Point 1:
I know I would have that control my whole entire life. Because the desire to act upon it neither rises nor falls given time. It is a constant desire. It is no easier to control now than it would be in 2 years. I mean, I am between relationships as you know, and I haven't watched pr0n or anything since then, and although I have sexual thoughts about beautiful women, they are just in my mind. I have no desire to act upon them because I have control and logical reasoning abilities. It isn't like nature where the frog has a sexual inclination and then just jumps on the female frog.
Point 2:
Just because pedos are attracted to children, it doesn't mean they aren't attracted to other things. I mean, I bet you have more than one thing that churns your butter, amirite? Everybody has a few kinks. So just because they aren't fulfilling one sick fantasy they have, doesn't mean they aren't having any type of release. The people that obsess over such things, probably do have a problem. But that goes for obsessing over anything, legal or otherwise.
Point 3:
Everybody except lunatics show restraint. I don't care who you are, everybody has the inclination to do SOMETHING socially unacceptible. But we avoid doing those things our entire lives, and that is a type of control you are talking about. For example, I would love to be able to hit stupid people. When I am confronted by a selfish jerkwad, I want to punch them in the face. Like this stupid chick that started cursing rabidly at me and a buddy because we were standing in a loading zone talking for 30 seconds before I went inside. instead of asking me to move, she decides to run her mouth at me for 5 minutes. I wanted to demonstrate my desire for common courtesy by knocking out her teeth. But I would never do that, because I have control. Instead, I went and opened the door for her, and said "God bless". I overcame an instinctual feeling (anger), and instead acted positively. It wasn't difficult.
Point 4:
Go Big Red (football season soon).
1. IMO it is easier to say you would have self control thanactually displaying that control
-you have had sex
-you can watch pr0n
But put yourself (or what you consider to be the average person to be) in that situation.
I am not saying all will (there are strong enough people to resist). I am saying that there is a substantial risk that many will not.
2. But the thing is, my fantasies all involve women.
I cannot say that is the only thing they think about
But I can say (according to the DSM IV definition) that they have persistent, recurring thoughts for at least 6 months
3. Most people (staistically) do not abstain from doing what they want to sexually for their entire lives.
They find ways to act out their fantasies
-Most men think about sex every hour (usually more than that)
-Most people do not think about punching someone every hour...the ones that do usually end up doing it
Repressing a passing urge is quite different than repressing a recurring hourly urge
Pixel Pirate gave an example I used
-he said he could abstain from eating a hamburger if he wanted one...that is true
-but if you wanted a hamburger every hour of your entire life, eventually you will probably take a bite
4. I don't think it will be good times for Tech this year :(
So you are saying man is not in charge of his own actions? If so, then we should do away with jail, because prison is punishment for wrong doing. If those people cannot be reformed, then why have a system of blame to begin with? People make their own choices. If they make a wrong choice, they suffer for it, it's the way of the world. Controlling impulses is what gives us human intelligence. I think about sex every hour, but it doesn't mean I need it. I know right from wrong, so as such I am a gentleman and would never pressure agirl into doing something like that, even as much as implications.
I am a proponent of the concept that people are 99.99% of the time responsible for their actions, because that is about the percentage of a time they have a choice.
And if this doesn't make sense, I apologize, there are people all around me fixing the ceiling with loud tools, and I can't focus on anything.
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