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[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]He said that if you follow christ then you are a christian,that's it.Muslims do not follow Christ. They follow Mohammed.:| they do still consider Jesus to be a prophet. but they do not, by design, follow the teaching of Christ. I'm aware.:Then I guess muslims are christians as well....:?
[QUOTE="8bitlove"]Even though vampires are creatures of the occult and are the product of of Satan?Mister_MushroomVampires wrote the Bible
Historical evidence please, novels don't count.
[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]He said that if you follow christ then you are a christian,that's it.[QUOTE="123625"] I think he meant christan.LJS9502_basic
Then I guess muslims are christians as well....:?
Muslims do not follow Christ. They follow Mohammed.:|The teachings of jesus are quite similar to muhammad.Besides muslims believe in jesus to be a prophet of God.Unless somebody lacks basic english comprehension,that goes under followers of jesus.
The teachings of jesus are quite similar to muhammad.Nope. A follower of Jesus cannot be Muslim. As Christ refers to Jesus being the annointed one or Messiah. Which Muslims do not believe.;)Besides muslims believe in jesus to be a prophet of God.Unless somebody lacks basic english comprehension,that goes under followers of jesus.
[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]Regardless of what they actually believe about him?:? Technically I am a Christian, I believe The Christ is Savior. It's just, the Christ is actually a vampire, and the Gift of Eternal Life comes from consuming his true blood. Note, at the last supper, Dracula gave them WINE, not his true blood, AND without receiving his bite, drinking his blood would just cause suffering. - However communion is the ritual of receiving the Blood & Essense of the Vampire Master.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Right. Thank your for proving my point. You don't know what Catholics believe. As for Christianity...the meaning is simple. ONE WHO FOLLOWS CHRIST.Mister_Mushroom
Not all Christians are comfortable with this claim, and that's fine. I understand the Christians who don't share my beliefs, and respect that they are entitled to believe Christ was not a vampire. That's fine :)
Sorry, you can call yourself a Chrisitan but what you are esposing is unbiblical and contrary to the Word of God. You are mocking the Lord.You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence for your claims.
Here is what the Bible says about that.
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.Vampires wrote the Bible[QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"][QUOTE="8bitlove"]Even though vampires are creatures of the occult and are the product of of Satan?blackregiment
Historical evidence please, novels don't count.
asking for historical evidence for things that predate the bible involving a supposed secretive society is a bit off methinks.doesn't your own bible profess a 'leap of faith' in matters one cannot understand :P
Technically I am a Christian, I believe The Christ is Savior. It's just, the Christ is actually a vampire, and the Gift of Eternal Life comes from consuming his true blood. Note, at the last supper, Dracula gave them WINE, not his true blood, AND without receiving his bite, drinking his blood would just cause suffering. - However communion is the ritual of receiving the Blood & Essense of the Vampire Master.[QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"][QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]Regardless of what they actually believe about him?:?
Not all Christians are comfortable with this claim, and that's fine. I understand the Christians who don't share my beliefs, and respect that they are entitled to believe Christ was not a vampire. That's fine :)
Sorry, you can call yourself a Chrisitan but what you are esposing is unbiblical and contrary to the Word of God. You are mocking the Lord.You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence for your claims.
Here is what the Bible says about that.
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.[QUOTE="blackregiment"][QUOTE="3picuri3"] to many the bible is just a book too. guess it boils down to which book you want to put your faith in. it's also pretty well known, based on my religious studies classes, that our current version of the bible has been translated and retranslated over time. to my knowledge there is only one bible that is based on a re-translation of the oldest scriptures - and it's not the one you're citing in your signature. 3picuri3
You want to discuss Bibles, manuscript evidence, and translation committees. I like that topic. I have studied it for years.
not really, had enough of it at school tbh. thanks though. i do have friends that are currently working on committees in Texas, post-grad Religious Studies department. i get my fill of discussing it with them. needless to say, i have many issues with many current translations in light of what I have learned through my own studies, and through hearing of others.i also don't generally open myself to two-sided discourse with random people on the internet that are out and about solely to alter peoples worldviews - while being intolerant of others. i have no respect for people like that.
