[QUOTE="tycoonmike"][QUOTE="bt_the_great_78"]This is becoming another laughable anti-American thread.sonicare
Then explain to me why America is so great? I can tell you why America is evil:
- Capitalism
- It's slow to act
- The government acting despite the lack of support among the populace
- Capitalism
- Affirmative Action (though that's another topic)
- Overly Nationalistic citizens ruining our credibility among the other nations
- Capitalism
- Lack of culture (except for the Native Americans)
- Lack of fairness among the people of the populace
- Government corruption while the people do nothing about it
- Hypocracy (we are the stronghold of democracy and yet we aren't even a true democracy)
Need I go on?
Those points you listed are hardly evil and are common flaws of western governments.
1. Capitalism - The US did not invent that system. Yes it has flaws and imperfections, but I still prefer it to other forms such as communism.
2. Slow to act? - compared to whom? If anything, we are too fast of a responder.
3. Government acting despite the lack of support? - Did you pay attention to the elections of 06? That was a referendum on what happens when elected officials don't listen to the people -> they get voted out of office.
4. Affirmative Action - I don't know what this has to do with your argument. This was a system that was designed to give disadvantaged minorities better access to education and job opportunities. That's hardly evil.
5. Nationalistic citizens - you have those people in every country. Foreign nations just like to highlight ours because it makes it easier to blindly hate on the US.
6. Lack of Culture - I strongly disagree. There is a strong american culture despite the youth of our nation.
7. Lack of Fairness - Unlike other nations, our population is not homogenous. With diversity comes conflict. Yet despite that, I think our country has made progress. We have laws and protections for all groups and legal systems that try to enforce those rights. Discrimination exists and will continue to exist whenever you have two differing gropus.
8. Government corruption - No crap. Most governments are corrupt. Ours is far from the most, and is also policed by the population, the press, and the opposing parties.
9. Hypocricy - There is no true democracy. We are a representative democracy - it would be impossible to run a true democracy with the size of our country. It's impossible to consult every person in the country regarding state affairs.
You're reasons have been debunked. Thanks for playing.
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