[QUOTE="tycoonmike"][QUOTE="sonicare"]Those points you listed are hardly evil and are common flaws of western governments.
1. Capitalism - The US did not invent that system. Yes it has flaws and imperfections, but I still prefer it to other forms such as communism.
Agreed, but you would prefer inequality to equality?
If you want to achieve something you should work for it.....it's inequality to be given something for nothing.
Agreed. It's also unfair for the person who works hard all his life to be stuck in a dead end job while they who do squat advance or are rich. Solution? To actually reward they who actually work for a living and let the deadbeats continue to be deadbeats, just don't reward them for being deadbeats.
2. Slow to act? - compared to whom? If anything, we are too fast of a responder.
Ok, wise guy, I said the wrong thing, I meant fast to act. I'll change the original now.
I thought fast to act, I wrote slow to act, I was too slow to act upon my mistake.
3. Government acting despite the lack of support? - Did you pay attention to the elections of 06? That was a referendum on what happens when elected officials don't listen to the people -> they get voted out of office.
Yeah, and I also pay attention to the war in Iraq and how around only 35% support it. The elected officials aren't listening to the people. Does that mean they all should be out of office?
Too many people were for the war initially, now it's too complicated to just pull out.
I agree that it would be complicated, but then again, that's the will of the people, and according to his logic, the will of the people is that the war is ended. According to him, the politicians who support the war should be kicked out of office for not following the will of the people. Solution? According to him, kick Pres. Bush out of office.
4. Affirmative Action - I don't know what this has to do with your argument. This was a system that was designed to give disadvantaged minorities better access to education and job opportunities. That's hardly evil.
Yeah, it's also racist vs. whites. Two wrongs don't make a right, I'm afraid.
Unfortunately, it's hard to find a system that will make everyone happy.
5. Nationalistic citizens - you have those people in every country. Foreign nations just like to highlight ours because it makes it easier to blindly hate on the US.
And yet there are plenty of people like that on here who wouldn't bother to say a single bad thing about the USA if communists were holding their families hostage. People who criticize the USA are the people that actually recognize the faults of our govenrnment.
Recognizing faults and constant bashing are two entirely different things.
:| I don't constantly bash the USA. It does its share of good in the world, it's just that its evils sometime overshadow its good. Solution? Recognize all faults, not just some.
6. Lack of Culture - I strongly disagree. There is a strong american culture despite the youth of our nation.
Yeah, the music is crap, Hollywood is full of scandal and everyone wants to be just like the actors. The news is obsessed with crime, scandal, and disaster and not on what really matters, the family unit is breaking down, even they with culture, the Native Americans, were and are being supressed.
Entertainment is not American culture....every state and every city has it's own. Is it too hard to look for the good....would that upset your world?
No, it wouldn't upset my world, I look for the good wherever I go, and yet, when I look to the USA, I see more evil than good. Solution? Explain to me what is the American culture, without using a term like "melting pot" or "salad bowl." though not here, as this thread is reserved for the debate as to who has the better army, China or the US.
7. Lack of Fairness - Unlike other nations, our population is not homogenous. With diversity comes conflict. Yet despite that, I think our country has made progress. We have laws and protections for all groups and legal systems that try to enforce those rights. Discrimination exists and will continue to exist whenever you have two differing gropus.
8. Government corruption - No crap. Most governments are corrupt. Ours is far from the most, and is also policed by the population, the press, and the opposing parties.
Population- No politician cares about the public, only what will make him or her the most money.
Press- Controlled by big business.
Opposing parties- Who are made up of the corrupt politicians. For every one good politician you have nine who are corrupt.
What government doesn't have those problems?
I'm not saying all government doesn't, but if the people would realize this, they could be wiped out, instead they are brainwashed into thinking they can't change the world they live in. Solution? Educate the populace about corruption and use the populace to stamp it out.
9. Hypocricy - There is no true democracy. We are a representative democracy - it would be impossible to run a true democracy with the size of our country. It's impossible to consult every person in the country regarding state affairs.
And yet anyone can vote who is over the age of 18. It is possible to consult every person in the country, but every person in the country doesn't wish to spend 20 minutes of their time and give their opinion. It isn't the state's fault that the people don't give their opinion, it's the people's fault.
My point being that a government can consult the populace, it does it every year there's an election, but if the people don't want to be consulted, they don't vote.
You're reasons have been debunked. Thanks for playing.
Your points don't hold up. Constructive criticism is fine........you just criticized.
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