I didn't think you would want to discuss manuscripts, translation committees, and Bible versions with me. It is a complex subject and takes tons of study to really understand it.There is a lot of misinformation out there. I often come across posters that have a limited understanding of the subject and put forth incorrect information as well as make statements that are historically incorrect.
By the way, the next time you are near a library you might want to research the correct historical definition of tolerance. The public indoctrination centers have really twisted the meaning of that word and it shows in how it is misapplied by so many today.
[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"] The teachings of jesus are quite similar to muhammad.Nope. A follower of Jesus cannot be Muslim. As Christ refers to Jesus being the annointed one or Messiah. Which Muslims do not believe.;)The reincarnation of jesus will be the messiah as per the islamic belief.Besides muslims believe in jesus to be a prophet of God.Unless somebody lacks basic english comprehension,that goes under followers of jesus.
I thought you would know better...
[QUOTE="blackregiment"][QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"] Technically I am a Christian, I believe The Christ is Savior. It's just, the Christ is actually a vampire, and the Gift of Eternal Life comes from consuming his true blood. Note, at the last supper, Dracula gave them WINE, not his true blood, AND without receiving his bite, drinking his blood would just cause suffering. - However communion is the ritual of receiving the Blood & Essense of the Vampire Master.
Not all Christians are comfortable with this claim, and that's fine. I understand the Christians who don't share my beliefs, and respect that they are entitled to believe Christ was not a vampire. That's fine :)
Sorry, you can call yourself a Chrisitan but what you are esposing is unbiblical and contrary to the Word of God. You are mocking the Lord.You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence for your claims.
Here is what the Bible says about that.
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.You want to discuss Bible version, translation, and Bible manuscripts? I would love to. It is one of my favorite subjects.
You might want to study the doctrine of Biblical judgement. It doesn't appear that you are too well versed on the doctrine. Your attempt to call the refuting of Biblical error, for example of one stating that Christ is a vampire, with Scripture as "attacking" someone is humorous at best.Here is something you might consider that will help you to undersand important doctrines like Biblical judgement.
1Jn 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.The reincarnation of jesus will be the messiah as per the islamic belief.Jesus is already the Messiah. And if you wish to follow need to stop following Islam. They are not compatible.I thought you would know better...
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="blackregiment"]not really, had enough of it at school tbh. thanks though. i do have friends that are currently working on committees in Texas, post-grad Religious Studies department. i get my fill of discussing it with them. needless to say, i have many issues with many current translations in light of what I have learned through my own studies, and through hearing of others.You want to discuss Bibles, manuscript evidence, and translation committees. I like that topic. I have studied it for years.
i also don't generally open myself to two-sided discourse with random people on the internet that are out and about solely to alter peoples worldviews - while being intolerant of others. i have no respect for people like that.
I didn't think you would want to discuss manuscripts, translation committees, and Bible versions with me. It is a complex subject and takes tons of study to really understand it.There is a lot of misinformation out there. I often come across posters that have a limited understanding of the subject and put forth incorrect information as well as make statements that are historically incorrect.
By the way, the next time you are near a library you might want to research the correct historical definition of tolerance. The public indoctrination centers have really twisted the meaning of that word and it shows in how it is misapplied by so many today.
wow - for some reason i place more faith in my university 'aka - public indoctrination center' than someone who trips over themselves in a public forum and refuses to acknowledge even biblical arguments against his approach. at the end of the day your Christ will judge you - if you feel you're living up to his teachings, then by all means continue. it's not my place to interfere :) have a good one mate. shame my 'public indoctrination' knowledge is no match for your infinite wit & wisdom :). and fyi, tolerance wasn't even used in the scripture - i was discussing the idea. but of course, you fail to see that - and fail to see what was being imparted in that would argue that the mistranslations some of you are using in here are also mockery of God. and what of the other scriptures i put up that say it's wrong for you to judge your brothers - lest you think you're worthy of Christ' job. you are one pot of contradiction my friend. it's a slippery slope when you start using scripture to attack someone. especially when violating many tenets of the scripture yourself.[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="blackregiment"]
Sorry, you can call yourself a Chrisitan but what you are esposing is unbiblical and contrary to the Word of God. You are mocking the Lord.You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence for your claims.
