sure chinas ground force are bigger but thats only because they have 1billion people
plus most of there hardware is still lagging behind it basically
a 300 lb fat man versus a 250 pound man whos is in shape and is all muscle
cliffs: us>china
Hmm wtf is with usa people!! China>USA and if there was some massive war between asia and usa obviosly asia would win!!
China=More people+Good weapons
USA had the best army in WW2 because men were forced to go to war and its not like that in the USA anymore! China is not all fat either!! I could guarentee that china could wipe the floor with the usa if it was a Head to head combat. Not all U.S.A men are muscle either. You think the china army accepts fat a**es??? So what if the USA has nukes and shiet. I think the USA is a disgrace country! Think about it
Half of america is fat (No offence)
America is out for oil (Iraq has oil!!) (My opinion)
George bush is a retard (Fact!!)
USA the best country in the world?? NO!
USA has the most nukes?? YES!!
God! if usa ever started a war with china i bet japan and other asian countries would side with china anyways so it wouldn't matter if usa had the better army because they would end up losing
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