want to lecture... right a ****ing blog.
Great post. Sadly I doubt the TC will read a word of it.
(second place in sidekick contest =))
said :
vegan is the next evoultion step in humans.
its not a true gold base and true
but it is the moral thing to do
it is saves lifes and u cant love dogs and cats then eat other animels
or u can and then lie to urself
That is complete nonsense. But if it makes you feel better, as a meat eater, I would eat my dog and cats if there were no other sources of meat to be found.eveneinstein
(second place in sidekick contest =))
said :
vegan is the next evoultion step in humans.
its not a true gold base and true
but it is the moral thing to do
it is saves lifes and u cant love dogs and cats then eat other animels
or u can and then lie to urself
[QUOTE="yomanjdf"]That is complete nonsense. But if it makes you feel better, as a meat eater, I would eat my dog and cats if there were no other sources of meat to be found. if we did not raise animals as pets and raise other animals as feed for those pets there would be a hell of a lot less demand for animals, this means many more animals would not have been born orwould be starving if vegans got their way. i dont know about you but i have no moral grounds to argue for the killing and starving of millions of house animals and live stock, but i always thought i had a higher moral standing than the message PETA propagates.eveneinstein
(second place in sidekick contest =))
said :
vegan is the next evoultion step in humans.
its not a true gold base and true
but it is the moral thing to do
it is saves lifes and u cant love dogs and cats then eat other animels
or u can and then lie to urself
Speaking of the far east and cats and dogs....eveneinstein
(second place in sidekick contest =))
said :
vegan is the next evoultion step in humans.
its not a true gold base and true
but it is the moral thing to do
it is saves lifes and u cant love dogs and cats then eat other animels
or u can and then lie to urself
I would play witht he bunny aswell, unless I am starved, ill make it quick and painless and make sure everything is used
edit:hmm after reading my iown posts it sounds wrong
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This guy just made more sense than the TC.
there had better not be any animals in my blood sausageYou do know you probably use products that contain some part of an animal in it right?
if we did not raise animals as pets and raise other animals as feed for those pets there would be a hell of a lot less demand for animals, this means many more animals would not have been born orwould be starving if vegans got their way. i dont know about you but i have no moral grounds to argue for the killing and starving of millions of house animals and live stock, but i always thought i had a higher moral standing than the message PETA propagates.surrealnumber5
Generally I don't feel at all as if I need or can have a moral standing on the whole subject - they're animals.
If cows can somehow manage to become sentient, learn how to objectify or even remember specific events that happen and have happened to them, and develop language in order to convey their dissatisfaction with their lot in life to us humans - maybe then I might be inclined to think with some sort of moral opinion on the matter.
Until then I am going to continue to enjoy munching tasty beef safe in my comfy position of being a member of the dominant species. Yum!
[QUOTE="yomanjdf"]That is complete nonsense. But if it makes you feel better, as a meat eater, I would eat my dog and cats if there were no other sources of meat to be found. but you have an alternativeeveneinstein
(second place in sidekick contest =))
said :
vegan is the next evoultion step in humans.
its not a true gold base and true
but it is the moral thing to do
it is saves lifes and u cant love dogs and cats then eat other animels
or u can and then lie to urself
but you have an alternativeyomanjdfTo eating my pets? Luckily, yes. Tasty farmed animals slaughtered for my consumption. Yum.
Coudnt eat my own pet, I bonded with it.
Can eat soemone else his pet, though i doubt cat flesh or dogflesh tastes good...
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]if we did not raise animals as pets and raise other animals as feed for those pets there would be a hell of a lot less demand for animals, this means many more animals would not have been born orwould be starving if vegans got their way. i dont know about you but i have no moral grounds to argue for the killing and starving of millions of house animals and live stock, but i always thought i had a higher moral standing than the message PETA propagates.MissLibrarian
Generally I don't feel at all as if I need or can have a moral standing on the whole subject - they're animals.
If cows can somehow manage to become sentient, learn how to objectify or even remember specific events that happen and have happened to them, and develop language in order to convey their dissatisfaction with their lot in life to us humans - maybe then I might be inclined to think with some sort of moral opinion on the matter.
Until then I am going to continue to enjoy munching tasty beef safe in my comfy position of being a member of the dominant species. Yum!