Here is what the Bible says about that.
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Jud 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rom 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.blackregiment
You want to discuss Bible version, translation, and Bible manuscripts? I would love to. It is one of my favorite subjects.
You might want to study the doctrine of Biblical judgement. It doesn't appear that you are too well versed on the doctrine. Your attempt to call the refuting of Biblical error, for example of one stating that Christ is a vampire, with Scripture as "attacking" someone is humorous at best.Here is something you might consider that will help you to undersand important doctrines like Biblical judgement.
1Jn 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.Jesus is already the Messiah. And if you wish to follow need to stop following Islam. They are not compatible.LJS9502_basicWhat you believe jesus used to say makes it incompatable but not what I believe.Jesus even foretold the coming of muhammad.
Belieivng jesus to be a God is necessary to be a christian and just following him does not mean that you believe him to be God.
[QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"][QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]Regardless of what they actually believe about him?:?
Technically I am a Christian, I believe The Christ is Savior. It's just, the Christ is actually a vampire, and the Gift of Eternal Life comes from consuming his true blood. Note, at the last supper, Dracula gave them WINE, not his true blood, AND without receiving his bite, drinking his blood would just cause suffering. - However communion is the ritual of receiving the Blood & Essense of the Vampire Master.-
Not all Christians are comfortable with this claim, and that's fine. I understand the Christians who don't share my beliefs, and respect that they are entitled to believe Christ was not a vampire. That's fine :)
Sorry, you can call yourself a Chrisitan but what you are esposing is unbiblical and contrary to the Word of God. You are mocking the Lord.You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence for your claims.
Here is what the Bible says about that.
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.Crush*
Just because some one doesn't follow your own christianity doesn't mean they arn't christian. Catholics are christian no matter what you say, they follow christ and his miracles and are christians. Also elaborate on what you mean by born again, as in baptized? What excatly is born again to you?
You fool, Jesus isn't a vampire; he's a ninja. Not a vampire, or a raptor (you heathens), but a ninja.Video_Game_KingRaptor ninja?
Just because some one doesn't follow your own christianity doesn't mean they arn't christian. Catholics are christian no matter what you say, they follow christ and his miracles and are christians. Also elaborate on what you mean by born again, as in baptized? What excatly is born again to you?
Just because some one doesn't follow your own christianity doesn't mean they arn't christian. Catholics are christian no matter what you say, they follow christ and his miracles and are christians. Also elaborate on what you mean by born again, as in baptized? What excatly is born again to you?
No. Sorry. Jesus did not foretell the coming of Mohammed though I understand Mohammed's motivaton to state such. The NT is the end. There is no following book. Hence the difference between Christian and Muslim. I am in no way telling you that you can't follow the faith of your choice. But Muslim =/= Christian. You are not a follower of a Christian if you are Muslim by definition.:roll:What you believe jesus used to say makes it incompatable but not what I believe.Jesus even foretold the coming of muhammad.
Belieivng jesus to be a God is necessary to be a christian and just following him does not mean that you believe him to be God.
[QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"][QUOTE="Crushmaster"]Isn't it rather petty to suggest that people who follow the same teachings and general moral guidelines are not following Christ simply because they believe that their actions should be Christ-like? I believe in Camilla, I wish to live by her teachings, and emulate her morality, don't you wish to emulate the good deeds of Jesus? Or is your religious belief purely in spirit, and not in behavior? Catholics say it is *both*, that faith alone does not exuse its *proof* - actions speak louder than words, so to speak. - Is that not important to you?
