Using the past to justify the present is a flawed train of thought.
...or do you also support the way women have been treated throughout history as well?
…or the treatment of other races?
…or the use of leaches?
I am trying to remember the name of a foreign film I watched on this (in the Middle East about a man marrying a 13 or 14 year old...and finally consummating the relationship...was a very difficult watch)
There's a big difference between abusing women and marrying them at a young age, so that's not applicable. I don't know about you, but I don't have a natural drive to abuse women. I do have a natural drive to mate.
Our natural sex drive has nothing to do with racism, so that's not applicable.
Leaches? Are you seriously comparing primitive medicine to the natural sex drive of humans? Please.
I don't have a natural urge to mate with a 13 year old :? And man does have a natural urge to dominate others...a tendency to resort to violence...so those points are applicable -you are using the past to justify the present -the leeches comment was meant to illustrate foolish behaviors from the past that have no merit todayIf you don't have a natural urge to mate with attractive females whose bodies are naturally putting out the signals that they are ready to mate, sometimes as early as 13 or 14... you're the one with the problem IMO. You may have a mental block against allowing the urges to surface, which has been engrained in you by our society, but that's not nature. You can't deny that there is a major change in most female's bodies around ages 12-14, and that this change is meant to attract a mate. It's a natural beacon to men. We've been conditioned that it's perverted to want to act on this signal because of the way our society is structured.
The age of consent is different in different states and countries. This is because the age of consent is set to work with other age limits that our governments have set. For example, in the US- you can't drive until you're 16-18 years old. You can't vote until you're 18.. You can't work without parental permission until you're 17 or 18. You can't own a house or land until you're around that age. You can't drink until you're 21. Do you see what I mean? Our society lies to us about why we have a legal age of consent for sex. It has nothing to do with perversion and protecting young people whose bodies are clearly ready. It has everything to do with fitting in with the way the rest of our society is built. In the end, it's all about money. Do you know what would happen to our economy if 13-15 year-olds started commonly getting married and having children in the US? Because people that age are required to stay in school until they've reached a certain age, then they're not allowed to work without parental permission until a certain age.. these young people wouldn't be able to support themselves and their offspring. You multiply this by a million and you've got a major economic issue. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the age of consent is about mental/emotional readiness for sex.. it's about keeping the fragile fabric of our society together, nature be damned.
Man doesn't have a universal drive to dominate others. That's simply not true. Some poeple allow their greed, selfishness, and jealousy to overcome them, and therefore attempt to dominate, but that is not a natural, unversal, inborn thing. It's actually a product of the society that we've built, not part of our physical makeup. It's not at all comparable to the natural sex drive, and the physical age at which we start attracting a mate, and at which our bodies are ready.
This has nothing do with "foolish" behaviors in the past. It has to do with foolish boundaries that we've set in our modern society that make people who think about or act on natural processes look like perverts.
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