I'm not against eating meat but I'm not so sure that animals don't have feelings. Just look at your pets. Maybe some of them just have the ability to show it better. I don't doubt for a second that my dog has feelings.[QUOTE="MissLibrarian"]
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]if we did not raise animals as pets and raise other animals as feed for those pets there would be a hell of a lot less demand for animals, this means many more animals would not have been born orwould be starving if vegans got their way. i dont know about you but i have no moral grounds to argue for the killing and starving of millions of house animals and live stock, but i always thought i had a higher moral standing than the message PETA propagates.junglist101
Generally I don't feel at all as if I need or can have a moral standing on the whole subject - they're animals.
If cows can somehow manage to become sentient, learn how to objectify or even remember specific events that happen and have happened to them, and develop language in order to convey their dissatisfaction with their lot in life to us humans - maybe then I might be inclined to think with some sort of moral opinion on the matter.
Until then I am going to continue to enjoy munching tasty beef safe in my comfy position of being a member of the dominant species. Yum!
I'm not against eating meat but I'm not so sure that animals don't have feelings. Just look at your pets. Maybe some of them just have the ability to show it better. I don't doubt for a second that my dog has feelings.Poke a cat with a stick it will feel pain, go away from home, he stands near the window watching, coem back home he jumps on your lap and wants to be petted, put him in the hall he will meow to come back into the living room.
touch a cat his young and he will protect them (same with ducks, tried to catch one and his mom attacked me :D )
animals (humans are animals aswell) definity have feelings, would be naive to think otherwise.
"If cows can somehow manage to become sentient, learn how to objectify or even remember specific events that happen and have happened to them, and develop language in order to convey their dissatisfaction with their lot in life to us humans - maybe then I might be inclined to think with some sort of moral opinion on the matter."
Cows can remember events and cows have a language, we just dont understand it.
also most animals communicate in bodylanguage, even humans, we are just not aware of it.
I'm not against eating meat but I'm not so sure that animals don't have feelings. Just look at your pets. Maybe some of them just have the ability to show it better. I don't doubt for a second that my dog has feelings.junglist101I never said I didn't think that dogs have feelings. I agree that animals must have feelings, sure. I certainly don't think animals have morals though. Thus why should this argument boil down to morality? Maybe trees have feelings too that we don't know about but that wouldn't stop me cutting some down to make a house if I needed it.
[QUOTE="junglist101"]I'm not against eating meat but I'm not so sure that animals don't have feelings. Just look at your pets. Maybe some of them just have the ability to show it better. I don't doubt for a second that my dog has feelings.MissLibrarianI never said I didn't think that dogs have feelings. I agree that animals must have feelings, sure. I certainly don't think animals have morals though. Thus why should this argument boil down to morality? Maybe trees have feelings too that we don't know about but that wouldn't stop me cutting some down to make a house if I needed it. I agree they lack the level of intelligence required for complex thinking such as morality but I think the fact that they have feelings/emotions should be considered. I just think that should be taken into account when it comes to animals. In other words, we should have some level of morality when it comes to animals.
It's funny but I had never cared or put that much thought into how we treat animals until we got our dog last year. He's quite a special dog that has challenged my views on animals. I suppose a lot of people would say that about their pets but if you knew my dog well you would get what I mean, as does anyone who knows him.
I never said I didn't think that dogs have feelings. I agree that animals must have feelings, sure. I certainly don't think animals have morals though. Thus why should this argument boil down to morality? Maybe trees have feelings too that we don't know about but that wouldn't stop me cutting some down to make a house if I needed it. I agree they lack the level of intelligence required for complex thinking such as morality but I think the fact that they have feelings/emotions should be considered. I just think that should be taken into account when it comes to animals. In other words, we should have some level of morality when it comes to animals.[QUOTE="MissLibrarian"][QUOTE="junglist101"]I'm not against eating meat but I'm not so sure that animals don't have feelings. Just look at your pets. Maybe some of them just have the ability to show it better. I don't doubt for a second that my dog has feelings.junglist101
It's funny but I had never cared or put that much thought into how we treat animals until we got our dog last year. He's quite a special dog that has challenged my views on animals. I suppose a lot of people would say that about their pets but if you knew my dog well you would get what I mean, as does anyone who knows him.