No, I do not mean baptized. At least, not with water, something the Catholics consider salvific.
I am speaking of a spiritual birth - a new birth which occurs which someone accepts Christ as their Savior and repents of their sins, and trusts in the Savior, Christ, to save them. The Bible is clear that salvation is by grace, through faith, and not of works.
The Catholicism way of salvation is a way of works.
Thus, they are not Christians.Crushmaster
Just because some one doesn't follow your own christianity doesn't mean they arn't christian. Catholics are christian no matter what you say, they follow christ and his miracles and are christians. Also elaborate on what you mean by born again, as in baptized? What excatly is born again to you?
[QUOTE="Crushmaster"][QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"] Isn't it rather petty to suggest that people who follow the same teachings and general moral guidelines are not following Christ simply because they believe that their actions should be Christ-like? I believe in Camilla, I wish to live by her teachings, and emulate her morality, don't you wish to emulate the good deeds of Jesus? Or is your religious belief purely in spirit, and not in behavior? Catholics say it is *both*, that faith alone does not exuse its *proof* - actions speak louder than words, so to speak. - Is that not important to you?Mister_Mushroom
[QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"][QUOTE="Crushmaster"]I believe the parts of the bible referring to being "born again" refer to the process of becoming a vampire, being "born again" as a revenant, after consuming the blood of a master vampire. But, you wouldn't consider me a Christian, even though I know the bible was written by Dracula, and I personally have met Dracula and could one day consume his blood and be "born again" (both in spirit and flesh). You would consider me a blasphemer EVEN if that was the original intent of the work. - So in reality, aren't you also interpretting the bible to fit your own personal beliefs, therefore *altering it* from the Word of God? And if you're doing that, if it's okay for you to have your *personal view of Christ*, why can others, such as the Catholics, not have their own personal view of Christ, and what "being a Christian" means?
I have already stated that you cannot be a follower of Christ unless you have been born again. Born again means you are born into the Kingdom of God, and are thus a Christian.
No, my beliefs are not merely in spirit. All I am saying is the Bible makes it clear salvations does not come by works - it comes by being born again. How is one born again? Look at the post you just quoted.Crushmaster
Just because some one doesn't follow your own christianity doesn't mean they arn't christian. Catholics are christian no matter what you say, they follow christ and his miracles and are christians. Also elaborate on what you mean by born again, as in baptized? What excatly is born again to you?
looks like some Christians forgot the whole 'judge not', or 'let thee without sin cast the first stone', etc. lmao.3picuri3
And it says that salvation does not come by works, and salvation is what makes one a Christian - or, being born again.:lol: So your sect has all the answers? I think not. And again stop spreading untruths about Catholics. And since you are fond of quoting scripture.....peruse the scripture telling us NOT to judge others. And for only those without sin to cast the first stone.. ...cherry pick scripture all you want....but you are NOT doing Jesus work by condemning His people.
If Catholics are trusting in works, which virtually all of them are, they have not been born again, and will spend eternity in a devil's hell.
The Bible is clear on this.Crushmaster
[QUOTE="Crushmaster"] And it says that salvation does not come by works, and salvation is what makes one a Christian - or, being born again.:lol: So your sect has all the answers? I think not. And again stop spreading untruths about Catholics. And since you are fond of quoting scripture.....peruse the scripture telling us NOT to judge others. And for only those without sin to cast the first stone.. ...cherry pick scripture all you want....but you are NOT doing Jesus work by condemning His people.
If Catholics are trusting in works, which virtually all of them are, they have not been born again, and will spend eternity in a devil's hell.
The Bible is clear on this.LJS9502_basic
[QUOTE="3picuri3"]looks like some Christians forgot the whole 'judge not', or 'let thee without sin cast the first stone', etc. lmao.Crushmaster
[QUOTE="Crushmaster"] And it says that salvation does not come by works, and salvation is what makes one a Christian - or, being born again.:lol: So your sect has all the answers? I think not. And again stop spreading untruths about Catholics. And since you are fond of quoting scripture.....peruse the scripture telling us NOT to judge others. And for only those without sin to cast the first stone.. ...cherry pick scripture all you want....but you are NOT doing Jesus work by condemning His people. I have an interesting question: aren't you judging me by saying that I'm judging?
If Catholics are trusting in works, which virtually all of them are, they have not been born again, and will spend eternity in a devil's hell.
The Bible is clear on this.LJS9502_basic
[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]No. Sorry. Jesus did not foretell the coming of Mohammed though I understand Mohammed's motivaton to state such. The NT is the end. There is no following book. Hence the difference between Christian and Muslim. I am in no way telling you that you can't follow the faith of your choice. But Muslim =/= Christian. You are not a follower of a Christian if you are Muslim by definition.:roll: Quran says so actually(ya I know you believe quran to be muhammad's word as well but just letting you know).And jews also dont believe that moses foretold the coming of jesus so it's a cycle repeating again.;)What you believe jesus used to say makes it incompatable but not what I believe.Jesus even foretold the coming of muhammad.
Belieivng jesus to be a God is necessary to be a christian and just following him does not mean that you believe him to be God.
And for the last time,you DONT decide the meaning of "follower of christ".Your statement was obviously not correct so please give it up now.
For one, the whole "judge not, lest ye be judged" thing is absurd. You should look at the next verse.Actions like this are what turn people off of God and religion. You have been fed what your particular sect believes....have done no unbiased study on your own and think you are doing God's will by criticizing and judging other Christians. You are NOT God.
And am I "casting stones", as you said, by telling people what the Bible says?
Furthermore, Catholics are not God's People.Crushmaster
[QUOTE="Crushmaster"] For one, the whole "judge not, lest ye be judged" thing is absurd. You should look at the next verse.Actions like this are what turn people off of God and religion. You have been fed what your particular sect believes....have done no unbiased study on your own and think you are doing God's will by criticizing and judging other Christians. You are NOT God. I do not claim to be. Also, would you mind enlightening me on Catholics?
And am I "casting stones", as you said, by telling people what the Bible says?
Furthermore, Catholics are not God's People.LJS9502_basic
Quran says so actually(ya I know you believe quran to be muhammad's word as well but just letting you know).And jews also dont believe that moses foretold the coming of jesus so it's a cycle repeating again.;)Yes the Quran is Mohammed's word. No one said Moses foretold Jesus. A follower of Christ is one who believes He was God and lives life as closely to His way as possible. Just because He is mentioned by Mohammed does not mean a Muslim follows Christ.:lol:And for the last time,you DONT decide the meaning of "follower of christ".Your statement was obviously not correct so please give it up now.
I have an interesting question: aren't you judging me by saying that I'm judging?CrushmasterDo you understand judging? Calling you out on your actions is not judging.:roll:
You say you are a Christian...and, yet, the beliefs you (supposedly) hold are completely contrary to the Word of God. Jesus Christ was not a "vampire" or, the fictional book character Dracula. To say so is outright blasphemy, and, not to mention, completely absurd, considering vampires do not even exist. Vampires and Dracula are things based off of legends and books.CrushmasterAnd jesus isn't?
[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"] Quran says so actually(ya I know you believe quran to be muhammad's word as well but just letting you know).And jews also dont believe that moses foretold the coming of jesus so it's a cycle repeating again.;)Yes the Quran is Mohammed's word. No one said Moses foretold Jesus. A follower of Christ is one who believes He was God and lives life as closely to His way as possible. Just because He is mentioned by Mohammed does not mean a Muslim follows Christ.:lol:I don't agree with that. You don't have to believe that Jesus is God to follow him. Just take in his message. On topic, if you think about it, Jesus was a vampire, sort of. He rose from the dead and told people to eat his flesh and blood (or sumn along those lines).And for the last time,you DONT decide the meaning of "follower of christ".Your statement was obviously not correct so please give it up now.