household pets have at least the faculties of your average Internetposter only they also have some ability to not selfishly attack their providers. next time you see your pet think to your self " damn xyzpet name, did you know you are more intelligent and more well mannered than 2/3rds of the Internet? chances are you have better bathroom and grooming habits as well"I never said I didn't think that dogs have feelings. I agree that animals must have feelings, sure. I certainly don't think animals have morals though. Thus why should this argument boil down to morality? Maybe trees have feelings too that we don't know about but that wouldn't stop me cutting some down to make a house if I needed it. I agree they lack the level of intelligence required for complex thinking such as morality but I think the fact that they have feelings/emotions should be considered. I just think that should be taken into account when it comes to animals. In other words, we should have some level of morality when it comes to animals.[QUOTE="MissLibrarian"][QUOTE="junglist101"]I'm not against eating meat but I'm not so sure that animals don't have feelings. Just look at your pets. Maybe some of them just have the ability to show it better. I don't doubt for a second that my dog has feelings.junglist101
It's funny but I had never cared or put that much thought into how we treat animals until we got our dog last year. He's quite a special dog that has challenged my views on animals. I suppose a lot of people would say that about their pets but if you knew my dog well you would get what I mean, as does anyone who knows him.
Of course there are a lot of people who care about the welfare of the animals they eat. There are many farms out there which ensure the animals they kill have the most "happiest" life possible. The kill is then swift and painless. The only reason these types of farms aren't the norm is purely because a lot of people can't afford them.I agree they lack the level of intelligence required for complex thinking such as morality but I think the fact that they have feelings/emotions should be considered. I just think that should be taken into account when it comes to animals. In other words, we should have some level of morality when it comes to animals.It's funny but I had never cared or put that much thought into how we treat animals until we got our dog last year. He's quite a special dog that has challenged my views on animals. I suppose a lot of people would say that about their pets but if you knew my dog well you would get what I mean, as does anyone who knows him.junglist101
I agree that there should be consideration as to the care of all animals when they are alive - whether they're pets or livestock or whatever. I support free-range grazing, organic meats, if I had endless money to worry about these things I would always make sure that the meat I bought came from 'happy' animals.
However I don't see why I should just NOT eat meat because of my morals? Once the animal is dead it's dead and the meat is meat.
I get the feeling I'm supposed to think 'Oh wow, this burger I am about to eat once had enough random thought to be aware of its surroundings, I can't eat this now'. Why on Earth would or more importantly SHOULD I think that?
Like black_cat19 said, omnivores, we don't have to be silly vegans.LustForSouli bet if your apple bit you back you would stop eating them man.... or at least you would cook them in a pie before eating, or maybe slightly sauteed and served over ice cream
Can I give him the bunny fried and on a plate with potetoes, carrots, peas and gravy over it? I'm sure he'd eat that rather then just an apple.take a little kid
give him a bunny and an apple
if he will eat the bunny and play with the apple
tommorow i'll stop being vegan.
i bet if your apple bit you back you would stop eating them man.... or at least you would cook them in a pie before eating, or maybe slightly sauteed and served over ice cream Not sure what you're aiming at...[QUOTE="LustForSoul"]Like black_cat19 said, omnivores, we don't have to be silly vegans.surrealnumber5
[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]i bet if your apple bit you back you would stop eating them man.... or at least you would cook them in a pie before eating, or maybe slightly sauteed and served over ice cream Not sure what you're aiming at... cooking food makes it better.... most of the time. pineapple should never be cooked IMO[QUOTE="LustForSoul"]Like black_cat19 said, omnivores, we don't have to be silly vegans.LustForSoul
[QUOTE="LustForSoul"]Like black_cat19 said, omnivores, we don't have to be silly vegans.tenaka2
I don't understand vegans, are vegans allowed to exchange bodily fluids in an intimate manor?
as long as nothing is swallowedNot sure what you're aiming at... cooking food makes it better.... most of the time. pineapple should never be cooked IMO Wouldn't cook lemons either.[QUOTE="LustForSoul"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] i bet if your apple bit you back you would stop eating them man.... or at least you would cook them in a pie before eating, or maybe slightly sauteed and served over ice cream
[QUOTE="LustForSoul"]Like black_cat19 said, omnivores, we don't have to be silly vegans.surrealnumber5
I don't understand vegans, are vegans allowed to exchange bodily fluids in an intimate manor?
as long as nothing is swallowedAnd if they get passed that and have baby vegans are the baby vegans allowed to breast feed?
as long as nothing is swallowed[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]
I don't understand vegans, are vegans allowed to exchange bodily fluids in an intimate manor?
And if they get passed that and have baby vegans are the baby vegans allowed to breast feed?
soy milk is all the little hitler needs... to cause massive nutritional deficiencies, good thing strict vegans are not self propagating :)Please Log In to post.
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