No. Sorry. Jesus did not foretell the coming of Mohammed though I understand Mohammed's motivaton to state such. The NT is the end. There is no following book. Hence the difference between Christian and Muslim. I am in no way telling you that you can't follow the faith of your choice. But Muslim =/= Christian. You are not a follower of a Christian if you are Muslim by definition.:roll: Quran says so actually(ya I know you believe quran to be muhammad's word as well but just letting you know).And jews also dont believe that moses foretold the coming of jesus so it's a cycle repeating again.;)
According to my religion, Catholicism is the *chosen* branch of Christianity, and as it was founded by Jesus' apostles, well, y'know, they may know a thing or two about what they're talking about ;) I think it's a damn shame to say someone is "going to hell" for believing that people should try and be Christ-like. Crushmaster, you're saying that people who wish to be like Christ in their behavior, people who want to do good deeds, and be moral people, are going to go to hell, simply because they do not believe in the tenet of "faith alone"? That is silly - for example, Dracula does not care if you call him by his real name, he does not even want you to know his real name, he just cares about your *behavior*. - Do you really think God will punish good people, who are trying to be christ-like, simply because they do not share your particular *spiritual belief system*? [QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"]What you believe jesus used to say makes it incompatable but not what I believe.Jesus even foretold the coming of muhammad.
Belieivng jesus to be a God is necessary to be a christian and just following him does not mean that you believe him to be God.
And for the last time,you DONT decide the meaning of "follower of christ".Your statement was obviously not correct so please give it up now.
I am not an expert on Islam, but don't Muslims feel that while Jesus was a prophet, he was not God? I personally am more comfortable with that. I mean, I know Christianity isn't 100% correct (seeing as it was written by vampires ) but it strikes me as odd to say that a human is God.[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"] Quran says so actually(ya I know you believe quran to be muhammad's word as well but just letting you know).And jews also dont believe that moses foretold the coming of jesus so it's a cycle repeating again.;)Yes the Quran is Mohammed's word. No one said Moses foretold Jesus. A follower of Christ is one who believes He was God and lives life as closely to His way as possible. Just because He is mentioned by Mohammed does not mean a Muslim follows Christ.:lol:You do realise that except a couple of sects,the whole muslim world believes that jesus never died and will come back before the day of judgement?And for the last time,you DONT decide the meaning of "follower of christ".Your statement was obviously not correct so please give it up now.
So if they are waiting for him than how are they not following him?:lol:
You do realise that except a couple of sects,the whole muslim world believes that jesus never died and will come back before the day of judgement?If they were following Him they'd be Christian...not Muslim. It's all in the details dude.;)So if they are waiting for him than how are they not following him?:lol:
I am not an expert on Islam, but don't Muslims feel that while Jesus was a prophet, he was not God? I personally am more comfortable with that. I mean, I know Christianity isn't 100% correct (seeing as it was written by vampires ) but it strikes me as odd to say that a human is God.Mister_MushroomYes that's what muslims believe.
[QUOTE="Mister_Mushroom"]I am not an expert on Islam, but don't Muslims feel that while Jesus was a prophet, he was not God? I personally am more comfortable with that. I mean, I know Christianity isn't 100% correct (seeing as it was written by vampires ) but it strikes me as odd to say that a human is God.Thinker_rebornYes that's what muslims believe. So, to Islam, is Jesus kind of like Moses is to Jewish people? A prophet who shared some important moral ideas, but was inspired by, rather than actually, God?
[QUOTE="Thinker_reborn"] You do realise that except a couple of sects,the whole muslim world believes that jesus never died and will come back before the day of judgement?If they were following Him they'd be Christian...not Muslim. It's all in the details dude.;)Well not going to argue on that.My only point was that in your statement you should have added something like "followers of chirst who __________".So if they are waiting for him than how are they not following him?:lol:
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